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Vertical Horizontal facts

While investigating facts about Vertical Horizontal Integration and Vertical Horizontal Line, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The reason cats and snakes have vertical pupils is because it increases their depth perception while hunting at night while prey animals such as sheep have horizontal pupils so that they may have a panoramic view of their surroundings to watch for predators

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The small logo on the front of the playstation2 could be rotated 90 degrees, in order for the logo to be the right way up in both vertical and horizontal console orientations.

What is horizontal and vertical?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the vertical and horizontal asymptotes for the function f(x)=3x^2/x^2-4. Here are 34 of the best facts about Vertical Horizontal Diagonal and Vertical Horizontal Scaling I managed to collect.

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  1. A German company has developed a maglev elevator that can move horizontally as well as vertically.

  2. The "seam" on a USB is always supposed to point down (horizontal) or to the left (vertical) when plugging in.

  3. Prey animals like goats and sheep have horizontally elongated pupils to have panoramic vision while predators like foxes and domestic cats have vertically elongated pupils to judge distance while stalking prey.

  4. Vane anemometers look like a propeller or windmill and their axis is horizontal as opposed to the cup anemometer whose axis is vertical.

  5. Leopard is an excellent swimmer, agile jumper (it can jump 20 feet horizontally and 10 feet vertically) and fast runner (maximum speed: 36 miles per hour).

  6. The Trans-Canada pipeline was built in a zone with earthquakes, so it was built to be fully articulating, moving up to 20 feet horizontally and 5 feet vertically. When a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck and moved the pipeline 14 feet horizontally and 2.5 feet vertically, the pipeline survived.

  7. Chamois is also very good jumper. It can leap 6.6 feet vertically (off the ground) and 20 feet horizontally (in length).

  8. One of the unique features of the PlayStation 2 was that users could sit it horizontally or vertically depending on their preference.

  9. Except via seed, leafy spurge can propagate via vertical and horizontal parts of the root.

  10. The McCollough Effect, a visual color perception phenomena that can make you partially colorblind for up to 3 months just by staring at alternating pictures of vertical green bars and horizontal red bars

vertical horizontal facts
What are the vertical and horizontal asymptotes for the function f(x)=x^2+x-6/x^3-1?

Why horizontal vs vertical?

You can easily fact check vertical and horizontal illusion why by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Channel Tunnel was bored from both ends towards the middle. When the two bored holes met for the first time, they were only out of alignment by about 30cm horizontally and about 8cm vertically

Upper part of the body is covered with bluish-grey or brown plumage. Neck, throat and belly are light grey or white colored. Dark horizontal lines can be seen on the breast, while black vertical lines cover the throat. Goshawks have reddish-orange eyes with white stripe above them.

Fish have vertical tail fins and marine mammals have horizontal tail fins because all marine mammals have a land-based evolutionary ancestor. They left the ocean and evolved legs, then they went back to the ocean and the legs evolved into horizontal fins.

Kittens raised in an all-vertical or horizontal world were "blind" to lines running the other way when removed from their environment, helping scientists understand the importance of the "critical period" in brain development. - source

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Prey tends to have horizontal iris slits to scan the horizon and be more aware of their surroundings, while predators have vertical iris slits to hone into their targets.

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His observations led him to hypothesize the Principle of Faunal Succession which states that sedimentary rock layers contain fossils and that these fossils succeed each other vertically in a reliable order over wide horizontal distances.

Shrimpfish, also known as Razorfish, are the only species of fish that swim in a horizontal direction, but with their body vertical.

The number 1 started out as a horizontal line instead of vertical

US Navy's research vessel FLIP celebrated its 50th year of service in the Pacific Ocean in 2012, it is a 355ft manned spar buoy designed as a stable research platform which can flip from horizontal to a vertical position by pumping 700t seawater into the submerged end of the platform

The bottom button on some button-up shirts is sewed with a different color thread, and the button hole is horizontal instead of vertical.

When was vertical and horizontal integration?

The original Acura logo that was originally authorized without approval by Soichiro Honda did not contain the small horizontal bar joining the two vertical pillars—thus, it did not form the letter "H". Soichiro Honda ordered the 5,000 badges already produced to be destroyed.

There is an elevator in Genoa, Italy that goes both vertically and horizontally(sort of)

Childish Gambino turned a vertical video to horizontal at Lollapalooza 2014

Contrary to popular belief, horizontal stripes, not vertical stripes, make you look slimmer.

Spaghettification' is a real word, (aka the noodle effect): the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes, like spaghetti, due to tidal forces

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A mansion in 1903 was moved 600 feet horizontally and 160 feet vertically, relocated onto a hillside.

Cougars (AKA mountain lions, pumas, panthers, catamounts, or 30 some other names) can jump from sitting 18ft (5.5m) vertically and 40ft (12.2m) horizontally.

The McCollough effect, a human visual perception where colorless gratings appear colored based on orientation. If someone looks at a red horizontal grating + a green vertical grating for 3mins+, a black+white horizontal grating will look green and a black+white vertical grating will look pink.

The central vertical band on a flag that covers half the length of the flag (instead of the standard third) is known as a 'Canadian pale'. If it is a larger horizontal band, it is known as a 'Spanish fess'.

Su Hui, a fourth century Chinese poet, wrote a poem in the form of a 29 by 29 grid. Each line can be read forwards or back, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. It allows for thousands of different readings.

Mirrors reflect things horizontally, not vertically, because they're being flipped on a Z-axis, not an x or y axis.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vertical Horizontal. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vertical Horizontal so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor