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Breakfast Cereals facts

While investigating facts about Breakfast Cereals Uk and Breakfast Cereals High In Iron, I found out little known, but curios details like:

"Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day" was actually a line created by Kelloggs to help sell their new cereal.

how breakfast cereals are made?

Many breakfast cereals have more sugar in them than cakes, doughnuts and ice cream.

What breakfast cereals are high in iron?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what breakfast cereals are good for diabetics. Here are 50 of the best facts about Breakfast Cereals For Diabetics and Breakfast Cereals List I managed to collect.

what breakfast cereals are gluten free?

  1. The saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was originally coined in 1944 by a marketing campaign from General Foods, the manufacturer of Grape Nuts, to sell more cereal.

  2. According to a dietitian, pizza is a healthier breakfast than sugary cereal. An average pizza slice and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contains about the same amount of calories. However, pizza has more protein, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.

  3. "Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day" idea came from a company trying to sell more cereal during its 1944 marketing campaign

  4. Some breakfast cereals, like Wheaties, are fortified with enough iron that individual flakes can be lifted and carried using common magnets.

  5. The Kellogg's cereal company has a royal warrant, in part because they make some of Queen Elizabeth's favorite breakfast cereals.

  6. Red dye in Franken Berry, a popular 1970's breakfast cereal, was once found to cause pink poop after numerous children were hospitalized

  7. One of the leading advocates of circumcision was John Harvey Kellogg, inventor of the famous breakfast cereal. He advocated the consumption of Kellogg's corn flakes to prevent masturbation, and he believed that circumcision would be an effective way to eliminate masturbation in males.

  8. In 2008 the makers of square-shaped Shreddies breakfast cereal ran an ad campaign promoting their 'new' diamond-shaped version. Sales increased by 18%.

  9. Some breakfast cereals are mostly sugar by weight. Super Orange Crisp, the precursor to Golden Crisp, was 71% sugar. Even Golden Crisp is over 50% sugar.

breakfast cereals facts
What breakfast cereals are low fodmap?

Breakfast Cereals data charts

For your convenience take a look at Breakfast Cereals figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

breakfast cereals fact data chart about Breakfast cereal sales ranks at Walmart since 2016
Breakfast cereal sales ranks at Walmart since 2016

Why are breakfast cereals fortified?

You can easily fact check why are breakfast cereals often enriched with vitamins and minerals by examining the linked well-known sources.

Seed and oil extracted from seed of hemp can be used in the human diet in the form of butter, beer, bread, cakes, breakfast cereals, protein bars...

Teff can have mild, nutty or warm, earthy taste, depending on the variety. It can be consumed in the form of grain or flour. Grains can be consumed as breakfast cereals or in the form of porridge. Flour is used for the preparation of injera (type of Ethiopian flat bread), pancakes, waffles and wraps.

Flax oil is used for salads. It should not be used for cooking because heat destroys all nutrients. Seed can be ground or consumed whole as ingredient of breakfast cereals, granola bars and various desserts, breads and pastry.

Quinoa can be consumed in the form of flakes, whole grains or flour. It can be mixed with vegetables, meat, pastas, consumed in the form of breakfast cereals, or as an ingredient of breads and various sweet desserts.

Due to its high nutritional value, barley is important part of human diet. It is mostly used as an ingredient of breakfast cereals or in the form of flour. In the food industry, barley is used as soup thickener.

What breakfast cereals are gluten free?

Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. That belief was started by Kellogg's Cereal company to sell their product.

Breakfast cereals and how they are made?

In February 1972, Franken Berry cereal included dye that turned some children's feces pink due to an inability to break down the heavily-dyed breakfast food, a symptom sometimes referred to as "Franken Berry Stool.

Millet can be consumed as part of breakfast cereals, in the form of porridge or as an ingredient of soups, stews and breads. Finger millet is a type of millet that can be popped and turned into popcorn-like snack. Candied puffs of millet are traditionally prepared and consumed in Japan for at least 1000 years.

In 1998 there were only 340 types of breakfast cereal in the U.S. By 2012, the number had risen to 4,945.

Wheat is used for the production of bread, pasta, cookies, breakfast cereals and fermented beverages.

Stripe seeds are popular as snacks. They are also often used as ingredient of salads, breakfast cereals, various salty dishes and breads.

What breakfast cereals are high in iron?

Blueberries are used for the production of juices, jellies, jams and breakfast cereals.

Folic acid is so important to human health, it is included in many types of foods, especially breakfast cereal. The process to add a vitamin to other foods is called fortification. So, a cereal that has added vitamins is called fortified.

Persimmon can be consumed fresh, dried or as an ingredient of breakfast cereals, muffins, pies, breads, cakes, salads and puddings. Fermented persimmon is used for the manufacture of persimmon vinegar, better known as "gamsikcho".

Aronia can be consumed both in the fresh and dry form. Berries can be used as ingredient of breakfast cereals and for the preparation of cakes, muffins, pies, ice-creams, syrups, juices, jams, jellies and teas.

Popcorn was once sweetened and eaten as a breakfast cereal in the United States.

How to prepare cereals for breakfast?

Sorghum is used in the human diet in the form of whole grains or ground into flour. Grains can be cooked like rice, turned into porridge or popcorn-like snack. Flour is used for the manufacture of flat breads and different types of pastries. Processed food made of sorghum includes breakfast cereals, cakes and dry snacks.

Betain is a substance isolated from beetroot. It is responsible for the purple color of the root. This substance is used in food industry to improve color and taste of desserts, jams, ice-creams, jellies, tomato sauces and breakfast cereals.

Chex cereal was invented so that followers of a cult called "Ralstonism" had an easy way to eat whole grains for breakfast. Followers believed that watermelons are poisonous to most Caucasians and weak (non-white) people should be castrated.

There is enough iron in breakfast cereal that you can move it around using a magnet.

There are lots of foods that are fortified with vitamin D (means they have vitamin D added). These include milk, breakfast cereals, some orange juice, yogurt, margarine, and some soy drinks.

Raspberries can be consumed fresh or as ingredient of breakfast cereals, ice-creams, milkshakes and various cakes, juices, jams and jellies.

There used to be a Nintendo breakfast cereal in the 80s called 'Nintendo Cereal System'.

The breakfast cereal Honey Bunches of Oats was created by Vernon Herzing and his 18-year old daughter Kimberly when they mixed various combinations of cereals together on a Saturday afternoon

John Harvey Kellogg (inventor of cereal) was editor of "Good Health" in 1917, which was first publication to claim that breakfast was the "most important meal of the day".

The Seventh Day Adventist Church was directly responsible for the establishment of the breakfast cereal industry in the United States.

Quisp vs. Quake: The characters in the “breakfast feud” between cereals from outer and inner space - were created by Ward & Scott of Rocky & Bullwinkle fame. They also created the Cap'n Crunch character

Chex breakfast cereals were first introduced by Ralston Purina, the same company that produces Purina cat food.

The term "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was popularized by marketing campaigns of cereal companies after it appeared on one health magazine in 1917.

There's a cafe in London that serves only breakfast cereal.

Post Foods (the breakfast cereal company) once used the prophet Elijah as a mascot for their corn flakes ripoff

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Breakfast Cereals. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Breakfast Cereals so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor