Quentin Tarantino facts
While investigating facts about Quentin Tarantino Movies and Quentin Tarantino Films, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Resevoir Dogs, Madonna, who is the main topic of the opening conversation, really liked the film, but refuted Quentin Tarantino's interpretation of her song "Like a Virgin". She gave him a copy of her "Erotica" album, signed, "To Quentin. It's not about dick, it's about love. Madonna."
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Quentin Tarantino wants to stop making movies after his 10th film. The Hateful Eight was his 8th film.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is quentin tarantino in once upon a time in hollywood. Here are 50 of the best facts about Quentin Tarantino Wife and Quentin Tarantino New Movie I managed to collect.
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Quentin Tarantino has confirmed that all his films are secretly connected.
An '&' between two writers for a movie (e.g. "Quentin Tarantino & Woody Allen") means the writers worked together on the script as a team, while an 'and' ("Quentin Tarantino and Woody Allen") means they worked on the same script independently.
Throughout each of Quentin Tarantino’s productions, he would have his actors turn to the camera and say “Hello, Sally!” as a nod to Sally Menke, who’d edited every one of his films until she passed away in 2010.
Quentin Tarantino wants to stop making films when he is around 60 years old (he is currently 52) because he doesn't want to "fuck up his filmography with a bunch of old-man stuff."
John Travolta spoke to a recovering heroin addict during his research for Vincent Vega. The addict, a friend of Quentin Tarantino, suggested Travolta get drunk on tequila and lie in a hot pool, as this would be the closest representation of heroin's effects without actually it.
Quentin Tarantino didn't go to film school, and has said "When people ask me if I went to film school, I tell them, 'No, I went to films'."
Quentin Tarantino dropped out of high school at the age of 14 and got a job as an usher at a porn theater after lying about his age. .
In Inglorious Basterds, during the scene where Brad Pitt and his team pose as Italian film makers, the name Eli Roth's character takes: Antonio Margheriti, is actually one of Quentin Tarantino's favourite spaghetti Western director's name.
Quentin Tarantino was offered to direct the American translation of Princess Mononoke, but he recommended Neil Gaiman instead, who accepted
Quentin Tarantino approached Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love to play "Lance" and "Jody" in the movie Pulp Fiction but they declined
Quentin Tarantino data charts
For your convenience take a look at Quentin Tarantino figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is quentin tarantino an auteur by examining the linked well-known sources.
Quentin Tarantino offered to direct 'Casino Royale' with the film set it in the 50's, make it in black and white and retain Pierce Brosnan as Bond
Quentin Tarantino considered 'The Matrix' the second best movie since he started directing, but he considered the sequels so bad that he had to downgrade it. - source
Quentin Tarantino heard the "Woo Hoo" song by the 5, 6, 7, 8s (used in Kill Bill) in a clothing store in Japan and bought the CD from the store's manager - source
Uma Thurman received her role as "The Bride" in Kill Bill as a 30th birthday present from Quentin Tarantino.
After Disney acquired Miramax in 1993, the first film given the green-light was Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction - source
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Samuel L. Jackson’s famous role in Pulp Fiction was written specifically for him, as Quentin Tarantino wanted to work with him after he auditioned for Reservoir Dogs but didn’t get the part.
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Quentin Tarantino was an uncredited writer for It's Pat!, a 1994 SNL comedy that grossed $60,822.
Quentin Tarantino got the inspiration to use manga comics to portray the gruesome violence in Kill Bill from Indian filmmaker Kamal haasan
The samurai scene in Kill Bill where The Bride fights against the Crazy 88 was so bloody that the MPAA wanted director Quentin Tarantino to cut it in order to maintain an R rating. To get around it, he altered the colors in the scene to black and white.
Quentin Tarantino still owns the ‘Pussy Wagon’ from Kill Bill and drives it regularly around Malibu.
Quentin Tarantino is a huge fan of the Half-Life computer game series, and has considered possibilities of directing a movie adaptation.