Janet Jackson facts
While investigating facts about Janet Jackson Son and Janet Jackson Songs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After Janet Jackson's incident at the Super Bowl halftime show, Viacom retaliated by keeping her music off their properties including MTV, VH1, and radio stations. They also rescinded her invitation to the Grammys. Justin Timberlake was still allowed to go and actually picked up some awards.
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In the 1980s Janet Jackson was criticized for not writing her own music and being dependent on producers. In response, she wrote and co-produced every song on her following album, which ended up being her best-selling album ever.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's janet jackson worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Janet Jackson Super Bowl and Janet Jackson Tour I managed to collect.
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Jawed Karim created Youtube because he couldn't find video of Janet Jackson's boob after the Superbowl "nipplegate" controversy.
Satirical news site 'The Onion' was almost "...Sued out of existence" in 1996 by Janet Jackson. The article that prompted the lawsuit? "Dying Boy Gets Wish: To Pork Janet Jackson."
While filming "Poetic Justice" Janet Jackson refused to kiss Tupac Shakur unless he had an "AIDS test done first." He declined.
The Onion was nearly sued out of existence by Janet Jackson for running an article titled "Dying Boy Gets Wish: To Pork Janet Jackson"
After Nipplegate, Janet Jackson was blacklisted from Viacom's properties, including VH1/MTV/CBS/Clear Channel Radio stations, uninvited from the Grammys, lost acting gigs, and had a statue of Mickey wearing her Rhythm Nation outfit taken down at Disney World
In 1993 Jennifer left In Living Color to pursue acting. She backed out of being a dancer on Janet Jackson's tour in 1993 to follow her own dreams instead.
The most re-watched moment in TiVo history was Janet Jackson showing her boob during the halftime show of the 2004 Superbowl
The last time the Houston Astro dome hosted the Super Bowl in 2003, was vaunted as the "Greatest Super Bowl of all Time" It's also when Janet Jackson had her live "nipslip" performing w/Justin Timberlake. A guy frustrated trying to find clip the next day had a decent idea and created YouTube.
Janet Jackson's infamous Super Bowl halftime show wardrobe malfunction inspired the creation of YouTube.
Janet Jackson data charts
For your convenience take a look at Janet Jackson figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Maya Angelou, while on set, saw a young man cursing and went to talk to him. Her words were so powerful that it lead the man to tears. As she was walking back to her trailer, Janet Jackson said "Dr.Angelou I don't believe you actually spoke to Tupac Shakur"
Tupac was forced to take an HIV test before filming a love scene with Janet Jackson in the movie Poetic Justice.
Michael and Janet Jacksons video for "Scream" (1995) still holds the record for most expensive music video ever produced. - source
Janet Jackson's 2004 SuperBowl wardrobe malfunction inspired the creators of YouTube to develop a website for video sharing.
When Jawed Karim failed in an internet hunt for Janet Jackson’s infamous Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction it gave him the idea of a video sharing website that became YouTube - source
When janet jackson was born?
Janet Jackson was banned from Viacom/CBS for Nipplegate -- Justin Timberlake was not.
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Janet Jackson outranks Michael Jackson by one slot on the Billboard Top 100 Artists in history. Madonna outranks both of them, landing at #2.
The 2004 Superbowl halftime "controversy" caused Janet Jackson to be blacklisted by some of the biggest radio stations and music channels worldwide for years afterward, among many other actions against her.
YouTube was created because the founders found it too difficult to find the video of Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" online!
The Family Guy episode 'PTV' where Peter and the gang take on the FCC was a direct response to the FCC's overreaction to the Janet Jackson Super Bowl half time slip-up. The episode was widely criticized by parental TV watchdog organizations, lending credence to MacFarlane's stance.
Jawed Karim, co-founder of Youtube, directly references Janet Jackson's "nipplegate" scandal as the inspiration for the social media site.