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Rabbit Rabbit facts

While investigating facts about Rabbit Rabbit Meaning and Rabbit Rabbit White Rabbit, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Warner Bros. allowed Bugs Bunny to appear in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' under the stipulation that he only appear opposite Mickey Mouse, and that the two receive the same amount of screen time. The resulting scene is the only time in film history that the two have shared the screen together

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After filming Who framed Rodger Rabbit, Bob Hoskins’ son didn’t speak to him for 2 weeks. When he finally found out why it was because his son couldn’t believe his dad had worked with Bugs Bunny and not introduced him.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what rabbit is peter rabbit. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rabbit Rabbit Video and Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Images I managed to collect.

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  1. While filming Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the live rabbit they used for the "monster" scenes was covered in what they assumed was washable red dye. But when they had trouble cleaning it off, they had to stop filming to desperately clean the rabbit before its owner arrived.

  2. Louis Bonaparte (Napoleon's brother) was known as and is still called The King of Rabbits because he mispronounced the Dutch phrase "I am your king" and instead said "I am your rabbit" when he took over the Netherlands in 1806.

  3. Judge Doom's scheme to dismantle the street cars in favor of freeways in Who Framed Roger Rabbit was based on a real life conspiracy from General Motors

  4. Mary Toft managed to trick doctors into believing that she had given birth to rabbits. Mary did this by shoving the rabbits up her vagina before pushing them out and ‘birthing’ them.

  5. Around 80% of rabbits purchased as Easter gifts are abandoned and end up in shelters or dying in the wild. Pet rabbits can live for 10-12 years, and aren't a good impulsive gift for children.

  6. Rabbits are so delicate animals that they can die of fright. Children younger than 12 should not have rabbits as pets.

  7. All of the images we've seen of Bugs Bunny eating carrots were actually misleading. Carrots should not be fed to rabbits. Rabbit's natural diets do not include roots, fruits, or iceberg lettuce, and that carrots can cause tooth decay and digestive problems.

  8. During the shooting of the Killer Rabbit scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the crew dyed the rabbit with what they assumed was washable red dye. When they realized it wasn't, shooting was halted while the cast frantically tried to clean it before the owner realized what happened.

  9. During 8 years living in a UK animal shelter, a dog named Jasmine was a ‘surrogate mother’ to over 50 rescued animals; including puppies, foxes, 4 badger cubs, 15 chicks, 8 guinea pigs, 15 rabbits, a deer and a goose. She nursed each with affection, taking care of them as soon as they arrived.

rabbit rabbit facts
What are the best facts about Rabbit Rabbit?

What is true about rabbit rabbit?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

It's illegal in Queensland (Australia) to own a pet rabbit unless you can prove that you're a magician.

The difference between rabbits and hares: Rabbits are born blind, hairless and dig burrows to live and hide. Hares are born with open eyes, fur, and escape predators running away from them. - source

In 1859, English settler Thomas Austin released only 24 rabbits onto his property in Australia, stating "The introduction of a few rabbits could do little harm and might provide a touch of home, in addition to a spot of hunting." By the 1920's the population reached 10 billion. - source

The rabbit used in Monty Python and the Holy Grail was a real rabbit. Also, the crew used a red dye which they thought was washable, but then had to halt shooting while they desperately attempted to wash the dye off before the owner arrived.

A group of rabbits is called a 'fluffle' - source

What does it mean when rabbit ears are down?

An Irish yob snatched and threw a homeless man's pet rabbit in a river. The homeless man risked his life by jumping in after his beloved pet. They were both saved by firefighters and the yob was convicted of animal cruelty. The rabbit is named Barney.

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Eagle's can view something the size of a rabbit from 3 miles away. They see more colors than humans, and can also see in the UV range of light (allowing them to see the urine trail of prey)

Australia conducted biological warfare against its invasive rabbit population, reducing the population from 600 million to 100 million.

