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Barbie Dolls facts

While investigating facts about Barbie Dolls Video and Barbie Dolls House, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Barbie's original design was based on a German cartoon character named Lilli who was a saucy high-end escort. Lilli dolls were marketed to men who gave them as a gag gift at bachelor parties, dangled them from the rearview mirror, or gave them to girlfriends as a suggestive keepsake.

how barbie dolls are made?

Barbie' was based on a sexy German doll 'Bild Lilli' that was sold to adult men in bars and tobacco shops. Mattel eventually bought the Lilli rights.

What barbie dolls are valuable?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what barbie dolls are worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Barbie Dolls Cartoon and Barbie Dolls Walmart I managed to collect.

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  1. Students at MIT conducted a study in which they told children to hold a Barbie doll, a Furby and a real hamster upside down for as long as they were comfortable. Although they knew the Furby was just a toy, they still felt guilty because it was programmed to cry and act scared.

  2. In 1965, "Slumber Party" Barbie dolls came with a diet book entitled "How to Lose Weight" telling her "Don't eat!" and a bathroom scale set at 110 lbs.

  3. In May 1997, Mattel introduced Share a Smile Becky, a doll in a pink wheelchair. A 17-year-old high school student with cerebral palsy pointed out the doll wouldn’t fit in the elevator of Barbie's Dream House. Mattel announced it would redesign the house in the future to accommodate the doll.

  4. In December 2005, a doctor in England published research suggesting that girls often go through a stage where they hate their Barbie dolls and subject them to a range of punishments, including decapitation and placing the doll in a microwave oven.

  5. In 1963, some Barbie dolls came with a book entitled "How to Lose Weight" which advised "Don't eat!" and a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs.

  6. In 1993, The Barbie Liberation Organization challenged gender stereotypes by switching the voice boxes of hundreds of Barbie and G.I. Joe dolls and 'reverse shoplifting' them back into stores. Barbies would yell, "Eat lead, Cobra!" while G.I. Joes would ask, "Want to go shopping?".

  7. The inventors of Hot Wheels (Elliot Handler) and the Barbie dolls (Ruth Handler) were married for over two decades before either toy was invented. Barbie and Ken were named after their children.

  8. Iconic Barbie doll is based on the appearance of a sex toy that represented high-end German call girl

  9. The original creator of the Barbie doll had previously designed military-grade missiles

barbie dolls facts
What barbie dolls are worth a lot of money?

Why are barbie dolls expensive?

You can easily fact check why were barbie dolls popular by examining the linked well-known sources.

"Fulla" is the name of an 11½ inch Barbie-like fashion doll marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-Eastern countries. Fulla's activities mostly include shopping, spending time with her friends, cooking, reading, and praying

The Barbie Liberation Organization swapped the "talking" chips between Barbie Dolls and G.I. Joe ~dolls~ action figures and released them back into the market - source

Barbie was inspired by a high-end, saucy call girl named Lilli. The dolls were sold in adult toy stores as a novelty item. - source

Saudi Arabia banned Barbie dolls because of religious beliefs.

If Barbie were a real woman she would weigh 110 pounds. She would be 5"7" tall, and her measurements would equal 32-16-29 - a very unrealistic shape that has been criticized because it would look ridiculous in real life. Her neck would only be 9 inches in circumference. The doll is 11.5 inches tall.

When did barbie dolls come out?

In 1963, some Barbie dolls came with a book entitled "How to Lose Weight" which advised "Don't eat!" and a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs.

How much are old barbie dolls worth?

In 1975, Mattel Toys sold a "sister doll" for Barbie called "Growing Up Skipper." When her arm was twisted, larger breasts would grow out of Skipper's chest.

The most popular Barbie released was the 1992 Totally Hair doll. The doll had hair from her head to her toes.

In December 2011 a Barbie Doll in her honor was released.

Johnny Depp collects limited edition barbie dolls.

When were barbie dolls invented?

Ruther Handler created the barbie doll naming the doll after her daughter Barbara. She also created the Ken Doll named after her son.

A Barbie doll was created in honor of Gabby Douglas.

In 2003 Mattel introduced a Barbie doll that came with tiny baby, stored inside of a magnetic removal womb.

How tall are barbie dolls?

There are more Barbie dolls sold each year than there are babies born around the world - a total of 24 times more Barbie dolls sold than babies born. There are roughly 4 million babies born each year.

On the 50th anniversary of her passing, the late actress Sharon Tate's fictional character from the film "Don't Make Waves" inspired the Malibu Barbie Doll.

The portrait of Frida Kahlo was on the Mexican 500 peso banknote, the most widely circulated denomination. Her image has been widely used on a range of consumer products and was also the inspiration for a Barbie doll

Barbie is only the doll's nickname. Her real name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, after Ruth Handler's daughter Barbara.

More than 100 people work on every Barbie doll design and character creation before she is released. This includes fashion designers and makeup artists.

The Barbie doll has had over 70 careers, including teacher, rapper, and game developer

Barbie and Ken (the dolls) were named after real-life siblings.

"Fulla" is the name of an 11½ inch Barbie-like fashion doll marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-Eastern countries. Fulla's activities mostly include shopping, spending time with her friends, cooking, reading, and praying

Jack Ryan, the creator of the Barbie doll, was an engineering graduate from Yale who designed missiles for the Pentagon.

In 1967 Barbie® introduced their first non-white doll named "Colored Francie".

In 2010, Mattel introduced "Computer Engineer Barbie" as the 126th career version of its doll. In 2014, Mattel apologized for the accompanying book, "I Can Be a Computer Engineer", after internet complaints that it represented Barbie as incompetent in the field and needing the help of men.

Brie Larson recorded a music video for a Barbie Doll movie

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Barbie Dolls. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Barbie Dolls so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor