Web Pages facts
While investigating facts about Web Pages Not Loading and Web Pages Examples, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A guy made $1,000,000 by selling each pixel on a 1000 x 1000 pixel web page for $1 a pixel. The Million Dollar Homepage was created in 2005 to raise money for his university fees. The inventor went on to create a company today valued at $250m.
how web pages are created?
If you type www.loser.com in the web address bar, it will redirect you to Kanye West's Wikipedia page.
What are dynamic web pages?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is static and dynamic web pages. Here are 42 of the best facts about Web Pages Definition and Web Pages Templates I managed to collect.
what are stored copies of previously viewed web pages?
T-Mobile collects the web pages you visit on your T-Mobile phone, even if you are using WiFi and not their network.
In the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, residents of Sendai received 10-30 seconds and Tokyo 60 seconds warning from Japan's Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system before the major seismic waves hit. Alerts pushed to cellphones, TV broadcasts and web pages around the country.
There is a Web page with a icon for every person on the planet
Google PageRank is named after Larry Page, not web pages
Internet Explorer tells web pages it is accessing that it is "Mozilla" because early web pages did not recognize IE as an authorized browser to give frames to but they did recognize Netscape (Mozilla). It was easier for Microsoft to impersonate Netscape than wait for web masters to catch up.
The current library at Alexandria has a recorded memory of the all the web pages on every website on the Internet since it started in 1996.
The world's first-ever web site was built at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee and put online on 6 August 1991. It provided an explanation of what the World Wide Web was, and how one could use a browser and set up a web server. A copy of that original page is maintained here.
Due to an error by one of the creators of the HTTP specification, every web page request made contains the misspelling 'Referer'
The US Department of Health and Human Services has a web page of suggested "dad jokes" to tell your children
The current library at Alexandria has a copy of all the web pages on every website on the Internet since it started in 1996.
Web Pages data charts
For your convenience take a look at Web Pages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why web pages load slowly?
You can easily fact check why web pages won't load by examining the linked well-known sources.
NOAA has a web page specifically written to address the idea of nuking hurricanes. TLDR; It takes even more energy than a nuke can provide to make a difference.
In a 2006 UConn study of online literacy, 25 seventh graders were shown a hoax web page promoting conservation of the Pacific Northwest tree octopus - all 25 fell for the hoax. - source
The first web page went live on August 6, 1991. - source
The domain name Purple.com has led to nothing but a blank purple web page for the past 21 years. It's the oldest single-serving site in the world.
It is possible to surf the web on a 1986 Mac Plus. The results resemble a mobile browser as data loaded, pages rendered, and links were clickable but it took minutes to load a page - source
When to cite web pages?
The World Wide Web page for the 1990's UFO/mass suicide cult "Heaven's Gate" is still online exactly as it appeared in 1997.
How web pages work?
Web developer at YouTube optimised the video watch page so much that they started getting traffic from countries that wouldn't try otherwise.
Climate change to hotter around me is affected most by the way how we treat the soil (owner made web page with his documentaries and research but it is too recent https://www.floods.sk/en/dokumentarne-filmy-dokumentary-films videos itself are much older)
The 3 bar symbol in the corner of web pages and apps is called The Hamburger Button
1 in 10 Americans thinks HTML --the language of web pages-- is a sexually transmitted disease.
NASA has ulta-high def videos of some of their missions on their web page
Web pages infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Web Pages numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Uipath print issue, I have a uipath project to send prints to pdf from an excel sheet .is a loop that keep take data from excel to fill in user id info and create an info web page