Room Temperature facts
While investigating facts about Room Temperature App and Room Temperature For Baby, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mayonnaise does not need to be refrigerated. Putting mayo in the fridge extends its flavor shelf life but it is safe at room temperature because it is so acidic; food bacteria can't grow in it.
how room temperature meat?
Bread goes stale 6x faster in the fridge than at room temperature
Why is nitrogen a gas at room temperature?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering why is fluorine a gas at room temperature. Here are 50 of the best facts about Room Temperature For Newborn and Room Temperature Now I managed to collect.
why is chlorine a gas at room temperature?
Ketchup barely goes bad. It is good two years past its expiration date. And then it can go a year in the fridge or a few months room temperature.
Ice is a mineral just as much as Quartz is. Ice is a naturally occurring compound with a defined chemical formula and crystal structure, thus making it a legitimate mineral. Its only limitation, in comparison to all other minerals, is that it is not stable at room temperature.
Guests visiting Bill Gates' $63 million home are given a pin to wear that automatically adjusts the temperature, lighting, and music of a room when they enter
Gallium literally melts in your hand. It’s soft, glass-like, silvery, and has a melting point of 29.76 degrees Celsius - which is just above room temperature, so it will pool in your hand like liquid silver.
The Virgin Hotel in Chicago has no check-in desk; it uses a smartphone system in which you scan a QR code and retrieve your room key from a vending machine. The personal comfort assistant app named Lucy can order more pillows, control room temperature, and coordinate messages with hotel staff.
Vice President Johnson had a fake thermostat control in his state room on Air Force Two that was installed in an effort to stop his coming Into the cockpit and messing with the temperature controls.
The universe's coldest known star, WISE 1828+2650; It's at room temperature
Every Nissan GT-R is personally hand-assembled in a dust and temperature controlled clean room by a single technician known as a Takumi. Only five master craftsmen in the world have this unique qualification.
Honeywell thermostats have a function that allows hotels/landlords to misrepresent room temperature up to +/- 3 degrees.
Butter can safely be kept at room temperature, so that it remains spreadable, if stored in a French butter dish that uses water to omit air.
Room Temperature data charts
For your convenience take a look at Room Temperature figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why room temperature eggs for baking?
You can easily fact check why room temperature water is better by examining the linked well-known sources.
Flashovers, where a fire's smoke and heat in one part of a room causes furniture in other parts of the room to emit gases, which at a certain temperature nearly spontaneously ignite. It can cause a room to erupt in flames nearly instantly!
A process called cavitation in which the propeller of a boat creates small, cylindrical 'holes' in the water where the pressure is so low that the water can boil at room temperature, creating bubbles of low pressure and temperature vapor bubbles. - source
Along with mercury, bromine is one of two elements found to be a liquid at room temperature.
Thallium is soft and malleable enough to be cut with an ordinary knife at room temperature.
Some of the alloys of gallium with other metals are liquid at room temperature.
When room temperature is?
While the element bromine has a similar property at room temperature, mercury is the only metal to be a liquid under normal conditions.
How long can breast milk be at room temperature?
Arsenic is solid at room temperature, boils as 1137 degrees Fahrenheit, and melts at 1503 degrees Fahrenheit.
Saturated fats will remain solid at room temperature while unsaturated fats will remain liquid.
Fluorine is gaseous at room temperature, and its pale yellow color can only be viewed when looking down at it through a test tube; from the side, it is colorless.
It is a solid at room temperature.
In the state of Oklahoma, any alcoholic beverage containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight or 4% alcohol by volume can only be sold at room temperature in state-licensed liquor stores. Grocery stores and convenience stores can only sell low-point beer (between 0.5% and 3.2% alcohol by weight).
Room temperature infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Room Temperature numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.