President Elect facts
While investigating facts about President Election 2020 and President Election, I found out little known, but curios details like:
On October 24, 1975, 90% of Iceland’s female population went on strike, demanding equal rights. They did not work, do housework, or look after their kids for an entire day. In 1980, Iceland elected its first female president, who credits her win to this specific day.
how president elected in india?
Former president of Liberia Charles King holds the Guinness World record for the most fraudulent election ever having won the 1927 election with 234,000 votes in a country of 15,000 voters
What president was elected without winning the popular vote?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens if the president elect dies. Here are 50 of the best facts about President Election In India and President Election Result I managed to collect.
what president elected four times?
President LBJ thought Nixon's back-channel communications to S.Vietnam government were treasonous (Nixon secretly told the S.Vietnamese to stop the Vietnam War peace talks with President LBJ, and wait until Nixon gets elected to get a "better deal".)
Jimmy Carter saw a UFO in 1969. He was so impacted by it that he promised to disclose every piece of information about UFO sightings if he became president. However, after being elected, he distanced himself from disclosure, citing "defense implications".
Richard Nixon is the only person in US history to be elected Vice President twice and President twice.
President Nixon interfered with Vietnamese peace talks in order to get elected.
In old U.S elections, the President could not choose his vice president, instead it was the canditate with the second most vote
When Jimmy Carter got elected President, he got a phone call from Elvis Presley. "He was totally stoned and didn't know what he was saying. His sentences were almost incoherent".
In 1954, the CIA launched a covert operation that overthrew the democratically-elected leader of Guatemala and replaced him with a right-wing authoritarian president, beginning over four decades of civil war and political repression
Jimmy Carter said if he became president, he would release all government UFO information to the public. Once elected however, he decided not to due to "national security concerns"
President Jimmy Carter placed his peanut farm in a blind trust when he was elected president. After his term ended, he found that it had been badly mismanaged and he was $1 million in debt.
A few weeks before Abraham Lincoln was elected president, 11 year old Grace Bedell sent Lincoln a letter encouraging him to grow a beard, writing, "All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husbands to vote for you..." By the time of his inauguration, Lincoln had a full beard.
President Elect data charts
For your convenience take a look at President Elect figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does the electoral college choose the president?
You can easily fact check why does the electoral college elect the president by examining the linked well-known sources.
Former Liberian President, Charles D. B. King, earned himself a spot in the Guinness Book of Records for the most fraudulent election reported in history, having won the 1927 election with 243,000 votes in a country with 15,000 registered voters.
.. In 1954 the CIA deposed a democratically elected Guatemalan president and replaced him with a dictator to save investments in a banana company. - source
On September 11th, 1973, Salvador Allende, the first Marxist to be democratically elected to President of Chile, was overthown in a CIA-backed military coup; a 17 year-long US-backed military junta led by Augusto Pinochet followed, in which thousands of dissidents were persecuted. - source
There were 5 times when a president lost the popular vote but still won the election. All 5 times, Democrats won the popular vote.
Grover Cleveland was the only US president to serve two non-consecutive terms, but he won the popular vote in all three elections in which he ran. - source
When president election in usa?
President Herbert Hoover who resided over the beginning of the Great Depression had never once been elected to a government office before becoming President of the United States.
How president elected?
Ohio has voted for the winning president in over 92% of the elections the state has voted in.
The Speaker of the House during Watergate could have stalled the VP confirmation and impeached Nixon which would have made himself POTUS, but he concluded that, as a Democrat, he had no right to a Presidency that the American people had entrusted by election to a Republican.
Jimmy Carter said if he became president, he would release all government UFO information to the public. Once elected, he decided not to due to "national security concerns"
In 1973 the USA helped overthrow the elected democratic socialist president Allende in Chile and replaced it with a dictatorship
The 1800 election for the US President was an exact tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, so the vote went to the House of Representatives. The House voted 35 times, all of them ties, until Jefferson won on the 36th vote.
President elect infographics
Beautiful visual representation of President Elect numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.