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Bad Luck facts

While investigating facts about Bad Luck Brian and Bad Luck Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During World War 1, the Germans disguised one of their ships as a British ship, the RMS Carmania, and sent it out to ambush British vessels. In a hilariously bad stroke of luck, the first ship it encountered was the real RMS Carmania, which promptly sank them.

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In WWI, the Germans disguised one of their ships as a British ship, the RMS Carmania, and sent it out to ambush British vessels. In a hilariously bad stroke of luck, the first ship it encountered was the real RMS Carmania, which promptly sank them.

What's bad luck on a boat?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what bad luck in spanish. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bad Luck Lyrics Khalid and Bad Luck Khalid I managed to collect.

what's bad luck on new year's day?

  1. Christmas tradition dictates that a man is allowed to kiss any woman standing underneath mistletoe and that bad luck will befall any woman who refuses the kiss. With each kiss a berry is to be plucked from the mistletoe and the kissing must stop after all the berries have been removed.

  2. The reason people believe breaking a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck is due to ancient Romans believing life renewed itself every 7 years and that breaking a mirror would damage one's self until the next 7 year renewal period.

  3. The real guy behind the 'Bad Luck Brian' meme purposefully looked goofy for the picture he is known for. He purchased the vest at a thrift store and rubbed his face to get the awkward redness.

  4. In Asian hotels room number 404 is usually missing because repetion of number 4 is considered bad luck

  5. As a child Jimi Hendrix, being left-handed, would secretly restring his guitars to fit his left hand, but when his superstitious father was around (who believed it was bad luck to play with your left hand), he taught himself to play the normal guitar upside down.

  6. The term 'fairy-locks', which originated in the mid to late 1500s, is another word for dreadlocks. It was believed when the fairies played in your hair at night they would knot it up; and it was bad luck to untangle.

  7. In Hindu astrology, if a woman has a negative mark on her horoscope that is believed to affect future marriage, she can marry a tree to transfer the bad luck to this 'first' marriage partner.

  8. In Italy, men touch their private parts as a good luck charm against bad fortune (e.g. seeing a black cat crossing the road).

  9. Feng shui practitioners in China find superstitious and corrupt officials easy prey. In one instance, in 2009, county officials in Gansu, on the advice of feng shui practitioners, spent $732,000 to haul a 369-ton "spirit rock" to the county seat to ward off "bad luck.

  10. The NYSE is closed on Good Friday due to superstition and perceived bad luck.

bad luck facts
What's bad luck for new years?

Why bad luck is good?

You can easily fact check why bad luck comes in threes by examining the linked well-known sources.

A newspaper editor, Samuel Clemens, challenged a rival editor to a duel. Since he was bad at shooting and he feared death, a friend and some luck helped him to bluff his way out making the opponent declining the fight. He survived and later became a novelist: his pen name was Mark Twain

If there is a party of 13 dining at the Savoy Hotel in London, the staff offers the sculpture of a cat called 'Kaspar' to be seated at the table as a "14th guest", to ward off any bad luck - source

American soldiers in the Vietnam War so detested the "Ham & Lima Beans" ration, that it became deemed bad luck to say the ration's proper name, opting instead to call it "Ham and Motherfuckers".

Some players in Asheron's Call complained that their game characters had bad luck and monsters always preferred attacking them, and no one believed them until the game devs eventually found the bug. - source

When bad luck keeps happening?

The SMS Cap Trafalgar; a German passenger-liner turned auxiliary cruiser during WW1, which was disguised as the British RMS Carmania to ambush merchants. With a stroke of bad luck, the first ship it came across was the RMS Carmania, which promptly sank it

How bad luck meaning?

At Hawaii's Volcanoes National Park visitors center, there used to be a Cursed Lava Rocks display featuring lava rocks stolen by tourists, mailed back to the park rangers, along with stories of the string of bad luck these tourists received since the rocks were in their possession.

The Koh-i-Noor, one of the largest diamonds in the world, has only been worn by the queens of the UK, since it is reputed to bring bad luck to the men who wear it due to the large number of male casualties in its history.

Bad Luck Brian is married and builds churches for a living.

In 1998 the MGM Grand casino removed its "lion's mouth" entrance, as many Asian gamblers saw passing through a lion's mouth as a sign of bad luck.

One shouldn't say "Macbeth" or quote lines from it in a theater, because it is believed to bring bad luck for the current play and the actors involved

When is it bad luck to wash clothes?

There is a superstition on fishing boats that bananas are bad luck and you will not be allowed to bring one onboard

MGM's casino had to change their entrance because it was scaring away superstitious Chinese guests. The old entrance was designed as a lion with an open mouth. In China, an open mouthed lion is considered bad luck, so the hotel redesigned the entrance to prevent losing their Chinese demographic.

Black Cats are the least adopted and most euthanized at animal shelters because people believe they're bad luck.

Bananas are considered bad luck on fishing boats, if found aboard the boat will return to the dock and purge the offending fruit.

Following the publication of an 1829 book by Sir Walter Scott in which an evil character wears an opal talisman with supernatural powers, opals became associated with bad luck and death. The year after the book was published, opal sales in Europe dropped by 50% and stayed low for 20 years.

How to get rid of bad luck?

There were dozens of attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler, often by German citizens and officers, many of which failed at the last minute due to bad luck.

Japanese birth rates fell dramatically in 1966 due to a superstitious believe that girls born were "generally bad luck for any husband".

Bad Luck is the leading cause of cancer according to a study by John Hopkins researchers (2015)

Billionaire Mukesh Ambani purchased and then demolished an orphanage to build his $2 billion, 27-story house on the 1.12 acres of land. He received a lot of backlash and in 2011, it was reported that Ambani had yet to move into the home, despite its completion, for fear of "bad luck".

Akha tribe in Laos consider twins bad luck and taboo. When someone gives birth to twins, they should kill them and burry them if they want to continue to live in the village. According to their beliefs only animals can have twins, therefore human twins are considered beasts.

The Challenger explosion was a result of both miraculous good luck and unbelievable bad luck. (The O ring blow out was plugged up by engine slag which was then dislodged by a hurricane force wind mid-flight)

Tourists mail back thousands of pounds of Hawaiian rock after taking them because of Pele's Curse (goddess of volcanoes). Bad luck befalls those who take lava rocks from the islands.

Many anglers believe it's bad luck to bring bananas on a fishing trip

The entrance to MGM Grand Las Vegas used to be a giant sculpture of a lion's mouth, but was later changed to a full lion statue because some Asian tourists believed it was bad luck to walk through the lion's mouth.

During the Paantu Festival in Miyako-jima, Japan, men dress up as paantu (evil spirits covered with mud and foliage), and are given the task of driving out demons and cleansing the island of bad luck. To do this, they smear everything and everybody they come across with mud.

According to Korean culture, chopsticks may be put down on a table, but never put into food standing up, particularly rice, as this is considered to bring bad luck since it resembles food offerings to at a grave to deceased ancestors

The superstition that green brings bad luck to actors originates from the color famous playwright Molière was wearing at the time of his death

According to Hawaiian superstition it's considered bad luck to whistle at night because it mimics the sound of Night marchers, the ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors. If someone comes across a procession of the night marchers, crouch low to the ground on your stomachs and avoid eye contact

The phrase "bad juju" originates religious practices from West Africa, which frequently use good or bad luck charms; good or bad juju.

Giving knives as gifts has long been considered bad luck.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bad Luck. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bad Luck so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor