Gaming Console facts
While investigating facts about Gaming Consoles List and Gaming Consoles 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nintendo pushed usage of the term "game console" so people would stop calling products from other manufacturers "Nintendos", otherwise they would have risked losing their trademark.
how gaming consoles influence the youth?
Queen Elizabeth the II of the United Kingdom, now aged 91, is a big fan of Nintendo's game console Wii. After watching her grandson play it during Christmas one year, she asked if she could have a go. Apparently she was a "natural" at Wii Bowling, and she became quite fond of the console
What gaming console should i get?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what gaming console is the best. Here are 50 of the best facts about Gaming Console For Tv and Gaming Console Vs Pc I managed to collect.
what gaming console should i buy?
The Sega Master System and Genesis are still produced under licence and being sold in Brazil, where they routinely outsell modern game consoles. This is due to high tariffs making imported consoles very expensive. Almost half of all Sega Master Systems ever sold were sold in Brazil.
Microsoft had planned to host multiplayer for Xbox and PC games on the same Microsoft LIVE network. Plans were cancelled after play-testing showed that PC players won virtually every match versus console opponents.
The Sega Master System sells roughly 150,000 units per year to this day in Brazil, and continues to get new and exclusive games to the region. It has remained popular in Brazil since its 1989 debut, making it the longest running console of all time.
Game Boy was the first video game console to be played in space by Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Serebrov. The game he played was Tetris.
The Sega Master System is now the longest-lived Video Games Console, due to it still being manufactured and sold in Brazil.
In the 1936 Olympic games, boxer Thomas Hamilton-Brown lost his opening bout so went on an eating binge to console himself. An error was soon discovered and it turned out he didn't lose, but was disqualified from competition because he had gained so much weight from binge eating.
A Playstation 4 horror demo called P.T. was considered one of the best horror games in years until it was removed from the Playstation Store. Now, consoles with this demo sell on ebay for up to $1000.
In 1998 Microsofts "DirectX" team pitched a new gaming console known as the "directXbox". Later shortened to "Xbox".
A garbage man won $14.4 million in a British lottery. He spent it all on drugs, gambling, jewelry and prostitutes and now works at a cookie factory with his most expensive posession being an 'Xbox game console'.
The Nintendo DS was the first video game console on Mt. Everest. It was one of the few pieces of electronic equipment that did not fail from the harsh conditions.
Gaming Console data charts
For your convenience take a look at Gaming Console figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why gaming pcs are better than consoles?
You can easily fact check why are gaming consoles so expensive by examining the linked well-known sources.
When Sega was discontinuing the Dreamcast in 2001, Chairman Isao Okawa offered Microsoft their assets so that the Xbox could have backwards compatibility with Dreamcast games so the console could live on in some way. Okawa met with Bill Gates several times before negotiations fell through.
In 2004 Sega released the extremely well received NFL 2K5 for $19.99, beating EA’s Madden 2005 to the market by 3 weeks and at less than half the price. The success of 2K5 prompted EA to buy the exclusive right to make NFL video games which insured Madden would be the only console-based NFL game - source
The more games you played on the PS2 Console, the more towers flowed in the loading screen. The longer you played represented how high the towers went. - source
Apple Computers made a failed game console called the PiP P!N in 1995. Only sold 42k units for $600.
About the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act which states that it is illegal for a company to void warranties on items that have been self-repaired with third party parts, like phones, gaming consoles, and vehicles. - source
When was the first gaming console made?
At Norway's maximum-security Halden Prison, prisoners are paid 53 kroner ($9) per day to leave their cells, which are equipped with a video game console, mini-fridge, and a window with no bars. Guard stations are tiny and cramped to encourage them to interact with the prisoners.
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The Halcyon, a $2500, LaserDisc-based video game console from 1985. It was entirely voice-activated, and the manufacturer claimed it was as 'intelligent' as the HAL 9000. It never saw commercial release, and fewer than a dozen still exist.
The Sony PS2 is the #1 selling gaming console in history. (155m units)
China has a strong PC gaming community as consoles were illegal for 15 years until 2015 due to fears of negative mental development.
Nintendo was so popular in the 1980s and early 1990s that it almost destroyed the computer-game industry. Even the children of computer-game developers demanded the console despite their parents' refusals and access to state-of-the-art computers at home.
In 1993, Nintendo stated that the widely-criticised “pro-violence” game Night Trap would never appear on their consoles. In 2018, Night Trap was released on the Nintendo Switch, with an ESRB “Teen” rating.
Gaming console infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Gaming Console numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

"Political compass" of video game consoles (quantity v. quality)