Heart Rate facts
While investigating facts about Heart Rate Zones and Heart Rate Variability, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When you splash water on your face, your body instantly begins to prepare your body for free diving, slowing your heart rate and pulling blood into vital organs in what scientist call “the master switch of life”
how heart rate increases?
A 13-year-old Canadian girl once ran the fastest marathon by a female, knocking more than four minutes off the previous world record. While running she was beaming and saying, “gee, this is great!" Two minutes after the race, a doctor declared that her heart rate had already returned to normal.
What heart rate is dangerous?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what heart rate is normal. Here are 50 of the best facts about Heart Rate Monitor and Heart Rate Chart I managed to collect.
what heart rate is too high?
Your heart rate slows when your face touches water; this is called the mammalian diving reflex.
Oral birth control extends the half life of caffeine, meaning that women on bc may have caffeine in their systems for 4 hours longer than typical. This may lead to anxiety, headaches, and increased heart rate.
The most relaxing song in the world is Weightless by Marconi Union. In collaboration with the British Academy of Sound Therapy, the carefully arranged harmonies, rhythms and bass lines help to slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
The French Paradox, the low rate of French heart disease despite a diet rich in fat and alcohol
There are nerve endings that exist only to recognize a gentle stroking touch. Their activation decreases the heart rate and activates the smile muscle. Their optimal speed is 3-5 cm/s, which means we are genetically wired to cuddle and caress each other at predetermined velocities.
The song "Weightless" by Macroni Union has been proven to reduce overall anxiety levels by 65% and resting heart rates by 35%
Asians are more likely to die from heart failure on the 4th of the month than they are any other day of the month (7.3% death rate above expected), due to increased stress from Tetraphobia (their cultural fear of the number 4). This has been termed the Baskerville effect.
Hummingbirds are constantly hours away from starving to death, only being able to store enough energy to survive overnight. Having the highest metabolic rate of animal kingdom, their heart can reach 1260 BPM and they'll breath 250 times a minute at rest.
A Naked Mole Rat can survive up-to 18 minutes without oxygen by dropping its heart rate and switching to fructose based anaerobic respiration. It's also the only known cold-blooded mammal.
Babies have an innate swimming reflex where they hold their breath and slow their heart rate in water until they are 6 months old.
Heart Rate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Heart Rate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why heart rate is high?
You can easily fact check why heart rate low by examining the linked well-known sources.
In professional shooting, alcohol is considered to be a performance-enhancing drug because it relaxes you and slows your heart rate enough to give you an edge.
Radox Spa commissioned a study to find the Top 9 most relaxing songs. The British Academy of Sound Therapy then teamed w/ Marconi Union to scientifically create the most calming song called Weightless. Using entrainment, your heart rate slows, and specific harmonic intervals create euphoria. - source
5-time Tour de France winner, Miguel Indurain, had a resting heart rate of just 28 BPM. The average person rests at about 60 BPM. - source
A study of film-goers heart rates shows that the "Here's Johnny!" scene from The Shining is the scariest moment in film. Over entire movies, "The Exorcist" is the scariest, sending pulses up by 25.9% on average.
Radox Spa commissioned a study to find the Top 9 most relaxing songs. The British Academy of Sound Therapy then teamed w/ Marconi Union to scientifically create the most calming song called Weightless. Using entrainment, your heart rate slows, and specific harmonic intervals create euphoria. - source
When heart rate increases?
About the bradycardic response, a phenomenon where infants, when submerged in water, reflexively hold their breath as their heart rate slows and any water ingested is directed to the stomach. This reflex disappears around 6 months of age.
How heart rate burns fat?
There is a song that has been proven to help you sleep. "The result on listeners is a slowing of the heart rate, reduced blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol."
In order to survive through the night without starving, hummingbirds must enter a hypo-metabolic state called torpor, in which their heart rates drop from roughly 1,000 bpm to 70, and their temperatures from 40ºC to 18ºC.
Singers in a choir unconsciously coordinate their breathing patterns, which leads to synchronized heart rates, especially during slow chanting.
An Etruscan Shrew's heart can beat over 1200 times a minute, and it's metabolic rate is so fast it can die within 4-5 hours from starvation if it does not eat. It's also really tiny and cute.
Alcohol is a banned substance in competitive shooting because a small amount can relax a competitor and slow their heart rate without impairing reaction time and motor skills.
Heart rate infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Heart Rate numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

My heart rate during my wedding ceremony