Year Olds facts
While investigating facts about Jobs For 15 Year Olds and Jobs For 16 Year Olds, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A 13-year-old opened a hot dog stand in front of his home in Minnesota, causing a complaint to the health department. Instead of shutting him down, the inspectors helped him bring his stand up to code and paid the $87 fee for his permit out of their own pockets.
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An 86-year-old wrote an upbeat review for her local paper about a new Olive Garden. She was mercilessly mocked by the Internet. Anthony Bourdain thought she had a valuable POV on small town dining. So he published a book of her reviews.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are jobs for 14 year olds. Here are 50 of the best facts about Toys For 2 Year Olds and Jobs For 13 Year Olds I managed to collect.
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IN 2006, a man in Portland, Oregon hired a hitman to kill his 51-year-old wife. His wife ended up killing the hitman with her bare hands. When Susan Kuhnhausen had her hands on his neck she asked him, "TELL ME WHO SENT YOU HERE AND I WILL CALL YOU A FUCKING AMBULANCE!"
Charles Darwin brought back a 5 year old Tortoise named Harriet from the Galápagos Islands that would be later owned by Steve Irwin. Harriet died in 2006 at the age of 176.
When former slave Jordan Anderson was asked to come back and work for his old master, he replied with a deadpan letter asking for 52 years' back pay as proof of good faith. The letter has been described as a rare example of documented "slave humor" of the period.
Then 13 year-old Danielle Lei, a Girl Scout in San Francisco, was the first Girl Scout to make news by selling cookies outside a marijuana dispensary. She sold 117 boxes in 2 hours.
A 5 year old called 911 after his mother collapsed in her bedroom. The operator hung on the kid saying he was fake calling 911 after 3 hours he called again and another operator said he should not play games and hung up him, Mother of 10 was found dead shortly after.
The Rolex Murder. On July 28, 1996, a man’s body washed up on a trawler in the UK seas. There was no identification on the body except a 25-year-old Rolex Oyster on his wrist. As Rolex maintains such meticulous service records, they were able to ID the victim and ultimately the murderer.
A group of well preserved wooden spears were unearthed at a German coal mine. They are between 380,000 and 400,000 years old, making them at least 75x older than the pyramids of Eygpt. These are the oldest wooden artifacts ever unearthed.
The US Military still uses 8 inch floppy disks on outdated IBM computers to run the nuclear missile systems. It's because they are incredibly hard to hack. The computers are essentially air-gapped and the old IBM computers are reliable. They could run for another 40 years with spare parts.
In 1965, a morbidly obese man didn't eat food for over an entire year. The 27 year old was 456lbs and was put under an experimental fast by doctors. He ingested only multivitamins and potassium tablets for 382 days and defecated once every 40 to 50 days. He ended up losing 275lbs.
President William McKinley (who was assassinated) often wore a trademark good luck charm. It was a red carnation worn on his lapel. While meeting with the public a 12 year old girl asked him for the flower. He gave it to her and moments later was shot.
Year Olds data charts
For your convenience take a look at Year Olds figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why can't 15 year olds work by examining the linked well-known sources.
While in Sharon Springs, Theodore Roosevelt was approached by a 12-year-old girl who asked if he would like to have a badger. Expecting to humor her, he agreed, and the girl came back with a 2-week-old badger. President Roosevelt named him Josiah and he became one of the presidential pets.
Harvard professor Tom Lehrer was asked at the age of 84 by rapper 2 Chainz if he could sample his 60-year old song. Lehrer replied, "I grant you motherfuckers permission to do this. Please give my regards to Mr. Chainz, or may I call him 2?" - source
Some Jewish males celebrate a second Bar Mitzvah at age 83, under the logic that the Torah states a normal lifespan is 70 years, thus an 83-year-old can be considered 13 in a second lifetime. This practice is becoming more common as people live longer, healthier lives - source
Physicist Nikola Tesla once paid an overdue hotel bill with a box containing a working model of his ‘death beam‘, warning employees never to open it because of the danger. They hid the box & when it was discovered years later & opened, found to contain old (harmless) electrial parts.
20,000 year-old fossilized human footprints were discovered in Australia which indicate the man who made them was running at the speed of a modern Olympic sprinter, barefoot, in sand. - source
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The Vietnam Memorial was designed by a 21 year old architecture student for a class project. She got a B+ despite winning the national competition.
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When 18-year-old Lady Gaga was studying at NYU, her classmates made a Facebook group called "Stefani Germanotta, you will never be famous" where they bullied her and called her an "attention-whore". She dropped out after a year to pursue her music career full time.
Nicolas Cage once outbid Leonardo DiCaprio for a 70 million year old dinosaur skull paying $276,000 for it. After later finding out that the skull was stolen he agreed to return it to the Mongolian authorities.
There’s a “dead spot” in the Black Sea where scientists have found ships as old as 1200 years preserved well enough to see chisel marks from original builder.
Ina Koenig, a German kindergarten teacher who jumped down a 75-foot mine shaft when one of her 3-year-old students accidentally fell down it. It was filled with cold water. For more than 2 hours, she kept the child’s head above the deluge, saving his life, until helped arrived.
In 1986, when a five year old boy fell into a gorilla enclosure and lost consciousness, a male gorilla named Jambo stood between the boy and the other gorillas in a protective gesture, he even stroke the boy's back. This incident helped create a positive public perception of gorillas.
Year olds infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Year Olds numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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