Rotten Tomatoes facts
While investigating facts about Rotten Tomatoes Captain Marvel and Rotten Tomatoes Joker, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Comcast (NBC Universal) owns 70% of Rotten Tomatoes and Warner Bros the remaining 30%
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The Boondock Saints has one of the most discrepant audience (91%) to critic (20%) ratings on rotten tomatoes
What's rotten tomatoes rating?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what we do in the shadows rotten tomatoes. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rotten Tomatoes Rise Of Skywalker and Rotten Tomatoes Endgame I managed to collect.
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The Incredibles (97%) is the best superhero movie of all time according to Rotten Tomatoes.
Alfred Hitchcock directed a remake of one of his own movies, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934 and 1956). Both of which have 89% and 91%, respectively on Rotten Tomatoes.
All movies to gross a Billion Dollars (not adjusted for inflation) the lowest Rotten Tomatoes score is TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION at 15%; the next lowest is 32%
The highest Rotten Tomatoes rating for a movie based on a video game is 44%, for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
The original Spy Kids movie has a 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes
Despite is reputation as one of the worst films ever made, Plan 9 from Outer Space has a 66% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with many critics agreeing that the film is too amusing and unintentionally funny to be considered a bad film.
At 66%, "The Rock" is the highest critical rating a movie by Michael Bay has received on Rotten Tomatoes.
The 2014 movie United Passions, about FIFA and its origins, was considered one of the worst movies of all time by both critics and audiences. It received a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with an average score of 1 out of 100, and only made $918 in the US--on a $29 million dollar budget.
Star Wars Episode 3 'Revenge of the Sith' currently has a higher rating than 'Return of the Jedi' on both Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic
Michael Bay's average Rotten Tomatoes film rating is 38%
Rotten Tomatoes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Rotten Tomatoes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why rotten tomatoes movies?
You can easily fact check 13 reasons why rotten tomatoes by examining the linked well-known sources.
The hit TV show Scrubs has a 50% rating on Rotten Tomatoes because the only rated season is the controversial Season 9.
Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Warner Bros. - source
Mad Max Fury Road is considered to be the 10th best movies on Rotten Tomatoes based off of score and number of reviews - source
Movie 43 (2013) took 10 yrs to start production, has 14 directors, filled with A-lists like Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Kate Winslet, Uma Thurman and 32 others resulting in a 5% rotten tomato and 6 golden raspberry nominations and 3 wins, including worst director, worst picture, worst screenplay.
After "Saving Christmas" was heavily panned by critics, Kirk Cameron responded by telling fans to "storm the gates of Rotten Tomatoes" and rate the movie themselves. The attempt resulted in a severe backlash. Cameron later blamed "haters & atheists" campaigning against him on Reddit. - source
When they see us rotten tomatoes?
Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Warner Bros.
How does rotten tomatoes work?
Rick and Morty has 100% on Rotten Tomato's
The 2002 film ''Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever'' did not get a single positive critic review, out of all the 115 listed on Rotten Tomatoes.
The fourth best-selling album of all time (right behind Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, and beating out titles such as Rumors by Fleetwood Mac and Bad by Michael Jackson) belongs to the soundtrack of The Bodyguard, a film with 32% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Adam Sandler has only been involved in 7 movies as either writer, producer or star that have earned better than 50% on Rotten Tomatoes
Even though Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was panned by fans, it still earned a 78% by critics on Rotten Tomatoes. More than the new Avengers movie.
Rotten tomatoes infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Rotten Tomatoes numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Disney animated films by Rotten Tomatoes rating