East Asia facts
While investigating facts about East Asia Map and East Asia Summit, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Dutch student once 'faked' a gap year as part of a university project to show how social media is not reflective of real life. Using edited/staged pictures, she created an illusion on Facebook she was travelling around South East Asia for over a month. In reality, she never left her apartment.
how east asia developed?
The Bajau peoples of South East Asia are the first known humans that are genetically adapted to dive. Their bodies are genetically modified for diving, so much so that they can dive at around 200 ft deep for as long as 13 minutes.
What's east asian?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering countries in southeast asia. Here are 50 of the best facts about East Asia Bank and East Asian Mushroom I managed to collect.
east asian miracle?
Loofah Sponges are the interior of a gourd native to South East Asia. The young fruit is often grown as a food crop, and when the gourds mature, they get a hard fibrous interior which are often sold as cleaning sponges.
There is a wild animal in East Asia called the Raccoon Dog which looks like a raccoon but is actually a dog.
The Arab slave-trade trafficked 10-18 million people from Africa, Europe and Asia to the Middle east.
In East Asia, 80-90% of children are myopic (nearsighted) and require glasses. Scientists theorize that their eyes aren't developing properly because eyes require exposure to natural sunlight to develop, and the kids spend all their time indoors, studying.
The longest cable in the world is the SEA-ME-WE-3, which runs from Western Europe, through the Middle East and finally to South East Asia and it provides communication to 33 countries. It's 39,000 km long.
During WWII, the UK Royal Navy converted two ships into floating breweries to provide fresh beer to troops stationed in East Asia.
In 1990, more than 60% of people in East Asia lived in 'extreme poverty'. Since then, that figure has dropped to only 3.5%.
Street vendors in East Asia have a very different way of making popcorn than in the West. They put kernels in a rotating steel pressure chamber over an open flame called a "popcorn hammer." Upon opening, all of the kernels pop at the same time with a huge "BOOM" that also serves as advertising.
A deficit of water in India and central asia is changing the Earth's spin axis and causing the North Pole to move east
The regions that are most significantly affected by hepatitis C infection are Central and East Asia and Africa.
East Asia data charts
For your convenience take a look at East Asia figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why east asian studies?
You can easily fact check why east asian miracle by examining the linked well-known sources.
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is endemic in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and in the Balkans.
Cheese predates any recorded history. No evidence exists to prove where it originated. It may have been the Middle East, Central Asia, or Europe.
The monsoons of Asia's south-east region determine the Andaman Sea's climate and its salinity. The salinity of the water decreases in the winter.
T-Rex fossils have been located in the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta, Mongolia in East Asia, and in the U.S. states of Wyoming, Utah, Texas, and Montana.
In the Eastern Mediterranean region the infection of hepatitis B is roughly 3.3%. In the South-east Asia region the infection is 2% and in the European region the infection is roughly 1%.
When to visit south east asia?
Buddhism was adopted in the Indo-Greek kingdom upto 200 years before it was spread to East Asia
How many countries in southeast asia?
The South China Sea is the main link between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, connecting the Middle East, Europe, and East Asia with shipping lines.
The collision of the Indian Plate with Asia, which formed the Himalayas, altered climate conditions in East Africa and was instrumental in the evolution and survival of modern humans
Exposure to aflatoxin can result in liver cancer. Aflatoxin is a chemical produced by fungi that can grow on certain vegetables, cereals, and peanuts. This type of aflatoxin exposure risk is greatest in China, South East Asia, and Africa.
Every year, Scores of Kidnapped Children are Smuggled from South Asia to the Middle East To Act as Camel Jockeys on the Camel Racing Circuit
Lime is used for the preparation of limeade, and various alcoholic and nonalcoholic cocktails and beverages. Lime juice and zest are often used for the preparation of marinades for meat (juice softens meat and improves flavor of cooked meals). Lime zest is ingredient of numerous pies. Pickled lime is integral part of Indian cuisine. Marmalade made of lime is popular in Australia. Lime leaves are consumed in South and East Asia.
East asia infographics
Beautiful visual representation of East Asia numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

ACLED: Conflict areas across Africa, the Middle East and South Asia during 2017-2018