Iphone Android facts
While investigating facts about I Phone Android and Is Jio Phone Android, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Brazilian electronics company is legally allowed to call their phone 'iPhone' because they trademarked the word in 2000, 7 years prior to Apple's iPhone. The phone runs on Android.
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IPhone users tend to be extroverted, and show lower levels of honesty and agreeability than Android users. They are also more likely to view their smartphone as a status symbol.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the difference between android and iphone. Here are 25 of the best facts about Is My Phone Android and Is Mi Phone Android I managed to collect.
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OkCupid found women using iPhones averaged twice as many sexual partners as those using android devices.
Google Maps calculates their traffic by having all iPhones that have Google Maps open and Android phones that have location services turned on send anonymous bits of data back to Google
Android controls almost 80% of the world smartphone market, and is poised to control even more. It has big competition from iPhone in only a few wealthy countries.
"in comparison to Android users... iPhone owners are more likely to be female, younger, and increasingly concerned about their smartphone being viewed as a status object" and display "lower levels of Honesty–Humility and higher levels of emotionality."
The Brazilian electronics company, "Gradiente" is legally allowed to sell their ‘iPhone’ because they trademarked it back in 2000. The phone uses an Android operating system.
If you fully drained and recharged your iPhone or Android cell phone every day, you would only use 2kWh of electricity a year (~24¢ per year)
According to OkCupid, by age 30 the average iPhone user will have about 10 to 12 sexual partners... while the average Android user will have about 6
52% of adults with an iPhone think that their life revolves around their device while 43% of Android users feel the same way about their device.
It has been determined that users of iPhones are more loyal in their phone purchases than Android users.
Closing unused apps on your iPhone or Android doesn’t save battery life, infact, it uses it.
Iphone Android data charts
For your convenience take a look at Iphone Android figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why won't my iphone send pictures to android by examining the linked well-known sources.
On January 9th, 2007 when Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone model; Google’s Android team, which had been secretly working on a smartphone for two years, were forced to start all over again.
PCMasterRace, Console Wars and Android vs iPhone are examples of Social Identity Theory - source
Apple did not invent Siri. It was developed as a standalone app by a separate company that intended to also release it for Android and Blackberry. Apple bought Siri two months after the app was launched, and included it on the iPhone 4S. - source
In case of an emergency you have a built in feature on Iphone and Android to contact emergency services by rapidly pressing the power button 5 times for iphone and 3 for android.
Slow Wifi Solution , 100% Fixed , For windows , Android ,MAC , Iphone - source
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An Android phone is 15 seconds faster than a an iPhone.
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Iphones segregate iphone users from android users in text messaging via bubble color.
There is a new way to get paid simply using your smartphone.What you need is an android phone or Iphone.
'Sea Hero Quest', a free game app for Android and iPhone, that helps scientists fight the illness dementia, which so far is incurable and affects over 45 million people worldwide
People who have Androids are more honest and trustworthy than iPhone owners.
Android was originally developed for phones with physical keyboards. Touchscreen support was only added to the feature list after Apple had released the iPhone, and the original version's documentation had a disclaimer that "a touchscreen cannot completely replace physical buttons".
Iphone android infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Iphone Android numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.