Lactose Intolerance facts
While investigating facts about Lactose Intolerance Symptoms and Lactose Intolerance Test, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Most Asians suffer from lactose intolerance and that humans in general become lactose intolerant after weaning. It’s only with the advent of agriculture that some races were able to properly digest milk and other dairy products even if they’re already adults.
how lactose intolerance works?
Approximately 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. The 25% of people who aren't are generally of North European descent.
What lactose intolerance can't eat?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what lactose intolerance mean. Here are 44 of the best facts about Lactose Intolerance Diet and Lactose Intolerance In Babies I managed to collect.
what's lactose intolerance?
Originally all humans were lactose intolerant, and those who aren't lactose intolerant are the ones with a mutation.
Lactase Persistence, the ability of humans to digest milk as an adult, is only common among Europeans and those of European ancestry, as a unique mutation. Most of the global population, including 90% of Asians and 100% of Native Americans, have some degree of lactose intolerance.
Humans are able to digest milk past childhood only because of a genetic mutuation. Only 40% of the World adults could digest milk properly. Rest are Lactose Intolerant or have reduced Lactose Tolerance after infancy.
75% of Earth's population is lactose intolerant. It is actually so common that lactose intolerance is now considered the normal baseline, with people who are not being referred to as 'lactose persistent'
The reason why some lactose intolerant people can still eat some cheese and yoghurt without symptoms is because the lactase had already been metabolized by bacteria when processed.
Lactose free products actually have lactase added to them, rather than lactose being removed. Lactase breaks down the milk so people will intolerance can absorb it. It's also sweeter and has a long shelf life than normal milk due to ultra pasturization.
Lactose Tolerance developed in humans only 10,000 yrs ago with domestication of animals. Most people worldwide are still Lactose Intolerant.
Nearly 70% of Jewish people are lactose intolerant
70% of the world is lactose intolerant because they dont produce the enzyme lactase, but bacteria in the large intestine helps the majority digest lactose. Honey can prevent that bacteria from reproducing causing dysbiosis which is why a lot of people suddenly realize they are lactose intolerant
Lactose persistence (the ability to digest milk as an adult) is unique to humans and that, globally, lactose intolerance is more common.
Lactose Intolerance data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lactose Intolerance figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why lactose intolerance cause diarrhea?
You can easily fact check why does lactose intolerance cause diarrhea by examining the linked well-known sources.
90% of East Asians are lactose intolerant. In contrast, only 5% of Northern Europeans are.
Most cats are lactose intolerant, despite cats being shown drinking milk in stories and TV shows - source
Some people are not able to consume dairy products because they lack the enzyme necessary to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance is not the same as having an allergy to cow's milk.
A new Starbucks has opened in China—a country where the majority (~90%) of the adult population is lactose intolerant—every five days since it expanded there 16 years ago.
The majority of the population in Eastern Asia is lactose intolerent. - source
Foods to avoid when lactose intolerance?
Nearly 100% of Native Americans are lactose intolerant.
How lactose intolerance is diagnosed?
Due to natural selection > 95% of S.E. Asians are allergic to dairy, whereas ~ 1% of Irish are lactose intolerant.
Originally all humans were lactose intolerant, and those who aren't lactose intolerant are the ones with a mutation.
Around 90% of East Asians are lactose intolerant, which explains why Chinese food doesn't contain cheese.
Most scientists believe that everyone was originally lactose intolerant and that lactose 'tolerance' is a relatively new thing in human's evolutionary biology.
"beaver fever," a common parasitic disease acquired from drinking water, can cause permanent lactose intolerance