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Gluten Free facts

While investigating facts about Gluten Free Diet and Gluten Free Bread, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The gluten free trend has been on the rise since 2011 with over 18 million Americans claiming to be "gluten sensitive" despite only 1.76 million being diagnosed as having celiac disease. Studies show that the trend is growing in 3 demographics - White, under 40, Female.

how gluten free bread?

A writer from Wired tried to vanish for 30 days and Wired offered $5,000 to anyone who could find him. Knowing he was allergic to gluten they found him in the only gluten free pizza place where he was staying.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's gluten free at mcdonalds. Here are 37 of the best facts about Gluten Free Banana Bread and Gluten Free Beer I managed to collect.

what's gluten free?

  1. Coffee Flour. Made from Coffee cherries, the discarded fruit surrounding the coffee bean. Gluten free, high in fibre and protein, and produced from a source which is currently being discarded at a rate around 75% of production.

  2. Italian scientist Carmen Lamacchia has found a way to "disarm" Gluten (drastically reduce content, make remainder non dangerous for celiacs) and Gluten-free industry doesn't like it

  3. Italians eat so much bread and pasta that the government will give Celiacs (gluten intolerant) a stipend of up to €140 to spend on Gluten free products.

  4. A gluten-free diet can be unhealthy for 99% of the population

  5. The Vatican has noted that gluten-free wafers cannot be used in holy communion

  6. A grain called Amaranth. It was the primary diet of the Aztects until outlawed by the Spanish. It is gluten free, can be roasted like popcorn, high in protein, has edible leaves and roots, and is used as a dye.

  7. Stoli is the first established international brand to offer gluten-free vodka. Stoli Gluten-Free, made from 88 percent corn and 12 percent buckwheat (both gluten-free grains), is the trend among consumers but vodka has always been gluten-free in the first place

  8. Sufferers of celiac disease in Italy are given a 100 euro monthly stipend by the government to purchase gluten-free food products

  9. The Catholic Church has no gluten free hosts, as the pope decrees it must be of wheat.

  10. Seeds of amaranth are gluten-free and they can be safely consumed by people diagnosed with celiac disease.

gluten free facts
What's gluten free at panera?

Why gluten free shampoo?

You can easily fact check why gluten free bread by examining the linked well-known sources.

Some people believe that a product labeled as "wheat-free" means that it is gluten-free, but this is not true. There are other grains such as rye and barley that contain gluten.

Popcorn is gluten-free, which means it is a good snack for those who cannot consume gluten (celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity).

The Catholic Church believes Jesus won't allow Transubstantiation of gluten free bread because it lacks wheat. - source

9. Quinoa is gluten-free and it recommended for people diagnosed with celiac disease (person sensitive to gluten). Also, thanks to excellent nutritional profile, NASA proposed quinoa as ideal food for astronauts during long expeditions in space.

It can be difficult to eat a gluten-free diet because it is found in so many food products.

What to eat when gluten free?

Teff si used in the manufacture of gluten-free beer.

How gluten free is corona?

Gluten is a source of protein in the diet but the proteins are of low nutritional value. Grains that are naturally gluten-free are healthier because of their nutritional content and value to human health.

Buckwheat is used in the industry of alcoholic beverages for the manufacture of gluten-free beer and whiskey.

The largest pizza on record in the world was 131 feet in diameter. It was made in Italy by Dovilio Nardi and named Ottavia after Rome's first emperor. It was made gluten-free to help bring awareness to celiac disease.

The gluten-free diet was invented by a Dutch physician who noticed that certain patients improved during the hunger winter of 1944-45, when grains were unavailable.

Carbs when gluten free?

The gluten-free diet is healthier for people with gluten-related disorders (celiac disease or gluten sensitivity), but there is no evidence that it is beneficial for people who do not have these conditions

The body of Christ has a gluten free version

Pope Francis released a statement condemning the use of gluten-free Eucharists.

Gluten free diets have an increased risk for obesity.

The largest pizza to win the Guinness World Record was named “Ottavia” after the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus, it had a total surface area of 1,261.65 m² (13,580.28 ft²) and was prepared by NIP food in Rome, Italy on December 13th 2012. It was also 100% gluten free.

How gluten free are oats?

Two people were fired from a gluten free bakery in Portland for not serving a woman after closing.

Many 'Gluten-Free' products do contain traces of Gluten, according to the Celiac Disease Center, and the misinformation can be dangerous to the unsuspecting consumer

The South Park writing team went gluten free for the "Gluten-free Ebola" episode and decided to stay gluten free.

The vinegar used in Fish and Chip shops in Britain isn't real brewed vinegar, it is in fact a non-brewed condiment which is made primarily of water, ethanoic acid and flavourings. It is actually Halal, can be gluten-free, and cannot legally be advertised as vinegar.

Gluten free fresh pasta can be made with just two ingredients instead of the long list of ingredients usually required.

There are actual people who will buy gluten free water. We are witnessing the end of humanity.

Food that is Kosher For Passover is gluten-free

Gluten free diet is just a stupid trend introduced by the food industry

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gluten Free. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gluten Free so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor