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Rotated 90 facts

While investigating facts about Rotated 90, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The small logo on the front of the playstation2 could be rotated 90 degrees, in order for the logo to be the right way up in both vertical and horizontal console orientations.

Between Oct. 12 and Nov. 14 1930 the eight-story 11,000-ton Indiana Bell building was shifted 52 feet south and rotated 90 degrees.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 12 of the best facts about Rotated 90 I managed to collect.

  1. In 1930 the Indiana Bell Telephone Co. building was moved 52 feet and rotated 90 degrees in less than 30 days while employees worked in the building maintaining phone service.

  2. In people who are right handed, at least 90% of cowlicks have a clockwise rotation while the other 10% go in a counterclockwise direction; lefties or ambidextrous people are more likely to have cowlicks with counterclockwise rotations.

  3. Fruit flies beat their wings 220 times per second. During the flight, fruit flies are able to make sharp turns and rotate their bodies for 90 degrees in just 50 milliseconds.

  4. Hand preference and cowlick rotation might develop from the same genetic mechanism. If you are right handed your cowlick has a 90% chance to run in a clockwise rotation. If you are left handed, your cowlick has a 50% chance to run in a counterclockwise rotation.

  5. Uranus' rotation is 90 degrees compared to its orbit, making it look either like a shooting bullet or rolling ball, and making its seasons completely different than any other planet in our solar system.

  6. The Ribbon Halfbeak rotates its tail 90 degrees around its body's longitudinal axis in order to fly

  7. Wolverines have special type of upper molar tooth, which is rotated for 90 degrees, allowing animal to tear apart the flesh of the prey quickly.

  8. Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain", a readymade art piece in the early 20th century. In concieving the art piece, Duchamp bought a urinal, reoriented and rotated it around by 90 degrees, and scribbled a fake name "R. Mutt" at the bottom left.

  9. The logo on the playstation 2 can be rotated 90 degrees so it fits when the console is stood up!

  10. Cameras used to utilize Flash Cubes. A flashcube was a single-use module with four flashbulbs mounted at 90° from the others in its own reflector. After each exposure, the film advance mechanism also rotated the flashcube 90° to a fresh bulb.

rotated 90 facts
What are the best facts about Rotated 90?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rotated 90. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rotated 90 so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor