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Pinkie Finger facts

While investigating facts about Pinky Finger and Pinky Finger Joint Pain, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Bob The Builder was planned to be reshot for Japanese audiences due to all characters possessing four fingers instead of five. Members of the Yakuza, Japan's "most feared mafia" cut off their pinky to show they can be trusted, so Bob and his friends looked more like gangsters than contractors.

how to treat a broken pinky finger?

The "Pinky Promise" originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise, must cut off their pinky finger

What causes pinky finger to go numb?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what your pinky finger says about you. Here are 30 of the best facts about Pinky Finger Fracture and Pinky Finger Ring Meaning I managed to collect.

what pinky finger means?

  1. Tom Hardy has a permanently bent pinky finger on his right hand as a result of him accidentally severing a tendon with a kitchen knife.

  2. The muscle used to extend the pinky finger (which is essential to making Dr. Evil's signature "millions" face) is called the minimi.

  3. Without your pinky finger, you would lose 50% of your hand strength.

  4. Your pinkie finger accounts for about half of your hand strength

  5. If you lost your pinky finger, your hand would lose at least 50% of its strength

  6. Denzel Washington had a “magic finger” that would frequently and easily pop out of place from being injured so many times playing football. In his earlier films, you can see Washington fixing or trying to hide his pinky.

  7. The Japanese ritual of removing ones pinkie finger was designed to weaken the man in battle as the little finger's grip is the tightest on the hilt, thus making him more dependent on the protection of his boss.

  8. The "Pinky Promise" originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise must cut off their pinky finger.

  9. William S. Burroughs once cut off part of his pinkie finger and gave it to a boyfriend he was obsessed with, went a year without changing clothes or taking a bath, and shot his wife in the head.

  10. The thumb and pinky "Shaka sign" is believed to have originated in Hawaii during the early-mid 1900s and was inspired by Hamana Kalili, a security guard who lost his middle three fingers in a sugar cane mill accident, and would wave that hand to indicate "all clear"

pinkie finger facts
What does pinky finger and index finger mean?

Why pinky finger hurts?

You can easily fact check why pinky finger is bent by examining the linked well-known sources.

Denzel Washington's pinky finger is bent sideways due to injuries. Which is why he keeps hand closed in most scenes.

The Yakuza ceremony "Yubitsume" wherein a transgressor severs a part of their finger starts with the pinky finger. The removal of digits starting with the little finger moving up the hand to the index finger progressively weakens a person's "sword" grip. - source

Fingers and toes prune due to a response by the autonomic nervous system, not because of a loss of osmotic pressure. When a nerve in the arm that controls the pinkie and ring finger was numbed, all fingers except those pruned. - source

Engineers wear a ring on their pinky fingers. The ring serves as a reminder to the engineer and others of the engineer's obligation to live by a high standard of professional conduct.

Instead of having surgery to repair a broken pinkie finger, Ronnie Lott decided to have the tip amputated to lessen recovery time and get back on the field. - source

When pinky finger goes numb?

In developing vertebrates, growth factor "Sonic Hedgehog" ensures that the motor neurons in your spinal cord are located properly, that the bones of your vertebral column form correctly, and that your thumb and pinky fingers are on the correct sides of your hands.

How to treat a sprained pinky finger?

A lot of people can't move their pinky finger independent of their ring finger.

The yakuza, or Japanese mafia, cuts off pinky finger tips as punishment because the pinky is responsible for sword grip. Cutting it weakens swordsmanship.

If you had a choice of which finger to loose do not choose the Pinky. It provides about 50% of the grip in your hand. Best is the index finger of the off hand. Toe would probably be your fourth toe the one next to the little toe.

Pinky promise meant that whoever broke the "pinky swear" or did not follow through with the promise lost a finger.

When your pinky finger goes numb?

The finger and toe "pinky" came from a derivation from small person. Nothing to do with the color.

Improper smartphone grip is deforming pinky fingers according to new research from Japan.

Pro Football Hall of Fame defensive back Ronnie Lott chose to have his pinky finger amputated in April 1986 to avoid the long recovery time that would have followed reconstructive surgery so that he could be ready to play by the start of the season

Yubitsume or finger shortening, is the self-amputation of the left pinky finger. Done by members of Japanese Yakuza members, it can test loyalty, be used for punishment, or use as payment for a debt.

The muscle that Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers franchise points his pinky to his mouth with is called the extensor digiti minimi, a muscle which contracts to extend the pinky finger.

How to tell if your pinky finger is broken?

In 2007, a Japanese nationalist severed his own pinkie finger and mailed it to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe because Abe had not visited a controversial shrine dedicated to imperial soldiers

Having a bent pinky finger is called Camptodactyly

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pinkie Finger. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pinkie Finger so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor