Brain Injury facts
While investigating facts about Brain Injury Symptoms and Brain Injury Association, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A brain injury sustained during a mugging turned a man who used to think "math is stupid" into a mathematical savant with a form of synaesthesia that lets him see the world in fractals.
how brain injury concussion?
George Clooney once contemplated suicide while recovering from a head injury sustained from filming a thriller movie, as the pain as so great. He basically bruised his brain and couldn’t take painkillers due to a family history of addiction. He had to use therapy to get through it.
What is acquired brain injury?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is hypoxic brain injury. Here are 50 of the best facts about Brain Injury Recovery and Brain Injury Awareness Month I managed to collect.
what is anoxic brain injury?
Rubbing an injury right after it happens alleviates pain because the spinal chord preferentially forwards pressure signals (to the brain) over pain signals
A study found that nearly half of all homeless men had suffered a "traumatic" brain injury, with 87% having sustained the injury prior to becoming homeless
Solitary confinement can cause neurological damage that is so profound it can be seen on EEG-scans and "the brain may become as impaired as one that has incurred a traumatic injury"
The family of Chris Benoit, the 40 year old wrestler who killed his wife and son before hanging himself in 2007, consider his death a result of brain damage, after tests showed years of wrestling injuries left him with the brain of an 85 year old with an advanced form of dementia
Sean Baker, a Military Policeman at Guantanamo Bay, was ordered to impersonate a prisoner in a secret training mission for US Soldiers to practice extracting uncooperative inmates from their cells. He was beaten so hard he suffered from major seizures caused by traumatic brain injury.
Orlando Serrell suffered a traumatic brain injury when playing baseball as a kid that went untreated due to his families financial situation. However since the day of his accident he's been able to recall every day of his life, including the date, day of the week and the weather.
In 1983 a mentally ill young man who shot himself in the head in a suicide attempt suffered a brain injury that apparently eliminated his phobia of germs and his obsession with washing his hands.
Elvis Presley actually died from an autoimmune disorder caused from multiple traumatic brain injuries
Self-injury works to reduce emotional pain because of a phenomenon called pain offset relief. "This may be because the physical pain relief that follows a self-injury event basically tricks the brain into perceiving relief of emotional pain too!"
Hypothermia is extremely useful in treating brain injuries, and is suspected to be helpful for the heart when applied in a medical environment
Brain Injury data charts
For your convenience take a look at Brain Injury figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why causes brain injury?
You can easily fact check why the brain injury by examining the linked well-known sources.
A recent study indicated 87% of former football players exhibit signs of significant brain injury. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy -CVT- has been linked to suicidal behavior, dementia, and erratic mood swings. Players as young as high-school aged were found to be affected.
The NFL sued over three dozen insurance companies in an attempt to cover the claims that players made against the league for failing to protect players from brain injury - source
Due to the way other parts of the brain processes the info sent to it from our eyes, people who are blind from an injury to the visual cortex are still able to sense emotion in faces or sense obstacles in their way and avoid them despite their visual cortex not recognizing the signals sent. - source
If you hold your nose while sneezing you increase you chances of rupturing your ear drum, breaking a blood vessel in your eye, weaken a blood vessel in your brain, and / or cause injury to your diaphragm
In low, pharmaceutical-grade doses, methamphetamine may actually repair and protect the brain in certain circumstances. Some preliminary research suggests that meth can be neuroprotective against stroke and traumatic brain injury, even stimulating the growth of brain cells. - source
When is brain injury awareness month?
Sometimes a concussion can lead to very serious medical emergencies such as serious brain injury, or even bleeding that can be life threatening. Signs of a serious brain injury include unconsciousness, failure to wake up, convulsions, seizures, slurred speech, an enlarged pupil, decreased coordination, confusion, and worsening headaches.
How is brain protected from injury and shock?
Hemineglect, a neurological disorder resulting from brain injury. Sufferers are completely unaware of things on their neglected side. "They may eat from only one side of a plate, write on one side of a page, or shave one side of their face." They have no idea they’re doing things wrong.
A college dropout aquired genius level abilities after recovering from brain injuries due to a brutal mugging
Males have thick bony plate on top of the head and air pockets inside the head. These morpho-anatomical structures prevent injuries of the head and brain during the fights.
Males will kick and slam each other using their horns. To prevent brain injuries, males have several air "cushions" in the head, which absorb the impact of the kicks.
80% of deceased NFL players tested were found to have traumatic brain injury
Brain injury infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Brain Injury numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.