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Dry Earwax facts

While investigating facts about Dry Earwax Removal and Dry Earwax Gene, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The same gene controls both body odor and earwax type. If you have dry, flakey earwax you have minimal body odor (common in East Asians). If you have waxy, wet earwax you'll have body odor (common in Caucasians).

how to remove dry earwax?

East Asians and Native Americans have dry, flakey earwax and people of European and African descent have wet, smelly Earwax.

What is dry earwax?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes dry flaky earwax. Here are 18 of the best facts about Dry Earwax Vs Wet Earwax and Dry Earwax In Ear I managed to collect.

what does dry earwax mean?

  1. Humans secrete two kinds of earwax, a 'wet' and 'dry'. People that have the 'dry' kind do not produce a particular protein that attracts bacteria that emits body odor. Most of them wasting money on deodorants they really do not need.

  2. Asians & Native Americans usually have dry earwax & have very little body odor. Africans & Europeans usually have wet earwax & are stinkier. This is controlled by two genes which dictate types of sweat glands. Japanese women with breast cancer were 8% more likely to have wet earwax in this study

  3. Production of dry or wet earwax is determined by the same gene that causes underarm odor. If you have dry earwax, your body also does not produce underarm odor. Only 2% of Europeans produce dry earwax as opposed to the majority of Asians.

  4. Earwax can tell your ancestry by the color of it. If you are East Asian or Native American, it's likely to be dry and white. Meanwhile, if you are white or black, your earwax is yellow and sticky

  5. The gene that gives you either dry or wet earwax also controls body odour

  6. Koreans are the least stinkiest people after sweating and have completely dry earwax, thanks to c.538A (dry-type) mutation in ABCC11 gene

  7. People have one of two distinct genetically determined types of earwax: wet and dry. People with East Asian or Native American ancestry are much more likely to have the dry type.

  8. Having wet or dry earwax can be determined by your heritage, it also determines whether you produce body odour and the amount of sweat you produce.

  9. There are two distinct types of earwax: the wet type (which Africans and Europeans have, generally), and the dry type (which Asians and Native Americans have, generally).

dry earwax facts
What causes dry earwax?

Why is my earwax dry and flaky?

You can easily fact check why do i have dry earwax by examining the linked well-known sources.

Earwax type (wet vs dry) is one of the only human characteristics controlled by a single gene. Other characteristics commonly taught in high school biology classes (eye color, hair color, tongue rolling, etc) are incorrect oversimplifications.

Earwax type (brown and wet vs white and dry) is one of the only real examples of simple dominant/recessive traits. Other traits such as eye and hair color are governed by much more complex models. - source

There is such thing as wet earwax and if you have dry earwax you do not have armpit odor. - source

A lucky 2 per cent of people have a gene for stink-free armpits and are more likely to have dry earwax (as opposed to wet or sticky).

People in Western countries have wet earwax, whereas people in Eastern countries have dry earwax. - source

What does it mean when you have dry earwax?

Not all earwax is the same. While people of African or European descent have earwax that is moist and gooey, roughly 90 percent of Asians have dry flaky earwax.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dry Earwax. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dry Earwax so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor