Kanye West facts
While investigating facts about Kanye West Net Worth and Kanye West Jesus Is King, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Kanye West once refused to continue performing because two members of the audience wouldn’t rise to their feet. Both fans had disabilities that made it impossible to stand.
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In 2013 Kanye West's "Yeezus" was voted both "Most Overrated Album" and "Most Underrated Album" by Pitchfork readers.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's kanye west's instagram. Here are 50 of the best facts about Kanye West Sunday Service and Kanye West Instagram I managed to collect.
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After Kanye West's mother's death due to heart problems resulting from her cosmetic surgery, Governor Schwarzenegger signed the "Donda West Law" legislation making it mandatory to prove well being prior to undergoing cosmetic surgery.
In 2010, the Kanye West Foundation received $572,383 but didn't spend a single penny on charitable causes. In all 4 years it ran, the KWF only gave $7,695 in actual grants and donations (0.56% of it's expenses).
During a 2014 concert, Kanye West halted the performance of "Good Life," due to not the entire audience standing. The person he signaled out, was in a wheelchair
Kanye West first started making beats when trying to make a Mario style game about a giant penis
Daredevil Evil Knievel sued Kanye West over the Touch the Sky music video where West dresses like Knievel. Knievel was quoted saying "That video that Kanye West put out is the most worthless piece of crap I've ever seen in my life"
Over 133,000 people signed a petition stating they would prefer a different artist to headline instead of Kanye West at the Glastonbury Music Festival 2015
The Beatles have sold more records than Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, Nirvana, the Beach Boys AND Kanye West COMBINED by over 30 million units
There was a popular Bitcoin alternative named Coinye West, until Kanye West sued for copyright infringement. In response, the company removed all direct references to West and replaced him with "an unnamed half-man half-fish hybrid."
Kanye West commissioned Zach Galifianakis to make an alternate music video of "Can't Tell Me Nothing" on a whim based on a connection through a personal trainer; the video is Zach riding farm equipment and lip synching.
Kanye West once ordered a curry to be delivered from London, UK to NYC, at a price of $3900
Kanye West data charts
For your convenience take a look at Kanye West figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check kanye west jesus is king why by examining the linked well-known sources.
Kanye West hasn't had a #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 in 9 years
Kanye West sampled a song by Aphex Twin, tried to avoid paying for it and claim he had written it, and when Aphex offered to redo the sample for him, the response was, "It's not yours, it's ours, and we're not even asking you anymore." - source
Kanye West once got arrested for breaking a paparazzi camera, and used his one phone call to order Chinese takeout. - source
That, following Kanye West's infamous interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV VMA's, Comedy Central aired the South Park episode "Fishsticks", which prominently lampoons West's ego problems, four times back-to-back.
After Kanye West's mother had died of heart disease while suffering "multiple post-operative factors" after plastic surgery, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the "Donda West Law," making it mandatory for patients to provide medical clearance for elective cosmetic surgery. - source
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The singer Drake's nickname among his fans in China is "gōng yā", literally "male duck", while Kanye West's nickname in China is "kǎn yé", which in Beijing dialect means "someone who brags a lot with no actions to follow it up"
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On September 15, 2009, Comedy Central re-broadcasted South Park's 'Fishsticks' episode for two straight hours following the press attention towards Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
If you type www.loser.com in the web address bar, it will redirect you to Kanye West's Wikipedia page.
Kanye West liked the score for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind so much that he hired Jon Brion to produce and write Late Registration with him -- even though Brion had no hip-hop experience.
After Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift at the VMAs, Comedy Central played South Park's "Fishsticks" episode four times back-to-back
Pranksters sent Kanye West and Justin Bieber 5,000 bags of gummy dicks for April Fools last year
Kanye west infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Kanye West numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Kanye West Performs on 51.12% of All His Beats Officially Released + His Output Pre-College Dropout Vs. Post-College Dropout