East West facts
While investigating facts about East West Bank and East West North South, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A small town in West Virginia asked the Soviet Union and East Germany for help with replacing a bridge after being ignored by the West Virginian goverment. The Soviets sent a journalist to investigate and within one hour the state finally agreed to pay for it.
how to find east west north south directions?
There are languages without the terms “Left, Right, Front, and Behind.” These cultures use “North, South, East, and West” their whole lives no matter if they are in a room or in the woods. The result is a compass brain. They always know how they are oriented.
What is north south east west?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the east west shrine game. Here are 50 of the best facts about East West University and East West Shrine Game I managed to collect.
what's east-west direction?
The famous 'Pony Express' that was vital in sending mail from east to west during the wild 1800's was actually a failed venture that bled money and lasted only a mere 19 months.
The east and west US use different sized sticks of butter
People from different languages arrange pictures of chronological events differently (English speakers from left to right, Hebrew from right to left), and that the Kuuk Thaayorre will arrange them from east to west regardless of the direction they face in the room.
2-digit interstates ending with a 0 go east-west and with 5 go north to south. If it is 3-digits (495) it is an offspring of the original road (95). If the first of the 3-digit is odd, it goes through a city, if it is even it goes around a city.
West Germany fully decriminalised homosexual acts between males only in 1994 after criminal law needed reconciliation with law in East Germany, where it had been decriminalised since 1968
After reuniting East and West Germany, East Germans protested the removal of their Ampelmännchen (little traffic men) resulting in one of the few positive things preserved from East German culture.
There are three power grids in America. One for the West one for the East and one for...Texas.
Instead of Following Hitler's Orders, the German 12th Army Decided to Evacuate as Many Soldiers and Civilians to Surrender to the West Instead of the East in the Closing Days of WW2
That, in 1964, a group of college students used garden spades to tunnel under the Berlin Wall into East Berlin, allowing 57 people to escape to the West. The students moved enough dirt to fill four eighteen-wheeler big rigs; one of them went on to design tunnels professionally.
If an Interstate is an odd number, it runs North and South and even numbered Interstates run East and West.
East West data charts
For your convenience take a look at East West figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why east west bank?
You can easily fact check why east-west direction by examining the linked well-known sources.
North, South, East and West are derived from the Norse mythological dwarves Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Westri, who were said to sustain the earth upon their shoulders
Jetlag from traveling west is associated with depression, while jetlag from traveling east is associated with mania - source
Sticks of butter in the U.S. are shaped and packaged differently based on whether they will be sold east or west of the Rocky Mountains because of historical differences in "butter printers."
All north and east bound flight fly at odd altitudes and south and west bound flight fly at even altitudes - source
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east?
The Berlin Wall was a wall that encircled ALL of West Berlin; it didn't just bisect Berlin. Also, West Berlin was surrounded by East Germany for over 100 miles in all directions
How far is the east from the west?
The east coast of the united states has better average internet connection speed than the west coast
The divide between West Germany and East Germany was so sharply defined it lead to houses and buildings being split down the middle
Cuba gifted East Germany a small island during the Cold War as a symbol of friendship. Many have claimed that the island is now the last official territory of East Germany as it was not mentioned in the Treaty which united East and West Germany in 1990
West and East Berlin used two different kinds of street lights during the Cold War, producing different colours that are still visible from space, almost 30 years after the wall fell.
A tribe in Australia who speaks the Kuuk Thaayorre language, perceives time as passing east to west (following the sun's path) as opposed to left to right (following the way we read). They also speak of direction in cardinal terms (NESW) instead of ego-centric terms (left, right, front, back).
East west infographics
Beautiful visual representation of East West numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The 1949-1990 division of Berlin in East & West Berlin is still visible today in the Tram network