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Voters Voted facts

While investigating facts about Voters Voted In 2016 and Voters Voted In 2014, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Former president of Liberia Charles King holds the Guinness World record for the most fraudulent election ever having won the 1927 election with 234,000 votes in a country of 15,000 voters

how many labour voters voted leave?

In ancient Athenian democracy leaders where chosen by a form of lottery as it was felt that if voting was used the rich and powerful would have unfair advantages to influence voters.

What percentage of labour voters voted leave?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what percent of eligible voters voted in 2016. Here are 50 of the best facts about What Percentage Of Voters Voted In 2016 and How Many Voters Voted In 2016 I managed to collect.

what percentage of eligible voters voted in 2016?

  1. In the Liberian General Election (1927), there were 15,000 voters but the winner received 243,000 votes. It made it the Guinness Book of Records as the most fraudulent election reported in history.

  2. In 2012, the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters saved $90,000 simply by not giving out "I Voted" stickers on election day

  3. Former Liberian President, Charles D. B. King, earned himself a spot in the Guinness Book of Records for the most fraudulent election reported in history, having won the 1927 election with 243,000 votes in a country with 15,000 registered voters.

  4. On this day in 1964, 3 civil rights activists trying to get to get black voters registered to vote in Mississippi were murdered by the KKK. National outrage over their death helped spur support for the Civil Rights Act.

  5. The Guinness Book of Records recognizes the presidential election of 1927 in Liberia as the most fraudulent election reported in history. Although there were only 15,000 registered voters in Liberia at the time, Charles D. B. King, received 234,000 votes and won.

  6. In 1927 Charles D. B. King won the presidential election in Liberia when he got 234,000 votes against the opponents 9,000. There were 15,000 registered voters in Liberia at the time.

  7. In North Korea, since every political candidate is chosen by the ruling party, there is only one name on a ballot. A voter may cross off the candidate's name to vote against him, but must do so with a red pen next to the ballot box in sight of electoral officials.

  8. When George Washington first ran for the Virginia House of Burgesses, he attributed his defeat to failing to offer enough alcohol to voters. Two years later, he distributed 144 gallons of rum, punch, hard cider & beer - a half gallon per vote. He won the election.

  9. About the "Impossible Literacy Test of 1964" that was given in Louisiana to those who wanted to vote. The test is to be taken in less than 10 minutes, the questions were intentionally vague and obtuse and if you failed, you couldn't vote. It was intentionally used to disenfranchise voters.

  10. In Hong Kong because corporations and other legal entities are considered eligible voters with the right to vote, one man can have the voting power equivalent to over 15,000 people.

voters voted facts
What percentage of registered voters voted in 2016?

Voters Voted data charts

For your convenience take a look at Voters Voted figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

voters voted fact data chart about French Election: How Voters of the Losing Candidates Would V
French Election: How Voters of the Losing Candidates Would Vote in the Second Round

voters voted fact data chart about British Columbia Provincial Election 2017 Advance Voting Tur
British Columbia Provincial Election 2017 Advance Voting Turnout (Proportion of registered voters)

Why labour voters voted conservative?

You can easily fact check why leave voters voted leave by examining the linked well-known sources.

Post-war Germany established a Federal Agency to give rigorously non-partisan information to prospective voters and prevent any moves to re-establish a totalitarian regime. It now runs a highly respected, non-partisan ‘Who should I vote for?’ website.

The term "grandfather clause" comes from the Jim Crow era. Literacy tests, poll taxes, and quizzes were designed to keep blacks from voting. But these standards barred poor whites from voting as well. The solution was to pass laws that allowed descendants of past voters to be "grandfathered in". - source

Interracial marriages were illegal in Alabama until a vote in 2000; but even then 40% of the voters wanted to keep it illegal. - source

When Switzerland added a vote-by-mail option, voter turnout actually decreased in smaller cantons. Sociologists believe that in-person voting created a social pressure in smaller communities to show up at the polls, and this pressure was removed when people could claim that they voted by mail.

That, in 2006, a constitutional amendment came before Florida voters that would require 60% of the vote to amend the state constitution. In a twist of irony, Florida voters approved the amendment, which required all future amendments to get 60% of the vote to pass, with only 57% of the vote. - source

When voter turnout is highest?

In the 1991 elections for the governor of Louisiana, voters had to decide between a corrupt politician, Edwin Edwards, and the grand wizard of the KKK, David Duke, with slogans like Vote for the lizard, not the wizard" and "Vote for the crook. It's important."

How many eligible voters voted in 2016?

In one canton in Switzerland, citizens use their family sword as voter ID and women were only granted the right to vote in 1991.

Seattle was given nearly a billion dollars in the 60s to build a subway system but never did after the voters voted against it.

As a protest, a UK voter drew a large penis on his ballot paper next to a candidate's name. But as the rules simply state "make a mark next to the candidate of your choice" it counted as an official vote.

Liechtenstein was the last country in Europe to grant women the right to vote. In a referendum on the issue on 1 July 1984, 51.3% of voters (all men of course) supported the move. The supporters of female suffrage won by 119 votes

In an election, Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo "received" more votes than the number of voters.

Voters voted infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Voters Voted numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

voters voted fact infographic about While India votes, here is a look at the past 10 elections:

While India votes, here is a look at the past 10 elections: Voters and Turnout

voters voted fact infographic about Baltimore County Executive "Johnny O" won the 2018 primary b

Baltimore County Executive "Johnny O" won the 2018 primary by 9 votes. Sankey Diagram illustrates Baltimore County active registered voter breakdown

When elections are competitive or close voter turnout?

American politicians with beards saw a heavy dip in voters after women received the right to vote.

40% of voters in Alabama voted to uphold a ban of interracial marriage in 2000.

10% of the possible voters in Florida are disenfranchised. They cannot vote because they committed a felony.

The closest election that had over 1 million voters was the Washington gubernatorial election in 2004. The difference was 133 votes out of 2.8 million.

That, in some regions of Switzerland, male citizens may prove that they hold the right to vote by showing their sword in place of showing their voter identification card.

How many labour voters voted remain?

In the 1960's, The Catholic Church in Malta declared that voting for the Labour Party was a mortal sin, and voters were refused absolution, last rites and burial in sacred grounds, and sometimes were refused by employers

Voters in a democracy often are misinformed or uninformed and have no idea what or who they are voting for.

The documentary Hoop Dreams wasn't nominated for Best Documentary because Academy voters voted to turn it off after only 15 minutes. It was Roger Ebert's "Best Film of 1994" for any kind of movie, not just documentaries.

Mahant Bharatdas Darshandas has been voting since 2004 and during every election since then, a special polling booth is set up exclusively for him as he is the only voter from Banej in Gir forest.

Former Liberian President, Charles King, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for the most fraudulent election reported in history, having won the 1927 election with 234,000 votes in a country with 15,000 registered voters.

A small town outside of Fort Worth was named "White Settlement" to explicitly distinguish it from the nearby Native American settlement. In 2005 local voters voted to keep the name.

After US Representative Paul Broun stated that " the sciences of embryology, evolution, and the Big Bang are lies straight from the Pit of Hell", in the 2012 general election, over 5,000 voters in the 10th District voted for Charles Darwin as a write-in candidate.

In the 2002 Iraqi elections Saddam won 100% of the vote, the turnout was also 100% and some voters signed their ballot-papers in their own blood to show their loyalty

Quebec nearly became an independent nation in 1995. In a referendum for national sovereignty, 49.42% of voters voted for independence while 50.58% voted against it

Unlike America's 'winner-takes-all' style of elections, Australia has a group voting ticket system, where voters can rank their votes according to their favorite parties so that smaller parties still get a chance

Teddy Roosevelt ran on a third-party ticket, the Bull Moose Party, in 1912 and won 27.4% of voters. The only time a third-party got enough of the popular vote to finish above third.

Only 36% of eligible voters showed up to vote in the 2014 mid-terms. Many candidates were therefore put into office by <20% of the population. This also means that small, vocal minorities end up being represented... because they actually vote.

The Search Engine Manipulation Effect, one of the largest behavioral effects ever discovered, is the change in consumer preference by manipulating search results. A 2015 study indicated that such manipulations may shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by up to 80% in some demographics

Some countries (and Nevada) have a "None of the Above" option in voting so that voters can show disapproval of all the available candidates

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Voters Voted. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Voters Voted so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor