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Cereal Boxes facts

While investigating facts about Cereal Boxes Images and Cereal Boxes Puzzle, I found out little known, but curios details like:

About John Draper. He used the whistles found in Cap'n Crunch cereal boxes in the 1960's to bypass phone systems and place free long-distance calls as they played at 2600 Hzs—the perfect tone to commandeer a phone line. His work inspired the founders of Apple.

how cereal boxes are made?

There is an unaired Mythbusters episode. Groups of mice were used to test if "the box is more nutritious than the cereal". The mice in one of the groups were eating "pallets of cardboard". One day they checked and there were no longer 3 mice in that group, but 1 really fat mouse.

What cereal boxes have alton towers tickets on?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to make with cereal boxes. Here are 37 of the best facts about Cereal Boxes Storage and Cereal Boxes Ideas I managed to collect.

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  1. General Mills cereal company removed the bee from boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios to raise awareness of declining bee populations

  2. Quaker Oats promoted their cereal in 1955 by giving away 1 square inch of land in Canada in each box sold. In the end, it totaled up to 19 acres

  3. Kelloggs made their cereal boxes thinner in 2008 but kept the price the same so that buyers wouldn't perceive the smaller size box when viewed from the front.

  4. Just months after the Hiroshima bombing, Kix cereal offered an atomic-bomb-shaped ring in exchange for a box-top and 15 cents. Each contained a glowing sample of polonium.

  5. The cartoon character mascots on children's cereal boxes are deliberately drawn to make direct eye contact with children when on shelves, so that the child fosters loyalty with the character from the cereal brand.

  6. John "Captain Crunch" Draper, a phone phreak who used a toy whistle from a Cap'n Crunch cereal box to hack into phone lines

  7. John Cena replaced Fred Flintstone on 4 million Fruity Pebbles cereal boxes because Dwayne Johnson called him a "Fruity Pebbles" eater in the ring.

  8. Characters on cereal boxes for kids are drawn with eyes looking down as opposed to those targeting adults.

cereal boxes facts
What to make out of cereal boxes?

Why is cereal packaged in rectangular boxes?

You can easily fact check why aren't there toys in cereal boxes anymore by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cereal box characters are designed to hypnotizingly stare down at children or up at adults as they pass through the aisle (depending on the target audience)

Cereal box characters are drawn looking down so when they are on the supermarket shelf they make eye contact with children which makes the child want the product. - source

Starting in 1902, Quaker Oats oatmeal boxes included a coupon redeemable for a legal deed to a tiny plot of land in Milford, CT that were known as “Oatmeal Lots.” In 1955, the company put actual deeds to land in the Klondike in its Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice cereal boxes. - source

In the 60's and 70's some cereals came with a cardboard "flexi" record as a prize. The record could be cut out from the box and played on a turntable.

In 1955 Quaker Oats gave away deeds to one square inch of Yukon land in boxes of their cereal. - source

When i was a kid we read cereal boxes?

John Draper, AKA Captain Crunch, a hacker who discovered in the 1970s that the 2600Hz tone emitted by whistles packaged in cereal boxes could trick AT&T phone lines into free long-distance calls.

How cereal boxes close?

In 1907 one of the Kellogg's brothers ran an ad campaign which offered a free box of cereal to any woman who winked at her grocer.

Cheerios were made as "Millenios" that were stocked on store shelves from 1999 to January 2000. The cereal featured brown sugar "2" shaped Cheerios, and the box also had instructions on how to make it a time capsule on the back.

The eyes of mascots on cereal boxes stare down at children and influences them to want it

In 2014, a Cornell University studied the box designs of 65 brands of cereals and discovered that buyers show 28% greater brand loyalty where the box cover features a mascot making direct eye contact with the purchaser.

In 1907 kellogg's corn flakes released an ad campaign that offered a free box of cereal to any woman who winked at her grocer.

Interesting facts about cereal boxes

In 1907, an ad campaign for Kellogg's Corn Flakes offered a free box of cereal to any woman who would wink at her grocer.

In 1907, an ad campaign for Kellogg's Corn Flakes offered a free box of cereal to any woman who would wink at her grocer.

Prices for every day items in Alaska are much more expensive than the Continental US ($30 for 24 bottles of water, $20 for 1 Watermelon, $12 for 1 box of cereal, ect)

AirBnB sold politician based cereal boxes around 2007 to raise funding and avoid going under.

How cereal boxes are supposed to close?

Dwayne Johnson's production company Seven Bucks Digital Studios broke the Guiness World Record by toppling 3006 cereal boxes in a domino-like fashion. It was his 5th time breaking a World Record.

Australian musician Flume began creating music at about the age of thirteen, with a basic production disc that was packaged in a box of cereal. Up to today, he's won several awards that include Best Male Artist, Best Dance Release and Producer of the Year.

How to turn a cereal box into a pinhole projector that will allow you to view the Cereal Eclipse

One of the leading causes for cereal box toys going out of style was the influx of trial CDs AOL dispersed as part of their promotional campaign in the mid-90s. The product was designed to besiege every aspect of a budding Internet user’s life and caused the gradual recession of cereal box toys.

In 1996 Chex was the first breakfast cereal to package a video game in its box. Based on the Doom engine, non-violent Chex Quest sent sales of the cereal soaring almost 300%

Some pet food brands take advantage of our love to our pets and that we consider them as our kids. They redesign the pet food packages from just Cans to Boxes and Bags that looks like human food packages (like cereals boxes) to creat the illusion that we buy the best for our little furry ones.

W.K. Kellogg was the first to introduce prizes in boxes of cereal.

Cascadian Farms will donate 25 cents for each box of cereal you buy to help restore bee populations. You're supposed to use individual promo codes, but after buying two boxes I realized all the codes are the same. Visit and enter ASRT-584F-5RA to donate 25 cents. Bee-utiful!

In an unaired episode of Rugrats, Tommy and Chuckie discover a pubic hair in a bowl of cereal; the story then diverges into a battle with the oft-mentioned "guy on the oatmeal box."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cereal Boxes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cereal Boxes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor