East Asian facts
While investigating facts about East Asian Countries and East Asian Mushroom, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Armpit odor is completely dependent on a single gene (ABCC11) and that many East Asians (and almost all Koreans) do not need to wear deodorant because of this gene.
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The same gene controls both body odor and earwax type. If you have dry, flakey earwax you have minimal body odor (common in East Asians). If you have waxy, wet earwax you'll have body odor (common in Caucasians).
Southeast asian?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is east asian ethnicity. Here are 50 of the best facts about East Asian Sweet Cold Drink and East Asian Bistro I managed to collect.
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In China and many other east asian countries,when you are born, you are considered one year old and everyone’s age increases one year on New Year’s. Age is incremented on the beginning of a solar term instead of a birth date.
East Asians have their own specific syndrome, which is called "Asian Flush Reaction". It made their face turned red after consuming alcoholic drinks, 36% East Asians have this syndrome
There is more genetic variety within Africa than the rest of the world combined. In other words, Western Europeans and East Asians are potentially more genetically similar to each other than two Africans are genetically similar to each other
In Korea, babies are 1 year old the day they are born and are a year older every Jan. 1st. This is called East Asian Age Reckoning
Newborns start at the age of 1 in China and other east-asian cultures. And at the beginning of Lichen(event during February) one year is added to the person’s age. So people may be one or two years older in the 'Asian reckoning' traditional system than in the Western system.
Neanderthals could interbreed with modern humans, and around 66% of East Asians and about 70% of Europeans share genes with them
Around 90% of East Asian School Children are myopic.
The country "Turkey" is called totally different names in some other languages. In Nordic countries its name translates to "Chicken," most African countries know it as "Ostrich" and East Asian countries know it as "Pheasant"
90% of East Asians are lactose intolerant. In contrast, only 5% of Northern Europeans are.
Before returning to Vietnam from Europe in 1941, he changed his name to Ho Chi Minh. Following east Asian naming protocol, "Ho" was a common family name in Vietnam, like 'smith" or "Jones" in English speaking countries. The "Minh" part of his name was the Vietnamese word for "bright," which was also the name of the Vietnamese independence movement, Viet Minh.
East Asian data charts
For your convenience take a look at East Asian figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why east asian miracle?
You can easily fact check why are east asian languages so different by examining the linked well-known sources.
China has developed a vaccine to help prevent Hepatitis E infection but it has not been released on other parts of the world. Hepatitis E is more common in the East and South Asian regions.
East Asians and Native Americans have dry, flakey earwax and people of European and African descent have wet, smelly Earwax. - source
North Korean's women soccer team has won the Asian Cup, Asian Game, Women's East Asian cup in the last 8 years and are ranked 8th in the world. - source
Smelly armpits are caused by a specific gene, which is practically non-existent amongst East Asians compared to the rest of the world.
The formal term for mispronouncing the English letter L as the letter R (such as in a stereotypical East Asian accent) is "lallation" - source
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Around 90% of East Asians are lactose intolerant, which explains why Chinese food doesn't contain cheese.
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Mongoloid' was a term used to describe various central and East Asian populations but it is now considered derogatory because of its association to Down syndrome.
36% of East Asians are technically allergic to alcohol.
People of African and European ethnicity usually have the wet type of ear wax. Nearly all people of Native American and East Asian ethnicity have the dry type of ear wax.
The 'Oriental riff' has been used as early as 1847 to stereotypically represent the idea of an Oriental, Chinese, Japanese or a generic East Asian theme.
The Wallace Line, the transition zone between Australian and Asian ecozones. Islands west of the line are populated by Asian species such as monkeys while islands east of the line are inhabited by Australic species like marsupials. In the middle is the island Sulawesi which is home to both.