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Good Luck facts

While investigating facts about Good Luck Charlie and Good Luck Charlie Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:

President William McKinley (who was assassinated) often wore a trademark good luck charm. It was a red carnation worn on his lapel. While meeting with the public a 12 year old girl asked him for the flower. He gave it to her and moments later was shot.

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Marcia Lucas, George Lucas’ then wife, was the reason for major changes to the Original Star Wars film. Obi Wan’s death, Leia’s good Luck Kiss and re-editing the trench run to increase tension were all her ideas. She won the Academy Award for editing the film while George did not for directing.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what good luck what bad luck. Here are 50 of the best facts about Good Luck Chuck and Good Luck Meme I managed to collect.

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  1. Shakespeare coined or popularized many of the phrases we use today. Some of these include: “Good riddance. In my heart of hearts. Laughing stock. Wild-goose chase. Devil incarnate. Brave new world. As luck would have it. All our yesterdays. Break the ice. Full circle.”

  2. Pistachios crack themselves. I always assumed they were run through some sort of industrial nutcracker prior to packaging. But apparently when they ripen, the shells suddenly pop open and even make an audible crack. Chinese legend says witnessing this will bring the hearer good luck.

  3. English king Charles I believed black cats to bring good luck, so he adopted one. On the day it had died, he lamented that his good luck was gone. The next day, he was arrested for high treason and was later executed.

  4. US sailors captured by North Korea, were flipping the middle finger in photos to protest the propaganda on their treatment. The North Koreans for months photographed them without knowing the real meaning of the finger, while the sailors explained that the sign meant good luck in Hawaii.

  5. A complaint among test audiences for the film Good Night, and Good Luck, was that the actor playing Joseph McCarthy was too over the top and wasn't believable, not realizing that the film used actual archive footage of McCarthy himself.

  6. Kit Kats became so popular in Japan because of a literal translation of "kitto katsu", which means "Surely win" and lead to the implication of the bar giving good luck (making it a popular snack, especially before exams.)

  7. After North Korea captured a group of Navy officers, the officers raised their middle finger, telling their captors it was a “Hawaiian good luck sign.”

  8. Sailors considered black cats good luck and would use them as "ship's cats" in hopes of a safe voyage. Wives of fishermen would also keep a black cat at home as it was believed that the cat would allow their husbands to return safely.

  9. A previously brilliant-blue Yellowstone hot spring is turning green as a result of tourists throwing 'good luck' coins into it

  10. When lawyer Jack Thompson found out you can kiss other guys in the T-Rated game Bully, he wrote a letter to the ESRB about it saying "good luck with your Teen rating now". The ESRB responded saying they were fully aware of the content when they rated it.

good luck facts
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You can easily fact check why did good luck charlie end by examining the linked well-known sources.

In medieval times "Cat-burning" was an accepted practice thought to bring good luck. It was custom to burn a barrel full of live cats over a bonfire as people shrieked with laughter while they were singed and roasted. French Kings often witnessed it and even ceremoniously started the fire.

Black cats are considered to bring good luck in Japan. - source

Fuzzy dice hanging on a rear view mirror is a good luck charm with the origins based on WWII pilots keeping gambling trinkets in their air planes. - source

Aleksa Zdravkovic, a Serbian soldier who carried the same loaf of bread baked by his mother for 8 years through the Balkan Wars and WWI as a good luck charm until he returned home to Pirot. It remains preserved in a museum to this day.

To ensure sailors' safe passage to the afterlife, Romans placed coins under ship masts during construction. This practice is still used in modern shipbuilding to ensure good luck. - source

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In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

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The Ouija board got its name after being asked what is should be called. When asked what it meant, the board allegedly replied, "good luck."

The myth that during Neil Armstrong's moon walk he said "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky," in reference to a childhood neighbor whose wife said she'd perform oral sex on her husband "when the kid next door walks on the moon." The myth originated from a Buddy Hackett comedy routine.

In some parts of the world, people suffering from albinism are kidnapped and dismembered, their body parts are then sold for good luck and a promise of magical powers.

President William McKinley wore a red carnation in his lapel at all times as a good luck charm. During a public meeting in his second term, he took out the flower from his lapel and gave it to a 12-year-old girl. Minutes later, he was shot. He died a week later.

The Ferrari Prancing Horse logo originally decorated the plane of Count Francesco Baracca, Italy's top fighter ace of WWI. The badge was given to Enzo Ferrari after the ace was shot down by his mother, who said "Ferrari, put my son’s prancing horse on your cars. It will bring you good luck."

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People knocked on wood to request good luck from mystical creatures they believed lived in the trees or to distract spirits with evil intentions

Some cultures believe rain is good luck on one's wedding day because after "tying the knot", a wet knot is more difficult to untie

In Japan the Pile of Poo emoji means "good luck"

In some African countries, albinos' body parts are believed to bring wealth and good luck. As a result, attackers chop off their limbs and pluck out organs, and sell them to witchdoctors.

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In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

Air Force pilots break the first set of wings they get for good luck, and they aren't allowed to be put back together until they die.

The concealed shoe index. For hundreds of years, people hid a shoe in their houses during construction for good luck or to ward off evil spirits. The Northampton Museum in England created the concealed shoe index, and there are approximately 1,900 finds on the index today.

Whilst boarding a plane, an elderly passenger threw coins into one of the engines to ensure “good luck”. Plane mechanics later found nine coins at the site, including one inside the engine. The flight ended up taking off more than 5 hours late.

Allied forces in WW2 would camouflage anti-tank land mines as camel dung, after learning that German tanks would routinely drive through piles of dung, thinking it would bring them good luck.

In Italy, men touch their private parts as a good luck charm against bad fortune (e.g. seeing a black cat crossing the road).

During audience testing for the 2005 movie "Good Night, and Good Luck" a common complaint was that the actor portraying Joseph McCarthy was overacting, not realizing that it was the actual McCarthy through archive footage.

Black cats crossing your path is considered good luck in some places like England, Ireland, and parts of Asia.

Al Pacino's 1973 movie character Serpico is a good luck talisman for drivers in Thailand. Often accompanied by an image of Buddha, some Thais believe Serpico will protect them from spurious fines by the corrupt Thai traffic police.

The captured crew of the US Pueblo would flip off their captors in all of their propaganda photos, telling the North Koreans it was a "Hawaiian good-luck symbol"

The NYSE is closed on Good Friday due to superstition and perceived bad luck.

After the Titanic sank, one man wrote of the courage of those left in the water; "In no instance did I hear any word of rebuke from a swimmer because of a refusal to grant assistance... [one refusal] was met with the manly voice of a powerful man... 'All right boys, good luck and God bless you.'

A classic Soviet "Western" film is watched by cosmonauts before most space launches as a good luck ritual.

Turkish Van is the natural treasure of Turkey and a symbol of good luck. Ankara Zoo and Turkish College of Agriculture are working together on the preservation of this breed.

It used to be common tradition in England that a newborn baby would be passed through a hole in a large block of cheese for good luck

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Good Luck. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Good Luck so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor