Blue Whale facts
While investigating facts about Blue Whale Size and Blue Whale Spa, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The blue whale is not only the largest animal currently on the planet, but the largest animal to have ever existed
how blue whales eat?
Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale.
What's blue whale game?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what blue whale live. Here are 50 of the best facts about Blue Whale Size Comparison and Blue Whale Heart I managed to collect.
what blue whale eat?
Blue whales sometimes break from a song and then pick it up in the exact same spot six months later. Scientists have no idea how or why this is done.
Blue Whales can expend upto 1900 calories to take a single bite, and if its prey is densely packed enough it could take in about 2 million calories.
Blue whales are among the loudest animals on the planet, and might hear each other up to 1,000 miles away.
Blue whales can weigh as much as 300,000 lbs; with their tongue weighing as much as an elephant and their hearts weighing as much as a car.
A blue whale can consume as many calories in a single moutful as an average person consumes in roughly 180 days
The songs of blue whales have been becoming progressively deeper each year. There is no explanation for this mysterious voice change.
A blue whale's mouth cavity is so vast it can engulf a volume of water equivalent to its own body mass.
Even when taking dinosaurs into account, the modern day blue whale is the largest animal to ever live.
The only stuffed blue whale in the world is in the Natural History Museum in Sweden. The public was allowed to enter it up until a couple was found having sex inside it; now its jaws are opened only for special occasions like Swedish election days.
California blue whales, the largest animals on Earth once driven to near extinction by whaling, have made a remarkable comeback to near historic, 19th-century levels, according to a study
Blue Whale data charts
For your convenience take a look at Blue Whale figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why blue whale is endangered?
You can easily fact check why blue whales don't get cancer by examining the linked well-known sources.
A blue whales tongue weighs as much as an elephant.
The tongue of a blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant and an entire football team could stand on it - source
Blue whales are so enormous that a human being could swim through their largest veins and arteries. - source
The world's largest jellyfish -- the lion's mane -- is longer than a blue whale.
Despite being the largest animal on Earth, the Blue Whale cannot swallow anything larger than a beach ball. - source
When was the blue whale discovered?
There is a whale called 52 Blue that only sings at their frequency meaning it can’t communicate with other whales. It is nicknamed the loneliest whale on the planet.
How blue whale mate?
A blue whale's heart can weigh in excess of 1,300 lbs and be the size of a small car. Their hearts beat at a rate of 8–10 beats per minute and can be heard from over 2 miles away.
The 'loneliest whale in the world'. Instead of communicating at 17/18 Hertz like most fin and blue whales, it calls at 52 Hertz making it unlikely that other whales can hear it.
A Swiss freediver held his breath for 19 minutes. Which is 1 minute shy of a blue whale.
Orcas will attack a blue whale, who outweigh them by several hundred ton, just for funsies.