Text Messages facts
While investigating facts about Text Messages To Get Her In The Mood and Text Messages Deleted, I found out little known, but curios details like:
An ad had children looking at the ad see a photo of an abused boy, a help hotline and the message “if somebody hurts you, phone us and we’ll help you” while adults can only see an unbruised photo of the boy with the text “Sometimes child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it.”
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The first SMS text message ever sent was on December 3, 1992. It was sent by a 22 year old test engineer from his computer to a phone. The message simply read "Merry Christmas".
What's text messages?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering can you see what text messages on verizon. Here are 50 of the best facts about Text Messages Funny and Text Messages For New Year I managed to collect.
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A UFC fan happened to get fighter Rory MacDonald's old cell phone number and was selecting Rory's walk out music via text messages without Rory or the UFC finding out for years.
Blood donors in Sweden are sent a text message every time their blood is used to save a life.
A company was fined 1,190,000 Euros for text message scams and was caught 2 years later doing the same thing.
Death Bear, a person in a seven-foot-tall bear costume who could be summoned via text message to visit New York homes to collect and remove painful reminders of breakups
A Russian suicide bomber received an unexpected text message from her wireless carrier which triggered her belt bomb and killed her instantly.
In Canada, text messages to landlines are converted into voice messages, so friends or family members who don't have a mobile phone can listen on a landline. English and French supported.
Robert Rodriguez started receiving phone calls at random hours of the day from Danny Trejo, trying to convince him to make the Machete film. Robert asked why Danny can't just send a text message instead of constantly calling, to which Trejo replied: "Machete don't text."
In Australia you can be charged with supplying drugs based purely on text messages. No need for the police to see drugs / money change hands or find drugs on either person.
555 is how Thais laugh via text message as "5" is pronounced "hâa" in Thai, and also how Chinese cry via text as "5" is pronounced "wu".
That, on a pay-per-text plan, phone companies markup text messages by as much as 6,500% over their cost
Text Messages data charts
For your convenience take a look at Text Messages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why text messages not sending by examining the linked well-known sources.
Between 2007 and 2010, when driving around, Google's Street View cars hijacked peoples personal wireless signals, collecting emails, text messages, internet browsing histories and other personal information, in the US, UK, France and the Netherlands.
Pakistan once tried to ban the words mango, lavender, athlete's foot, Wuutang and pud (among others) from being sent via text message due to "obscenity" - source
The first text message ever sent was: "Merry Christmas" in 1992 - source
Blood donors in Sweden get a text message whenever their blood saves someone's life. With blood donation rates in decline all over the developed world, Sweden's blood service is enlisting new technology to help push back against shortages.
In Prague there is an automated statue of two bronze men urinating who spell out text messages with their ‘pee’ and anyone in the world can text them. - source
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The Shazam app started off as a dial in service where customers dialed from their mobile phone to get music recognised. The phone would automatically hang up after 30 seconds. A result was then sent to the user in the form of a text message containing the song title and artist name.
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Before the smartphone app, Shazam was a call service that let users dial 2580 to send 30 seconds of a song over the phone, and receive the name of the song via text message. The number still works today.
A suicide bombers plan to blow herself up on New Year’s Eve was thwarted by a spam “Happy New Year” text message from her cell phone provider which prematurely detonated her explosive in her safe house.
The first text message ever said "Merry Christmas", and had to be typed from a PC as cell phones didn't allow text entry
The President of the USA can text message every cell phone in the country anytime he'd like
The US was slow to catch on to using text messages, mainly because mobile operators there charged more for texts and less for voice calls, and because of the popularity and availability of PC-to-PC instant messaging or IM.
Text messages infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Text Messages numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

2 Years of Text Messages, from first date, to wedding, to birth of daughter