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Heart Beats facts

While investigating facts about Heart Beats Per Minute and Heart Beats Fast, I found out little known, but curios details like:

“Shots to roughly 80 percent of targets on the body would not be fatal blows” and that “if a gunshot victim’s heart is still beating upon arrival at a hospital, there is a 95 percent chance of survival”

how heart beats per minute is normal?

Joan Murray who survived an 80 mph skydiving fall, thanks to landing on a mound of fire ants, who's bites are believed to have given her a rush of adrenaline which kept her heart beating.

What heart beats fast?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does it mean when your heart beats fast. Here are 50 of the best facts about Heart Beats Loud and Heart Beats Fast Song I managed to collect.

what heart beats per minute?

  1. Joan Murray survived a 14,500 ft fall when her main parachute failed while skydiving. She landed in a fire ant mound. Numerous venomous stings caused an adrenaline rush to keep her heart beating long enough for doctors to assist.

  2. In 1923, Frank Hayes became the first ever jockey to win a horse race despite being dead. He died from a heart attack mid-race but somehow his body stayed strapped onto the horse and he crossed the finish line in first place, beating 20-1 odds.

  3. In 1999, skydiver Joan Murray’s parachute malfunctioned, causing her to fall from 14,500 feet onto a mound of fire ants. The shock from being stung over 200 times by the ants released a surge of adrenaline which kept her heart beating, and allowed her to survive.

  4. When skydiver Joan Murray's parachute failed, she approached the ground at 80 miles (128km) per hour, landing on a mound of fire ants. The shock from being stung over 200 times by the ants released a surge of adrenaline which kept her heart beating, and allowed her to survive.

  5. A human heart of a coke user can keep beating outside your body for 25 minutes

  6. In 1999, a woman survived a 14,500 foot fall after her parachute didn't deploy while skydiving. She landed on a mound of fire ants and was stung several hundred times, giving her an adrenaline rush to keep her heart beating.

  7. "Teardrop" by Massive Attack was chosen to be the opening sequence of House because the song roughly mimics the sound of a beating human heart.

  8. A woman survived a 14,500 foot fall while skydiving. Her parachute failed to deploy, and she landed on a mound of fire ants. After being stung 100+ times, the adrenaline rush was enough to keep her heart beating.

  9. The reason spiders' legs curl when they die is that spiders use the blood pressure spike from their heartbeat to extend their legs out. When they die their heart ceases to beat and their legs curl.

heart beats facts
What is normal heart beats per minute?

Heart Beats data charts

For your convenience take a look at Heart Beats figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

heart beats fact data chart about My Nike running pace at 4 miles looks a bit like a heart bea
My Nike running pace at 4 miles looks a bit like a heart beat.

heart beats fact data chart about My heart rate whilst practicing pranayama yoga (approx 16 br
My heart rate whilst practicing pranayama yoga (approx 16 breaths here) recorded using Polar Beat and H7 monitor

Why heart beats faster?

You can easily fact check why heart beats fast suddenly by examining the linked well-known sources.

We still do not know how to define death. These "beating heart corpses" can urinate; their bodies rumble, their wounds heal; they can blush and sweat, & can even have babies. Yet, clinically, they are dead. One method to determine death has won a Nobel prize

Canada uses the poop emoji more than any other country, hearts ️ are number one in France even beating the standard smiley, and Australia leads the world in alcoholic and drug related emojis - source

Yuri Gagarin's heart was beating at 64 beats per minute just half an hour before the launch that would bring him to space. 64 BPM is lower than the average person's pulse just after waking up in the morning - source

A MMA fighter drank psychedelic mushroom tea and proceeded to tear out his friends still beating heart

Each time a fertile man's heart beats, he makes 1,500 new sperm. - source

When heart beats fast?

An Etruscan Shrew's heart can beat over 1200 times a minute, and it's metabolic rate is so fast it can die within 4-5 hours from starvation if it does not eat. It's also really tiny and cute.

How heart beats per minute?

A blue whale's heart can weigh in excess of 1,300 lbs and be the size of a small car. Their hearts beat at a rate of 8–10 beats per minute and can be heard from over 2 miles away.

Sometimes a heart transplant involves keeping the original so that the recipient can have two beating hearts in their chest

In 1989, Ole Bentzen, a Danish audiologist, who was observing a screening of the 1988 comedy film A Fish Called Wanda, laughed uncontrollably to the point that his heart rate rose to an estimated 250–500 beats per minute, leading to a fatal heart attack

The British Heart Foundation recommends performing CPR to the beat of "Stayin' Alive". The song has around 104 BPM, and and 100-120 chest compressions per minute are ideal.

Heart beats infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Heart Beats numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

heart beats fact infographic about Heart rate during a 30 minut game of Beat Saber

Heart rate during a 30 minut game of Beat Saber

When heart beats too fast?

In 1995 Jesus Dennis was held underwater by his stepdad until he stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating when he was a toddler. Because the water was cold, however, Jesus was completely rejuvenated hours later without brain damage and behaved as a normal child afterwards.

An hour without eating means certain death for the Pygmy Shrew, whose heart beats 20 times per second.

Surfer Chris Blowes survived having his left leg taken by a Great White Shark, despite having no heart beat for the 90 minute trip to the hospital, during which the paramedics conducted nonstop, two-person CPR, keeping oxygenated blood flowing through his brain.

Daniel Green's doctor measured his heart rate at 26 beats per minute the lowest BPM ever recorded, roughly that of an elephant.

How heart beats sound?

After we die and our heart stops beating and our body moving our brain still works and we may even be conscious enough to hear our own death announced by doctors.

When a patient is zapped with a defibrillator, their heart stops beating altogether - the two electric paddles attached to the patient's chest essentially 'reset' the heartbeat. Once the heartbeat stops, the heart starts afresh and begins beating normally again.

A NASCAR driver maintains the same heart rate - 120 to 150 beats per minute for 3-plus hours - as a serious marathon runner for about the same length of time

During a very small window during a heart beat, a blow directly above the heart can cause instant cardiac arrest. This is most common in baseball, and can occur even when wearing a chest protector.

About the Wood Frog. These frogs have adapted to cold climates by freezing over the winter. During this time, they stop breathing and their hearts stop beating. Their bodies produce a special antifreeze substance that prevents ice from freezing within their cells

Your heart is run on electricity. A special spot in the top of your right heart, known as the SA node, sends electricity into the rest of your heart. This causes the heart to squeeze (also called contract), and pushes the blood out. The SA node causes your heart to beat a specific number of times per minute.

When grown as single cells in a petri dish, heart cells are able to beat on their own. Small, cellular connections between all of the heart's cells allows them to synchronize the beat.

Your heart beats 100,000 times a day, 36,500,000 times a year. That's over 1 billion heart beats if you live past the age of 30! Over the course of the expected lifetime, your heart will beat about 2.5 billion times!

Scientists have created a two-chambered mouse heart using a modified inkjet printer with cells instead of ink. When shocked with electricity, the heart started beating

When they dive, they decrease the heart rate for 50-80%. Elephant seal will decrease number of heart beats from 112 to 20-50 during diving.

NHL player Rick Peverley collapsed on the bench and his heart stopped beating for 2 minutes till it was restarted with a defibrillator. When he woke up the first thing he asked was "Can I go back in the game."

Heart of the blue whale is the same size as the Mini Cooper. It beats 5 to 6 times in a minute while on the surface and 3 times while diving. Blue whale's major arteries and veins are so large that small child can pass through them.

The brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord. It is also responsible for all of the things you don"t normally think about (like your heart beating, breathing, and digesting food).

At his prime, champion cyclist Miguel Indurain had a resting heart rate of just 28 beats per minute, the average rate is 60-90

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Heart Beats. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Heart Beats so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor