Net Worth facts
While investigating facts about Net Worth Of Bill Gates and Net Worth Of Jeff Bezos, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bill Gates, since 2007, has given away 48% of his net worth (roughly $28 billion dollars), which has helped save 6 million lives.
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North Korea plays basketball with different rules. Slam Dunks are 3 pts, Three-point “nothing but net” shots are worth 4 pts, and teams lose points when they miss free throws.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is donald trump's net worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Net Worth Of Bernie Sanders and Net Worth Of Donald Trump I managed to collect.
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Manoj Bhargava the creator of 5 Hour energy created the formula in 30 days, has a net worth of 4 billion and plans donate 99 percent of his wealth by creating a series of inventions to help 3rd world countries receive basic functions like water, electricity, and health.
Kylie Jenner isn't really a billionaire. She has a personal net worth of $100 million, and Forbes just controversially added the "estimated worth" of her makeup company, which isn't verifiable due to it being a private company.
Bill Gates' net worth is still 10x as much as Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne's estimated net worth is in the comics..
The richest preacher in the world is David Oyedepo of Nigeria, with a net worth of $150 Million. The 63-year old pastor owns 2 private jets, a $10 million house, and controls churches in 45 African nations.
In 2015, Forbes named entrepreneur/CEO Elizabeth Holmes the youngest self-made female billionaire in the world. Then in 2016, allegations of fraud collapsed her company's valuation, rendering her stock worthless and reducing her net worth to zero.
Bill Gates' net worth is four and a half times as large as North Korea's estimated GDP
The Walton family has given away about 2% of its net worth to charity, Bill Gates is giving away 48% of his net worth, and Warren Buffet 78% of his net worth.
J. Paul Getty, with a net worth of 1.2billion in the 50s, scolded his wife for spending money freely on the treatment of their six-year-old son after he went blind from a brain tumour. When his son died six years later, Getty didn't attend the funeral.
Nicolas Cage lost over $100 Million of his net worth after purchasing 15 homes, including two castles, a private island, four yachts, and a 67 million year old dinosaur skull.
The Poorest man in the world is French ex-Societe Generale trader Jerome Kerviel, who has a net worth of -$6.3 billion
Net Worth data charts
For your convenience take a look at Net Worth figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does net worth mean?
You can easily fact check why tangible net worth by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ulysses Lee Bridgeman, a mediocre NBA player in the 80s, worked at a Wendy's in the off season to learn the business and is now the 2nd largest franchise owner in world with a net worth $400 million
The Average Net Worth of Americans Ages 18-30 is -$17,612 in 2017 - source
Jerry Seinfeld's annual earning from Seinfeld in 2004 was $267 million. Between June 2008 & June 2009, Seinfeld earned $85 million AND as of May 2014, his estimated net worth is $820 million. - source
Though his music career famously sank, Vanilla Ice has kept himself afloat nicely with his home improvment “The Vanilla Ice Project,” with an estimated net worth of $18 million
The average American family's net worth fell by nearly 40% between 2007 and 2010 - source
When to calculate net worth?
Nick Kroll's dad, Jules B. Kroll, has a net worth of $1.5 billion, as the founder of Kroll, Inc. In 1972, Kroll, Inc was the largest risk consulting and corporate investigations firm. It was considered by many insiders to be the inventor of modern corporate investigation.
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The world has a net worth of over $280 Trillion. The US is the wealthiest country ($93.5 Trillion) followed by China ($29 Trillion).
The Creator Of Pokemon, satoshi Tajiri, has a net worth of 5.1 billion dollars. More than Gabe Newell and Oprah Winfrey combined
Pablo Escobar was regarded as the wealthiest criminal in history, with an estimated net-worth of US$30 billion by the early 1990s
Sir James Dyson started his vacuum company in his 40’s when he had three young kids and was in debt by putting up his home as collateral on a loan and now owns 100% of his company and has a personal net worth of over 7 billion dollars!
In order to qualify for the invitation only Amex Black Card, a person must spend at least $250k/yr, make $1.3mil/yr and have a net worth of at least $16mil
Net worth infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Net Worth numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Top #Team trees donations scaled by percent of net worth donated. [not shown: UKRAINE, donation: 50,001 trees]