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Cure Hiccups facts

While investigating facts about Cure Hiccups Fast and Cure Hiccups Baby, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The best way to cure intractable hiccups is with a rectal massage

how cure hiccups baby?

The only medically proven cure for hiccups that does not require drugs or surgery is "Digital Rectal Massage"

What can cure hiccups?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best way to cure hiccups. Here are 27 of the best facts about Cure Hiccups Instantly and Cure Hiccups In Newborn I managed to collect.

what is the best cure for hiccups?

  1. You can cure hiccups by having an orgasm

  2. In 1990, a 60 year old man with incurable hiccups, which doctors couldn't cure, was instantly cured with digital rectal massages (putting fingers up his ass). The doctors who cured him later recommended that the procedure be used before any other medical treatments.

  3. In 1999 a man with Intractable hiccups was cured after having sex with his wife

  4. Dill can be used in treatment of digestive problems, lack of appetite and jaundice. It reduces flatulence and can be used as a cure for hiccups. Dill stimulates lactation in breastfeeding women and alleviates colic in babies. It can be also used to calm babies and help them fall asleep during teething.

  5. Thorazine, a drug ordinarily associated with treating schizophrenia, can cure intractable hiccups.

  6. Chronic hiccups can be cured with repeated rectal massage

  7. A 60 year old man developed a permanent hiccups after a medical procedure. It was then cured through a digital rectal massage.

  8. 'digital rectal massage' (using ones fingers to massage the anus) is a tested and successful cure for intractable hiccups.

  9. Rectal massage is the only known cure for hiccups

cure hiccups facts
What helps cure hiccups?

Cure Hiccups data charts

For your convenience take a look at Cure Hiccups figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

cure hiccups fact data chart about Some dude had hiccups last night and tried to present his il
Some dude had hiccups last night and tried to present his illness visually. He found the cure for his hiccups, but not for confusing visualizations. This is my attempt at curing hi

Why does peanut butter cure hiccups?

You can easily fact check why does sugar cure hiccups by examining the linked well-known sources.

Besides all the gimmicky cures for the hiccups -such as: reciting nursery rhymes, drinking water upside down or holding your breath while running- there is one solution that helps 19 out of 20 people squash these annoying contractions: eating a spoonful of granulated sugar.

Eating a spoonful of peanut butter cures the hiccups instantly - source

After conventional treatment methods failed, a 60-year old man had his intractable hiccups cured by receiving a digital rectal massage

A musician, Chris Sands who had been hiccuping for three years finally cured when a doctor removed a tumour on his brain stem - source

How to cure hiccups when drunk?

Digital rectal stimulation can be used as a cure for termination of persistent and intractable hiccups

How do you cure hiccups?

Rectal massages have been reported to cure hiccups.

Hiccups can be cured by squeezing your butt cheeks together or any other rectal stimuli.

Hiccups can be cured by sticking a finger up your ass

An effective cure for intractable hiccups is a "persistant digital rectal massage".

The reason some people get drunken hiccups is because of acid reflux and can be cured accordingly.

How to cure hiccups when fasting?

You can cure hiccups with an anal massage.

Digital rectal massage may cure intractable hiccups.

Cure for Hiccups Take thy finger ends, and stop both thine ears very hard, and the hickop will surcease immediately. Translation: Stick your fingers in your ears and push hard.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cure Hiccups. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cure Hiccups so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor