Android Phone facts
While investigating facts about Android Phones and Android Phone Find, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Brazilian electronics company is legally allowed to call their phone 'iPhone' because they trademarked the word in 2000, 7 years prior to Apple's iPhone. The phone runs on Android.
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Microsoft was making $5-15 on every Android phone sold because of patents, peaking at $2bil in 2013
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what android phone is best for gaming. Here are 50 of the best facts about Android Phone Reset and Android Phones Cheap I managed to collect.
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Google Maps calculates their traffic by having all iPhones that have Google Maps open and Android phones that have location services turned on send anonymous bits of data back to Google
Siri was supposed to be for Android and BlackBerry phones before Siri, Inc. was bought by Apple back in April of 2010
In 2009, Disney-owned Lucasfilm successfully sued Verizon Wireless over their line of Android phones named “DROID” as "droid" is a registered trademark of LucasFilm. Since the Steve Jobs Trust is one of Disney's largest shareholders, Jobs' estate makes money when a DROID is sold.
The first Android phone ever released did not have a 3.5mm headphone jack. That was back in 2008.
The Brazilian electronics company, "Gradiente" is legally allowed to sell their ‘iPhone’ because they trademarked it back in 2000. The phone uses an Android operating system.
Microsoft makes much more money from Android than Windows Phone, which is at least $2 billion per year, as it claims to hold software patents that Android infringes on. Android device manufacturers pay $5 to $15 for each device sold.
The speed of Android phones moving on the road is what Google uses to calculate the traffic on Google Maps.
If you fully drained and recharged your iPhone or Android cell phone every day, you would only use 2kWh of electricity a year (~24¢ per year)
Researchers in Germany have developed a way to extract Android encryption keys literally by freezing the phone, providing full access
It has been determined that users of iPhones are more loyal in their phone purchases than Android users.
Android Phone data charts
For your convenience take a look at Android Phone figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why android phone slow by examining the linked well-known sources.
Microsoft makes more money from Samsung over Android patents than from Skype, Windows Phone, and Xbox combined
The very first Android phone from 2008 had no headphone jack and required an adapter (which wasn't included) - source
If you have an Android phone, it already knows the gravitational constant of the Death Star. - source
Double tapping on the app switcher button on newer Android phones lets you switch between your last used app and your current one.
In 2011 Apple Inc. was the first to location track it's smartphone using customers, by uploading a secret file to the host computer. No such tracking existed on Android phones. - source
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According to German researchers, Android apps using Silverpush software, downloaded by millions, are always on the look out for clandestine ultrasonic broadcasts which order them to begin snooping on phone users. Some retailers in Europe were found to be broadcasting such signals.
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Frozen Android Phones Give Up All Your Data Secrets
How to Transfer files from your Android phone to your PC / Mac computer | using FTP | No Data Cable
Rooting an Android phone will unlock Extra features of Phone. So, you should learn how to Root an android phone.
Rounded corners and hiding the nav bar looks sick on any AMOLED Android phone
An Android phone is 15 seconds faster than a an iPhone.