Horror Film facts
While investigating facts about Horror Films and Horror Films 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During the filming of The Rocky Horror Picture Show the crew held an easter egg hunt on set. Some of the eggs that weren't found can actually be seen in the film. This is suggested as the origin of the term.
how to film a horror movie?
In 1982, in response to critics of his horror writing, Stephen King published a collection of 4 dramatic stories. Three out of the four were adapted into films: Apt Pupil, Stand By Me, and The Shawshank Redemption.
What horror films are coming out in 2019?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what horror films are based on true stories. Here are 50 of the best facts about Horror Films On Netflix and Horror Films 2018 I managed to collect.
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Jordan Peele decided to make "Us" a full-on horror film due to people being generally confused over the genre of "Get Out".
The silent horror film "The Unknown" (1927) was missing for many years in the archives of Cinematheque Francaise because they had hundreds of film cans marked "unknown".
To keep the paparazzi away during the filming of Return of the Jedi, George Lucas claimed that he was filming a horror movie called "Blue Harvest"
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is still in limited theatrical release nearly four decades after its premiere, making it the longest-running theatrical release in film history.
Danny Lloyd, the child actor who played Danny Torrance in The Shining, was closely guarded by Kubrick during filming and didn't know it was a horror film until several years later.
The term "Easter Egg" (referring to hidden secrets in movies, music, or video games) probably comes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. While filming, the cast had an Easter egg hunt and apparently didn't find a few of them, which found there way into shots used in the final film.
The film "Scream" was originally rated 'NC-17' by the MPAA 9 times. To convince them otherwise, Exec. Producer Bob Weinstein explained that the MPAA needed to see Scream more as a comedy than a horror film. This completely changed the MPAA's view, and the film's rating was changed to 'R'.
Heavy metal band Black Sabbath started as a blues band called Earth, but changed their name after seeing the Boris Karloff horror film "Black Sabbath". They liked "that people paid money to be frightened".
The cast of the 1979 science fiction horror film 'Alien' was never told about the chestburster scene in order to capture the authentic fear of the actors
The 1981 Italian horror film 'Nightmare' was so controversial in the UK, the distributor received an 18 month prison sentence for refusing to edit 1 second of violence. The film had already been cut by over 3 minutes.
Horror Film data charts
For your convenience take a look at Horror Film figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why horror films are good?
You can easily fact check why horror films by examining the linked well-known sources.
In "The Shining" director Stanley Kubrick was able to film all of Danny Lloyd's scenes without the six-year-old actor realizing he was in a horror movie.
Take This Lollipop was a 2011 interactive horror short film/Facebook app that requested access to your Facebook account, then used info from that account to fill in details of the film. Its goal was to underscore the dangers inherent in posting too much personal information about oneself online. - source
The Rocky Horror Picture Show has had the longest-running theatrical release in film history (Since 1975) - source
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi was filmed under the title Blue Harvest: Horror Beyond Imagination so it avoided all the publicity and that's also where the Family Guy special got its name from.
The crew of the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station have an annual winter tradition where they watch all three versions of "The Thing", a horror film about an alien lifeform that attacks researchers on an Antarctic base. - source
When was american horror story filmed?
When shown to the citizens of a remote village in the Amazon, none of whom had ever seen a movie before, the 1980 horror film "Cannibal Holocaust" was thought to be a comedy film by the villagers and was "the funniest thing they’d ever seen"
How to film a horror short film?
The Silence of the Lambs is the first (and so far only) Best Picture winner widely considered to be a horror film, and only the third such film to be nominated in the category, after The Exorcist in 1973 and Jaws in 1975.
E.T. was originally written as a horror movie in which aliens kill others simply by the touch of a long, bony finger. Spielberg changed his mind and decided to make it a family-friendly film and later repurposed the horror concept for "Poltergiest".
The 2nd highest grossing movie in Japan in the 1980s after E.T. was a $100,000 film called Cannibal Holocaust, which was so violent the director was arrested & charged with making a snuff movie. Although now viewed as one of the top horror movie of all time, it is still banned in many countries.
The actor playing Danny in The Shining was kept unaware throughout that he was acting in a horror film
Sean Bean has the highest deaths per film (0.32) of any actor, tied with Bela Lugosi, a legendary horror actor. But Kenny from South Park beats them both with a death per episode ratio of 0.38.