Personality Traits facts
While investigating facts about Personality Traits Test and Personality Traits Dnd, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Only some people can physical chills from listening to music, and those people generally have the personality trait of being 'open to experience'
how personality traits are inherited?
The research behind "Type A and Type B personality traits" was secretly funded by cigarette companies in the 1960's to suggest that smoking cigarettes didn't cause cancer and heart disease, being Type A did.
What personality traits are genetic?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what personality traits do i have. Here are 33 of the best facts about Personality Traits Of A Cancer and Personality Traits Of A Scorpio I managed to collect.
what personality traits do teachers need to be successful?
10-20% of Americans and a higher percent of Europeans are infected with a brain parasite from cats that makes them 2.5 times more likely to get in a car accident, changes personality traits, contributes to schizophrenia, and may cause sexual attraction to cat urine.
Psychologists recognise "the need for drama" (NFD) as a personality trait. High NFD individuals agree with statements like, "Sometimes it’s fun to get people riled up”.
To unintentionally mimic the accent of someone they are talking to, if they have a different accent, is a normal human trait. Psychologists believe it comes from an inbuilt urge to empathise and affiliate with the person you are talking to.
American Eskimo dog comes in three sizes: toy, miniature and standard. All three types have the same personality and morphological traits.
Until the late 1960s, ‘gender’ was used solely to refer to masculine and feminine words, like le and la in French. In 1968 the psychologist Robert Stoller began using the terms ‘sex’ for biological traits and ‘gender’ to pick out the amount of femininity and masculinity a person exhibited.
"talkaholism" or compulsive talking, a personality trait which describes people who can't stop talking. People who are talkaholics are aware of the amount of talking they do, but are unable to stop, and also don't see it as a problem.
Unlike in pure breeds of dogs, characteristics (personal and morphological traits) of Labradoodle are still unpredictable and non-standardized. Type of coat and personality of Labradoodle differ from dog to dog. Labradoodle can be smart, reserved and quiet as poodle, or noisy and immature like Labrador.
The Psychopathic Personality Inventory is a personality test for eight traits associated with psychopathy in adults: Machiavellian Egocentricity, Social Potency, Coldheartedness, Carefree Nonplanfulness, Fearlessness, Blame Externalization, Impulsive Nonconformity, and Stress Immunity.
In 1938 Reagan tried to join Communist Party in California, but was rejected due to personal traits, including patriotism
Fantasy prone personality is a disposition or personality trait in which a person experiences a lifelong extensive and deep involvement in fantasy. An individual with this trait (termed a fantasizer) may have difficulty differentiating between fantasy and reality.
Personality Traits data charts
For your convenience take a look at Personality Traits figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why big five personality traits?
You can easily fact check why are the personality traits by examining the linked well-known sources.
A study found that comedians are more inclined to have high levels of psychotic personality traits, although these traits can represent healthy equivalents of features such as moodiness, social introversion and the tendency to lateral thinking.
How/when people use function words (articles, pronouns, conjunctions, etc.) can demonstrate their personality traits and emotional states even more than content words (nouns, verbs, etc.) - source
Pathological Lying is one of 20 personality traits in the Psychopathy Checklist developed by Canadian psychologist Robert D. Hare in the 1970s. - source
In 1854, the U.S.A.'s deaf person average was one in 5,728 people, while on Martha's Vineyard it was one in 155, with Chilmark having one in 25. This hereditary trait lead to the development of their own sign language - MVSL.
The Dark Triad. A collection of personality traits which include narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy - source
When studying personality traits someone who is calm?
A ten year old girl with fair hair, in 5th grade and owner of a three year old black lab, guinea pig and a rabbit, named Laura Buxton released a balloon with a note on it. The person who found it, 140 miles away, shared every single trait.
How personality traits are?
People who stay up late at night are more likely to display anti-social personality traits such as narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathic tendencies
Machiavellianism in psychology refers to a personality trait which sees a person so focused on their own interests they will manipulate, deceive, and exploit others to achieve their goals.
Studies Show Two Personality Traits of Women Determine How Frequently Couples Have Sex: Openness & Agreeableness
The ratio of your ring finger to your pointer finger is an indicator of how much testosterone you received in utero, which can in turn influence personality traits and even sexual orientation.
"Napoleon Complex" is considered a derogatory stereotype, with research showing no link between height and personality traits. Napoleon was also of average height at 5'6"