Animated Film facts
While investigating facts about Animated Films and Animated Films 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
WALL-E (the Pixar film,) is dedicated to Justin Wright. Justin was 12 when he had a heart transplant and his make-a-wish was to visit Pixar. He survived the transplant and later became an animator at Pixar. He died of a massive heart attack 3 months before its release.
how animated films are made?
After the failure of the 1986 film "Howard the Duck", George Lucas sold some of his assets to recoup the budget, including a computer-animated company to Steve Jobs. That company would go on to become Pixar.
What animated film won an oscar in 2019?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what animated films are coming out in 2019. Here are 50 of the best facts about Animated Films 2018 and Animated Film Crossword Clue I managed to collect.
what animated film introduced the minions?
Alan Tudyk has had a role in every Disney animated film since "Wreck-It Ralph, including the Duke of Weselton in "Frozen", and a character named Duke Weaselton in "Zootopia"
Disney's 1994 film The Lion King was made by their B-team of animators. The company expected Pocahontas to be the bigger hit and had their A-team make that movie.
After TJ Miller got accused of sexual misconduct and called in a fake bomb threat, Dreamworks hired an impersonator to dub over his lines in How To Train Your Dragon 3 to match his performance exactly (it had already been animated) in order to not change the film but still dissociate him from it
Kathryn Beaumont was 13-15 years old when she voiced Alice and Wendy in the original 1950s animated Disney films Alice in Wonderland (1951) and Peter Pan (1953). She returned 50 years later to voice the same characters in 2002 for KingdomHearts at the age of 64.
Charlie (Peter Ostrum) from the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was offered a three-picture deal after filming, he declined the offer and bought a horse with his earnings from CATCF which spawned a love for animals, he decided not to pursue acting and he became a vet
Lots-o'-Huggin bear from Toy Story 3 was originally meant to appear in the first film but the technology needed to animate his fur did not yet exist.
A fire burned down the warehouse of the animation company behind the Wallace and Gromit films, destroying "the entire history" of the animation series.
Tom and Jerry producer Fred Quimby, though not involved in the creative process, took all credit for the cartoon's success. Each time the cartoon won the Academy Award for Animated Short Film, he accepted the awards without inviting the animators, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, onstage.
The classic 101 Dalmatians animated film sold more tickets in the United States than Avatar or Avengers: Endgame
The Tokyo Olympics will be held in 2020, corresponding with the events in the 1988 anime film Akira, which took place in 2019 leading up to the fictional 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Animated Film data charts
For your convenience take a look at Animated Film figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why animated films is good?
You can easily fact check why do animated films cost more by examining the linked well-known sources.
E.B. White hated the Hanna-Barbera animated film adaptation of his novel Charlotte's Web, saying "The story is interrupted every few minutes so that somebody can sing a jolly song. I don't care much for jolly songs."
The film Titan A.E had an estimated budget of $90 Million. In the end the film only grossed $36.8 million. According to the supervisor of the film, Titan A.E. lost $100 million for 20th Century Fox. After the film's failure, Fox Animation Studios was shut down. - source
1986s Howard the Duck box office failure lead the films producer (George Lucas) to be so badly in debt that he had to sell he just-launched computer-animation division to his friend, Steve Jobs of Apple.That same year, Jobs renamed the company to Pixar. - source
The shortest film nominated for an Oscar was under 2 minutes and a stop animation about making guacamole ~ Fresh Guacamole by PES
In their most productive week, the Pixar team animated 3½ minutes of the film Toy Story (1995) - source
Animated film following tsars daughter when exiled?
The Dark Film Noir/Art Deco feel to 'Batman: The Animated Series' was due to the use of black paper with light colours for animation, instead of the industry standard of dark colours on white paper.
How animated films?
The film Roar (1981) is considered the most dangerous film shoot in history. Over 70 crew members who worked with the predatory animals suffered injuries like bone fractures, scalpings and gangrene.
That, due to the extreme amount of red tape involved in exporting animals, Game of Thrones moves production to the home country of the dogs who portray the Starks' direwolves to film their scenes, rather than attempt transporting them to Ireland.
No Animals Were Harmed' only applies while film is actually recording
The actor who played the farmer in the movie Babe decided to go vegan after working closely with the "extraordinary animals" in the film.
The film "The Hobbit" caused as many as 27 animals deaths during production. One horse had the skin and muscles of her leg torn off by wire fencing, several chickens were mauled to death by unsupervised dogs, and one horse was hobbled and left on the ground for three hours.