Ethnic Groups facts
While investigating facts about Ethnic Groups In Nigeria and Ethnic Groups In Ghana, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The opening lyrics from the Lion King’s ‘Circle of Life’ are sung in the language of the Zulu, an ethnic group of Southern Africa. It translates to “There comes a lion. Oh yes, it’s a lion.”
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Children from some ethnic groups of southeast Asia (called Sea Gypsies) are capable of seeing clearly underwater and this skill wears off as they grow up. Some suggest that with practice any young person could achieve underwater vision.
What ethnic groups are in australia?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what ethnic groups are in canada. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ethnic Groups In The Philippines and Ethnic Groups In America I managed to collect.
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German was the second largest spoken language in the U.S. before it was forcibly oppressed during the First World War. Americans with German ancestry, are still the single largest ethnic group in the U.S.
"Sherpa" is an ethnic group, and not a job title for those assisting people with climbing mountains.
Queens, NY is the most ethnically diverse urban area in the world and no racial or ethnic group holds a majority in the borough.
The Spartans still live in Greece as a distinct ethnic group and speak their own language descending from Ancient Greek
A "Sherpa" isnt a porter on mountain-climbing expedition but an ethnic group living mostly in Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan. Sherpas all have the surname "Sherpa". The name was mistakenly given to them by Nepalese census takers who didn't realize that last names are not a part of Sherpa culture.
In 1916, the German military conducted the Judenzählung (census of Jews). Designed to confirm accusations of lack of patriotism among German Jews, the census disproved the charges. In fact, A higher % of German Jews fought in WWI than of any other ethnic, religious or political group in Germany.
The Cagots, a minority population in Europe in medieval times. They were shunned, hated, and segregated from entering taverns or touching food in markets. They were not an ethnic or religious group and were indistinguishable from other people, and no one knows why they were so despised.
Han Chinese are the largest ethnic group in the world, representing 92% of China's population and 19% of the entire human population. (~1.3 Billion people)
There is an ethnic group in the Philippines,called the Sama-Bajaus, intentionally rupturing their eardrums at an early age to help them when they are diving. They can stay as long as 13 mins under water at 200 feet.
American Indians Serve in the U.S. Military in Greater Numbers Than Any Ethnic Group and Have Since the Revolution
Ethnic Groups data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ethnic Groups figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Reasons why ethnic groups came to ghana?
You can easily fact check reasons why ghana consist of different ethnic groups by examining the linked well-known sources.
English Americans are often seen as an invisible ethnic group. In 1980, 50 million Americans claimed English ancestry, but by 2000 it was down to 24 million. The actual number could be closer to 80 million.
Indian Americans are the richest ethnic group in the United States, earning a median income of $100,547 in 2013, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. - source
The Bugis, an ethnic group in Indonesia whose society recognises five genders. Four are comparable to cis/trans male/female respectively, while the fifth, bissu, transcends gender. - source
American Indians Serve in the U.S. Military in Greater Numbers Than Any Ethnic Group and Have Since the Revolution
The Cardassians from Star Trek were originally going to be called "Circassians" until one of Jeri Taylor's co-workers pointed out that "Circassians" are a real ethnic group from the North Caucus. - source
Ethnic unification occurs when multiple ethnic groups?
Guyana's largest ethnic group, the Indo-Guyanese (also known as East Indians), the descendants of indentured servants from India, make up 43.5% of the population.
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The Armenian Genocide. In WW1 the Turkish government systematically destroyed 1.5 million peoples from varying ethnic groups, mostly Armenian, in an attempt to unify all Turkish people by creating a new empire with one language and one religion.
There is a Sizable Ethnic Minority group living in Siberia who are reputed to have the "most red-headed" people in the world.
India has over 20 distinct film industries, of which Bollywood is one, each representing a separate language or ethnic group.
Censored Eleven is a group of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons originally produced and released by Warner Bros. that were withheld from syndication because the use of ethnic stereotypes in the cartoons, specifically black stereotypes, was deemed too offensive for contemporary audiences.
The population of the Solomon Islands in World War II was just over 50,000 people. Melanesians make up the majority ethnic group.
Ethnic groups infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Ethnic Groups numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.