Kim Jong Il once tried to solve North Korea's food shortages by breeding giant rabbits. A German farmer sent them 12 giant rabbits to get started, but later learned all 12 were eaten at Kim Jong Il's birthday party.

Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace do not actually win the Jack Rabbit Slim’s Twist Contest. We see them walk into her house with the trophy but later when Butch is walking into his apartment a commercial is on, and the faint voice in the commercial says that the trophy was stolen.

About rabbit starvation - eating nothing but rabbit meat will lead to starvation due to lack of fat.

What does it mean when rabbit ears are up?

The original idea behind Marge Simpson's hair was to conceal large rabbit ears. The gag was intended to be revealed in the final episode of the series, but was scrapped early on due to inconsistencies.

The producers of Who Framed Roger Rabbit rejected Tim Curry's audition for Judge Doom because he was "too terrifying."

There is an invasive giant snail invading Florida that causes meningitis, reproduces like rabbits, lives up to ten years and has a shell so strong it can pop your car tire if you run over it

A girl named Laura Buxton who released a balloon with her name on it that landed in the yard of another girl also named Laura Buxton. They also have the same color hair, are in the same grade, have black three-year-old female Labrador dogs and a rabbit and identical guinea pigs each.

Rabbit starvation, also known as protein poisoning, is a life-threatening condition that is caused by eating too much lean protein and too little fat, carbs, and other nutrients -- even if the person is consuming an enormous amount of calories

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The Aztecs called armadillos āyōtōchtli, meaning "turtle-rabbits"

Harrison Ford, Chevy Chase, and Bill Murray were main actors considered to play Eddie Valiant in "Who Framed Roger Rabbits". They did not get it because Ford's price was too high, Chase was not interested, and Murray never got the message and was dismayed he missed out his career's biggest role.

Doom in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" was going to be the hunter who killed Bambi's mother but Disney objected

Rabbits have nearly 360° panoramic vision, allowing them to detect predators from all directions. They can see everything behind them and only have a small blind-spot in front of their nose.

Who framed Roger Rabbit is loosely based off of a true conspiracy by General Motors to purchase & dismantle streetcar systems in American cities between 1938-1950

1920s ‘Little Albert experiment.’ Johns Hopkins University chose a nine-month old infant from a hospital and attempted to ‘condition a phobia in an emotionally stable child.’ They successfully made him fear Santa, rabbits, and other furry animals.

When rabbits hop around in a twisting motion it means they are happy and safe, and that specific action is called a "Binky"

The first living creatures to go into orbit and return safely were, 40 mice, two rats, a rabbit, some fruit flies, plants, and 2 dogs. One of the dogs puppy was given by Khrushchev to Jacqueline Kennedy. She mated with a Kennedy dog, and JFK referred to their offspring as pupniks.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) was the most expensive film produced in the 1980s ($70 mil) and had the longest on-screen credits for a film.

During the 51 day siege by the FBI on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, the FBI used sleep deprivation to try to force the suspects out. This included around the clock broadcasts of jet planes, screams from rabbits being slaughtered and "These boots were made for walking"

Garth Williams, illustrator of Stuart Little, wrote a kids book in 1958 called "The Rabbits' Wedding". An Alabama State Senator claimed the book was "propaganda for integration and intermarriage," as the book featured a bunny with white fur and another with black.

In 1950, a disease called Myxomatosis was introduced to rabbits for population control in Australia. It wiped out 500,000,000 rabbits, giving them skin tumors and causing blindness, often killing them within 2 weeks.

Okunoshima, Japan (aka Rabbit Island) has thousands of wild rabbits which began from only 5 released there in the '60s. Since there are no natural predators to keep the rabbit population in check and tourists feed them, the rabbits have no fear of people and will swarm them with cuddles.

About the Shope papilloma virus, a virus that can cause rabbits to grow "horns" on their head. This may have led to the myth of the jackalope

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rabbit Rabbit. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rabbit Rabbit so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor