Incredible and fun facts to explore

Eye Drops facts

While investigating facts about Eye Drops For Dry Eyes and Eye Drops For Pink Eye, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Scientists in California created eye drops that enable night vision up to 50 meters using a molecule found in deep sea fish

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Belladonna or deadly nightshade was used in eye-drops by women to dilate the pupils of the eyes to make them appear seductive.

What eye drops are best for dry eyes?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what eye drops for conjunctivitis. Here are 32 of the best facts about Eye Drops For Dogs and Eye Drops For Allergies I managed to collect.

what eye drops for pink eye?

  1. Scientists have developed eye drops that correct near/far-sighted vision without the need for surgery.

  2. Ophthalmologists wrote Hitchcock after seeing Psycho to inform him that Marion Crane's eyes were not dilated enough for being dead on the floor of the shower. Per their advice Hitchcock would use belladonna eye drops to more accurately portray dead dilated pupils in his future films.

  3. In 2009 a woman was arrested for killing two mexican midget wrestlers by spiking their drinks with eye drops

  4. Most eye drops are only supposed to be kept for 1 month after being opened (at most 3 months). The preservatives in the solution cannot stop bacteria growth after that point and use can result in infection.

  5. Brown caterpillar resembles bird droppings, while eyespots on green caterpillar look like eyes of a snake. Both morphological features repel predators.

  6. Baseball HOF catcher Wilbert Robinson tried to set a world record by catching a baseball dropped from an airplane flown 525 feet overhead. The pilot dropped a grapefruit instead of a baseball which splattered all over Robinson, causing him to think he lost an eye mistaking the juice for blood.

  7. Deadly nightshade is known as belladonna, which means "beautiful lady" in Italian. Unusual name of the plant originates from old habit of Italian women to use eye drops made of deadly nightshade to dilate pupils and produce seductive gaze.

  8. BioHackers have created an eye drop that gives you temporary night vision

  9. Residents of Irwindale, the city where Sriracha is produced, said that the scent of Sriracha in the air caused coughing fits, headaches, and burning eyes. The city attempted to sue Sriracha, but the lawsuit was later dropped.

  10. In 1962, the CIA considered dropping leaflets offering the Cuban population $5,000 to $100,000 for the assassination of members of the communist government. Oh, and two cents for Fidel Castro, to denigrate him in the eyes of the population. The plan was never carried out.

eye drops facts
What eye drops for dogs?

Why eye drops after cataract surgery?

You can easily fact check why eye drops are good by examining the linked well-known sources.

Poisonous beauty advice for Victorian women included: Lead face paint; Mercury for eye treatments; Belladonna drops (from the deadly nightshade plant) used for the 'dilated pupil is cool' look. Bathing in arsenic springs was highly recommended.

Chemist Rudolph Witthaus poisoned a cat with morphine and administered Belladonna eye-drops in front of a jury to demonstrate what a homicidal physician had done to his wife - source

Playwright Tennessee Williams used to apply his eye drops while leaning backwards while he holding the bottle cap in his teeth. One day he accidentally swallowed the cap and this is what killed him. - source

Lauryn Hill fired her management and dropped out of the public eye in 2000 because she felt too compromised for the sake of the machine and uncomfortable for smiling at someone's face even when she did not like them.

After dropping boxing because he lost vision on his left eye American president Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt went on to become a Brown Belt in Judo - source

Itchy when eye drops?

Your eyes, nose, and throat are connected and that's why you can taste eye drops

How much is lumify eye drops?

Drops of atropine, a drug that blocks acetylcholine receptors in the eye, can stop or slow nearsighted vision

Scientists actually invented eye drops that dissolve cataracts removing the need for surgery.

As an alternative to the "air puff" eye exam test, you can opt for fluorescent eye drops.

American playwright and author Tennessee Williams (A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof) choked to death when he swallowed a cap from a bottle of eye drops he frequently used.

It is now possible to artificially change the color of your eyes by using cosmetic eye drops for a year. Results are not permanent but last for several years.

When to use eye drops?

Cocaine eye drops are a thing and they're available by prescription

If you have a zit, put Visine eye drops on it. The drops immediately shrink the blood vessels around the pimple, thereby getting rid of the redness (just like it does in your eyes).

The dentist should require eye protection at any visit: a woman once lost an eye after her dentist accidentally dropped a needle containing Novocaine.

Generation of Anheuser-Busch men who would be the potential heirs of the Budweiser beer company, are given 5 little drops of Budweiser beer from a little eye dropper into their mouth before having anything else. Their first drink upon been born is bee, not milk.

It's possible to get serum eye drops made from your own blood

How much is systane eye drops?

Eye drops would be just as effective if their hole was half the size. You wouldn't believe how profitable it is for the drug companies to keep it at its current size. Ever wonder why eye drops always roll down your face? It is because bottles dispense more fluid than your eyes can handle.

The ashes of Michael Black, a research meteorologist were dropped into the eye wall of hurricane Michael. He was a pioneer in the use of dropwindsondes - small devices that are dropped from airplanes that record wind speed and air pressure.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Eye Drops. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Eye Drops so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor