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Accidentally Swallowed facts

While investigating facts about Accidentally Swallowed Mouthwash and Accidentally Swallowed Listerine, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1997, a physics student demonstrating the Leidenfrost effect by holding liquid nitrogen in his mouth accidentally swallowed the substance, resulting in near-fatal injuries. This was the first case in medical literature of liquid nitrogen ingestion

how did ireland accidentally legalized drugs?

The 1980 Lake Peigneur disaster: Texaco drillers accidentally created the largest ever man-made vortex, which swallowed an oil rig, several barges, 150ft trees and temporarily induced the largest waterfall in Louisiana, fed by the Gulf of Mexico. No one was killed.

What if i accidentally swallowed mouthwash?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do if accidentally swallowed bleach. Here are 25 of the best facts about Accidentally Swallowed Toothpaste and Accidentally Swallowed Plastic I managed to collect.

what if a whale accidentally swallowed you?

  1. Nintendo has intentionally made the switch game cartridges taste disgusting to stop children (and presumably, pets) from accidentally swallowing them.

  2. The reason Bic pen caps have a hole in the top is to prevent them from completely obstructing someone's airway if accidentally swallowed.

  3. Playwright Tennessee Williams used to apply his eye drops while leaning backwards while he holding the bottle cap in his teeth. One day he accidentally swallowed the cap and this is what killed him.

  4. Cow magnets, magnets farmers feed cows to prevent health problems from metal objects they often accidentally swallow

  5. Jain monks believing in the sanctity of all life always cover their mouths with a white cloth to prevent accidentally swallowing any insects, and carry a broom to gently sweep any ant or beetle from their path

  6. A Scientist Accidentally Swallowed Plutonium While Working On The Manhattan Project

  7. President Mauricio Macri of Argentina almost died at his wedding reception when he accidentally swallowed and choked on a fake moustache he was wearing while impersonating Freddy Mercury

  8. Foul-smelling substance of stink bug also has unpleasant taste. Some species of fish, such as bluegill (that feeds on insects), will immediately spit out stink bug if they accidentally swallow it.

  9. A tribe in China used panda urine to melt needles people accidentally swallowed

  10. The Sichuan tribal people drank panda urine to melt accidentally swallowed needles

accidentally swallowed facts
What to do if accidentally swallowed mouthwash?

What is true about accidentally swallowed?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A man named Marmaduke fought in the battle of Bosworth and died after accidentally swallowing a frog

Nintendo purposely made game cartridges for the Switch taste awful by applying a nontoxic bittering agent on them. This was done to prevent small children from accidentally swallowing the tiny cartridges. - source

Actor Bud Cort, who played Harold, in Harold and Maude, accidentally swallowed Grouch Marx's tooth, mistaking it for a tranquilizer pill, and was told by Elliot Gould he should expect to poop it out in 2 days. Peter Faulk said 3 days, because a dog once ate his glass eye. - source

In 1972 a girl accidentally swallowed a 3p coin and it was unknowingly lodged in her vocal cords for 12 years, until she later coughed it up at work..

Accidentally swallowed chewing gum when pregnant?

The holes on the top of pen caps help prevent you from choking when you accidentally swallow them

How did ireland accidentally legalized?

20 years ago, after one of the worst train accidentals in Norway, injured and stuck people doomed to get swallowed by flames, got anesthetic from medics to avoid dying in pain (link to badly translated article in comment)

A lighthouse keeper accidentally swallowed some molten lead from his burning lighthouse and lived to tell the tale.

Mauricio Macri, the current president of Argentina, impersonated singer Freddie Mercury at his wedding reception in 2010. He accidentally swallowed his fake mustache, but he was saved by the Minister of Health, who performed first aid on him.

Most stone fruit pits contain cyanide after accidentally swallowing a cherry pit.

Mauricio Macri, the current president of Argentina, impersonated singer Freddie Mercury at his wedding reception in 2010. He accidentally swallowed his fake mustache, but he was saved by the Minister of Health, who performed first aid on him.

Accidentally swallowed salt water when gargling?

Pen caps have holes so that air can pass through even if they're accidentally swallowed; thus preventing choking

The hole at the top of a BIC pen lid is intended to help the person who has accidentally swallowed it breathe for a short period of time while it is removed.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Accidentally Swallowed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Accidentally Swallowed so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor