Horror Movie facts
While investigating facts about Horror Movies and Horror Movies 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bambi is listed in the Top 25 Horror Movies of all Time by Time magazine. Bambi, Time states, "has a primal shock that still haunts oldsters who saw it 40, 50, 65 years ago.”
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Horror movie soundtracks sometimes include infrasound, which is sound below the range of human hearing. Even though we can't hear it we can still feel it and infrasound has been shown to induce anxiety, heart palpitations, and shivering.
What horror movies are coming out in 2019?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what horror movies are coming out in 2020. Here are 50 of the best facts about Horror Movies 2018 and Horror Movies 2020 I managed to collect.
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The cannibalism depicted in the 1980 horror movie "Cannibal Holocaust" was so realistic, the director Ruggero Deodato was brought to court and had to prove he didn't actually kill his actors.
To keep the paparazzi away during the filming of Return of the Jedi, George Lucas claimed that he was filming a horror movie called "Blue Harvest"
The term "Easter Egg" (referring to hidden secrets in movies, music, or video games) probably comes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. While filming, the cast had an Easter egg hunt and apparently didn't find a few of them, which found there way into shots used in the final film.
Tim Curry was kicked out of a showing of Rocky Horror for being an imposter. Also, Princess Diana was a big fan of the movie.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is still in limited theatrical release, making it the longest running in movie history.
A lot of that weird creepy music in horror movies is performed on one unique instrument called a waterphone
Infrasound - a low-frequency sound (19Hz and below) that cannot be heard, but literally unsettles human beings. Some horror movie music composers use this sound to make audiences feel dread just before disturbing or scary images appears on the screen.
In "The Shining" director Stanley Kubrick was able to film all of Danny Lloyd's scenes without the six-year-old actor realizing he was in a horror movie.
There is a PG rated horror movie about tomatoes that revolt against humans, and their only weakness is a song known as "Puberty Love"
The Hit 80's song 'Maniac' from the movie 'Flashdance' was originally conceived as a horror theme where the chorus went "He's a maniac, maniac that's for sure. He will kill your cat and nail him to the door".
Horror Movie data charts
For your convenience take a look at Horror Movie figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why horror movies are good?
You can easily fact check why horror movies are the best by examining the linked well-known sources.
Stephen King was terrified as a child when he saw the movie Bambi, calling it the first horror movie he saw.
Mel Brooks produced the 1986 scifi horror The Fly, but left his name off the credits so people wouldn't expect a "Mel Brooks" movie. - source
In 1983, Walt Disney Pictures made a full-fledged horror movie, written by Ray Bradbury. - source
Horror movie soundtracks sometimes include infrasound, which is sound below the range of human hearing. Even though we can't hear it we can still feel it and infrasound has been shown to induce anxiety, heart palpitations, and shivering.
When shown to the citizens of a remote village in the Amazon, none of whom had ever seen a movie before, the 1980 horror film "Cannibal Holocaust" was thought to be a comedy film by the villagers and was "the funniest thing they’d ever seen" - source
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E.T. was originally written as a horror movie in which aliens kill others simply by the touch of a long, bony finger. Spielberg changed his mind and decided to make it a family-friendly film and later repurposed the horror concept for "Poltergiest".
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The 2nd highest grossing movie in Japan in the 1980s after E.T. was a $100,000 film called Cannibal Holocaust, which was so violent the director was arrested & charged with making a snuff movie. Although now viewed as one of the top horror movie of all time, it is still banned in many countries.
China's censorship board has banned all films with a 'supernatural' or 'cult' theme. To get around this problem, all Chinese horror movies (like Die Xian series) now has a "it was just a dream"/"you were just under hypnosis" ending attached after the normal scary stuff.
Steven Spielberg directed a TV horror movie in 1972 called Something Evil - about a family in a Pennsylvania farmhouse inhabited by demons - that has never been released on home video.
Robin Williams was considered for the lead in the horror movie The Shining, but the movie producer Stanley Kubrick cancelled the plan as he deemed him too psychotic for the role.
E.T. was originally a horror movie titled Night Skies, which involved a crew of aliens attacking a family in their home. One of the aliens, who was less evil than the others, made friends with the family's son, and Steven Spielberg eventually dropped the rest of the film to focus on this.
Horror movie infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Horror Movie numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Word cloud of the words used in horror movie descriptions