Music Video facts
While investigating facts about Music Videos 2019 and Music Video Download, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Michael Jackson was a huge fan of Weird Al Yankovich. The pop star eagerly let Al do parodies of 'Beat It' and 'Bad,' and actually let him use the subway set of 'Bad' to film a music video for 'Fat.' Michael Jackson also did his best to convince other artist to let Al parody them.
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Weird Al' Yankovic recorded a parody of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," entitled "Perform This Way," and all of the proceeds from the parody and its music video were donated to the Human Rights Campaign, to support the human rights themes of the original song.
What music video has the most views on youtube?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what music video on youtube's most watched. Here are 50 of the best facts about Music Video Maker and Music Videos Youtube I managed to collect.
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The American version of the music video for Soul Asylum's "Runaway Train" features 36 images of missing children. The music video helped resolve 26 of those cases.
Americans spend on lottery more than they spend on books, video games, sports tickets, movies and music - combined.
"Weird Al" Yankovic said that Donny Osmond was the "whitest guy I could think of" to appear in his music video for 'White & Nerdy' in which Osmond danced for the full 3 minutes of the song in one take.
Daler Mehndi was told his music was only popular because his videos featured beautiful women dancing, so he released a music video featuring only himself. This video, "Tunak Tunak Tun", has more than double the views of any of his other videos on youtube (88M as of today).
When Daler Mehndi was criticized for using beautiful women to make his music popular, he made a video featuring only himself. It rose to become a hit in India and an internet meme.
Adam Jones, the guitarist of the rock band TOOL, also worked on makeup and set design for Hollywood blockbuster films such as Jurassic Park, Terminator 2 and Ghostbusters II, and used his background in film to create TOOL's "unique" stop-motion music videos.
Soul Asylum’s 1994 music video for "Runaway Train" helped find 25 of the 36 missing children featured in the music video.
The Super Bowl has required national anthem vocals to be pre-recorded since 1993 when Garth Brooks declined to pre-record and then refused to sing live until a dispute over debuting a music video during the game could be settled, resulting in a delayed kickoff.
For Queen's "Bicycle Race" music video, the band rented several bikes which naked models raced at Wimbledon Stadium. When the renting company found out how the bikes were used, it forced the band to purchase all the seats.
Music Video data charts
For your convenience take a look at Music Video figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why music videos are weird?
You can easily fact check why music video lyrics by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Michael Jackson's music video for 'Beat It' he cast 80 members of the feuding gangs, Bloods and Crips, in an attempt to foster peace between them
Celebrity chef Alton Brown worked as a cinematographer and video director before he became a food star. He was director of photography for R.E.M.'s music video "The One I Love" and spent all of his time between takes on the set watching cooking shows, feeling that he could do a better job. - source
David Bowie holds the world record for number of music video plays over a 24-hour period with 51 million plays, occurring January 11th, 2016, the day after his death. - source
Daredevil Evil Knievel sued Kanye West over the Touch the Sky music video where West dresses like Knievel. Knievel was quoted saying "That video that Kanye West put out is the most worthless piece of crap I've ever seen in my life"
I Want to Break Free" wasn't popular in the United States, despite the song being a chart-topper worldwide. The reason the song wasn't popular in America was because MTV wouldn't air the music video due to the members of Queen cross-dressing as female characters from a British soap opera. - source
When music videos?
Filming for Rage Against The Machine's "Sleep Now In The Fire" music video forced the New York Stock Exchange to shut its gates after band members attempted to rush the floor. "For a few minutes, Rage Against the Machine was able to shut down American capitalism," said the music video director.
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Kanye West commissioned Zach Galifianakis to make an alternate music video of "Can't Tell Me Nothing" on a whim based on a connection through a personal trainer; the video is Zach riding farm equipment and lip synching.
Nirvana purposely hired a bad video director, Sam Bayer, so that the music video for Smells Like Teen Spirit would turn out to be rough and 'not corporate' like. But the video was so well received that it gave the band, along with MTV, major corporate success.
The first rap song to top #1 on the Billboard charts was Blondie's "Rapture", sung by Debbie Harry, a white female. It was also the first rap music video to appear on MTV.
The term "Easter Egg" (referring to hidden secrets in movies, music, or video games) probably comes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. While filming, the cast had an Easter egg hunt and apparently didn't find a few of them, which found there way into shots used in the final film.
Americans Spend More On Lottery Tickets Than On Movies, Video Games, Music, Sports Tix And Books Combined