Atmospheric Pressure facts
While investigating facts about Atmospheric Pressure At Sea Level and Atmospheric Pressure Today, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The International Potato Center has successfully grown potatoes in a simulated Mars environment. They grew the plants in a CubeSat which mimicked the Martian air pressure and atmosphere, and used saline desert soils analogous to Martian soils as the growing medium.
how atmospheric pressure is measured?
In Germany there's a festival without bands. There even is stage, but no one is performing. The idea is to enjoy the atmosphere of a festival without the pressure of having to see all the bands you payed for.
What is the partial pressure of nitrogen in air at atmospheric pressure?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure. Here are 50 of the best facts about Atmospheric Pressure In Bar and Atmospheric Pressure Calculator I managed to collect.
what is the height of a water barometer at atmospheric pressure?
A sound produced on Earth sounds very different if produced on Mars. The composition and pressure of the Martian atmosphere distort sounds to a lower pitch, and has samples for you to hear.
Titan's atmosphere is denser than Earth's, with 1.45 times the surface pressure. The atmosphere is so thick and the gravity so low that you could play planes very very easily, and even humans can fly there by attaching 'wings' to their arms and flapping.
After Minnie Cox, the first black female postmaster was pressured out of her post, President Theodore Roosevelt continued to pay her salary and punished the town by rerouting their mail 30 miles away, in the end the atmosphere became so hostile that Mrs. Cox left for her own safety.
Tardigrades are tiny creatures that are capable of removing the majority of their body water, allowing them to survive in extreme conditions; atmospheric pressures of up to 600 times that of the surface of the earth, 300 degrees below zero and even the vacuum and radiation in space.
The fingernails of astronauts usually fall off because the space suit's gloves can't replicate Earth's atmospheric pressure
The Byford Dolphin diving bell accident, where a human error caused a decompression chamber to go from 9 atmospheres of pressure to 1 in less than a second. Out of the 5 dead, one was ripped apart so violently pieces of him were found over 30 feet away.
Ice is predicted to change into a metal at pressures above 4.8 TPa (or ~48 million times the Earth's atmospheric surface pressure). At even more extreme pressures, it could melt into a quantum liquid.
The reason water feels as it feels when it touches the skin is actually a complex electro-chemical reaction. The sensory inputs are a combination of the pH of your body and the water, the temperature of your body and the water, atmospheric pressure, and molecular polarity.
The atmospheric pressure on Mars is beneath the Armstrong limit, at which point water in human lungs would boil
Water can only be sucked up a pipe for 33' vertically before balancing with atmospheric pressure. The same principle is how barometers work, using mercury, which is much heavier and balances at about 3'.
Why atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude?
You can easily fact check why atmospheric pressure decreases with height by examining the linked well-known sources.
The pressure at Mariana Trench is 1000 times that of the sea level's atmospheric pressure.
Blobfish does not have a swim bladder like other fish because it would collapse in the atmosphere of huge pressure and result in bursting of the body.
He also researched and wrote on the constitution of steam at different temperatures, specifically its atmospheric pressure.
The weather on earth is created by pressure systems in the atmosphere. These pressure systems move air, which creates wind. Changes in the air temperature and pressure sets the air in motion.
Because of the low elevation of the Dead Sea the amount of solar radiation is reduced in the region, and when combined with the lower atmospheric pressure, the area has benefits to human health.
When atmospheric pressure is high?
Barometric pressure can be reported in several different measurement units including inHg (inches of mercury - used mostly in the U.S.), mb (millibars - commonly used by meteorologists), Pa (pascals - worldwide SI unit of pressure), and Atm (atmospheres- pressure of air at sea level when temperature is 59 degrees Fahrenheit).
How atmospheric pressure affects humans?
It was there that he used a barometer to see if atmospheric pressure was a good indicator for weather forecasting.
In 2014, a German scientist found a way to create diamonds using peanut butter, they used pressures up to 280,000 times normal atmospheric pressure and extreme heat.
That, to avoid decompression sickness, astronauts "camp out", a procedure which involves sleeping in the airlock at a pressure of 0.7 bar the night before a spacewalk. This purges nitrogen out of the bloodstream, suiting the astronauts for the pure-oxygen atmosphere (0.34 bar) of the spacesuit.
At 50-65km above the surface of Venus, the atmospheric pressure and temperature are nearly identical to that of Earth, making it the most Earth-like area in our Solar System.
Although windstorms on Mars will often reach 60mph, because of the low atmospheric pressure, they actually feel like no more than a gentle breeze.