Water Boils facts
While investigating facts about Water Boils At What Temperature and Water Boils At, I found out little known, but curios details like:
People in Medieval times accused of crimes could opt for a "trial by ordeal" where they stick their hands in boiling water, if innocent, God would stop them burning. The priests who administered this would secretly cool the water beforehand if they thought the defendant was innocent
how water boils in vacuum?
Cup Noodles were invented after Momofuku Ando, the inventor of instant ramen, watched as American supermarket executives broke up his ramen to fit into styrofoam coffee cups, added boiling water & then proceeded to eat the ramen with forks.
What eats water boatman?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a water boatman bug. Here are 50 of the best facts about Water Boils At What Degree and Water Boils On Skin I managed to collect.
what do water boatman eat?
A guy who made a chicken sandwich literally from scratch -- he grew a garden, harvested wheat, slaughtered a chicken, travelled to boil ocean water for salt, etc -- it took him 6 months and cost him $1,500. He didn't think it tasted very good.
Most American's don't have electric kettles in their kitchens to boil water.
A guy who made a chicken sandwich literally from scratch -- he grew a garden, harvested wheat, slaughtered a chicken, travelled to boil ocean water for salt, etc -- it took him 6 months and cost him $1,500. He didn't think it tasted very good.
There's a max height that water can be sucked up a straw: 10 meters. At 10 meters, a perfect vacuum is created at the top of the straw, and water will begin boiling spontaneously.
There is a Catholic Saint of Beer. Saint Arnold of Soissons saved the lives of many by urging them to drink beer rather than water that was spreading the plague. Boiling during the brewing process killed the pathogens.
The "boiling frog fable" - the premise that a frog suddenly put into boiling water will jump out, but if put into tepid water which is then slowly brought to a boil, will cook to death - is false: a frog that is gradually heated WILL jump out
The reason you can't find canned broccoli, unlike most other vegetables, is because broccoli disintegrates into a pulp when cooked for periods of time above 200°F, and water boils at 212°F. The canning process cooks food once before and once after its canned. Broccoli would turn to mush.
There is a boardgame called "The Campaign for North Africa," which takes an estimated 60,000 minutes to complete. An example of the extreme details? Italian troops require extra water in order to boil pasta.
Originaly, the Celcius temperture scale went backwards, with 0°C being boiling and 100°C freezing water
Water Boils data charts
For your convenience take a look at Water Boils figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why water boils faster at high altitude?
You can easily fact check why water boils at low temperature at mountain by examining the linked well-known sources.
Flamingos can sleep in ponds that freeze around their legs at night, drink boiling water, and survive conditions that expose them to arsenic and poisonous gases
Armstrong's Limit is the altitude above which no human can survive without pressurization, even if using an oxygen mask. Water in the lungs will boil at body temperature, due to the reduced pressure. - source
Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water. - source
The war game "The Campaign for North Africa" is infamous for absurd it's depth and complexity, where campaigns take and estimated 1500 hours to complete and Italian troops require more water per turn that other troops in order to boil their rationed pasta.
The World Sauna Championships were held annually in Finland from 1999 until 2010. Contestants would start in tempartures above the boiling point of water and whoever could endure the longest would win. The competition folded after a contestant died when he effectively cooked himself inside. - source
When water boils its temperature?
The analogy about frogs not jumping out of water that is slowly raised to boiling stems from a 19th-century experiment demonstrating just that ... but the frog previously had its brain removed.
How water boils at room temperature?
The white powder in easy mac is a starch intended to thicken the water so it doesn't boil over in the microwave
Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701-1744), originally created the temperature scale Celsius with the freezing point of water being 100° and boiling point being 0°. Eventually after Anders Celsius died, scientists changed the scale to the way we know it today.
Water boils at 71°C (160°F) at the top of My Everest.
The U.S. put strict regulations on steam engines because they were dangerous to operate. To get around this law, one company made boilers full of boiling gasoline instead of water.
Since WW2, all British Tanks have been equipped with the means to make tea. This is because British Soldiers used to have to get out of the tank to boil the water, wasting time and endangering the soldiers.