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Blind Visually facts

While investigating facts about Blind Visually Impaired and Blind Visually Impaired Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In South Korea, only visually impaired people can be licensed masseurs, dating back over 100 years to a Japanese colonial rule set up to guarantee the blind a livelihood.

how to teach a blind or visually impaired student?

In South Korea, only visually impaired people can be licensed masseurs, dating back over 100 years to a Japanese colonial law that was set up to guarantee the blind a livelihood.

What is the difference between legally blind and visually impaired?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is blind and visually impaired. Here are 50 of the best facts about Blind & Visually Impaired Characteristics and Blind Visually Impaired Dating I managed to collect.

what is the difference between blind and visually impaired?

  1. A 2015 case of a woman with Dissociative Identity Disorder who had some blind personalities. Even with her eyes open, EEG showed brain activity associated with sight was absent when a blind alter was in control. When a sighted alter assumed control, visual brain activity returned

  2. A pilot bet his co-pilot he could land their passenger jet blind, going against air traffic controls suggestion for a visual approach, the plan crashed resulting in 70 deaths and only 24 survivors.

  3. The person who is blind or visually impaired listens to the flow of traffic, determines when it is safe to cross, and then signals the dog to go forward. However, if a car is coming, the dog is taught to refuse to obey the command.

  4. Some people have "blindsight." They are blind due to damage in the brain's visual cortex, but the eye and optic nerve are fine. They can't consciously see anything but can guess their way through an obstacle course or guess the emotional content of a photo through intuition with decent accuracy.

  5. The braille on all drive-thru atms is for visually impaired people to use when riding as a rear passenger in a vehicle. Braille on atms is federally mandated, and helps maintain financial privacy by allowing blind individuals to bank without having to disclose their pin to a driver.

  6. Blind people may detect and respond to light if it is a kind of skyblue light at 481nm. "There is more to the eye than rods and cones — the discovery of a third photoreceptor is rewriting the visual rulebook."

  7. Dyslexia is not limited to visual reading. Blind dyslexics are also affected when reading braille.

  8. Color-blindness in humans happens when a person has two visual processing cones instead of the usual three. There is a flipside, that there are people who have a condition known as Tetrachromacy, where someone has four cones, potentially allowing them to see more of the visible spectrum.

  9. In March 6, 2010 a blind hiker set on the Appalachian trail with a goal to inspire other visually impaired people. Seven months later, he finished hiking the 1,700 miles using only a cellphone, GPS open-source software, and hearing to locate camps, trailheads, and water sites.

  10. The US Government gives away free talking currency readers to blind and visually impaired people.

blind visually facts
What are the best facts about Blind Visually?

Blind Visually data charts

For your convenience take a look at Blind Visually figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

blind visually fact data chart about Visualization of IMDb scores show the decline of Futurama[Co
Visualization of IMDb scores show the decline of Futurama[Color Blind Friendly]

Why do i have blind spots in my vision?

You can easily fact check why do humans have blind spots by examining the linked well-known sources.

I learned that blind people can experience visual hallucinations when they take psychedelics like LSD.

There is a philosophical concept called the explanatory gap which is used to describe the inability to describe concepts. For instance, it is impossible to describe a color to a blind person and have them accurately understand and visualize that color. - source

Louis Braille, inventor of the system of reading and writing for the visually impaired, braille, created the system using the same tool he blinded himself with as a boy, an awl.

People who acquire blindness still have visual dreams, but people who have been blind since birth have auditory dreams. - source

Blind spots when driving?

There's a permanently visible blind spot in our vision, and our brain just fills it in based on surrounding visual information.

Due to the way other parts of the brain processes the info sent to it from our eyes, people who are blind from an injury to the visual cortex are still able to sense emotion in faces or sense obstacles in their way and avoid them despite their visual cortex not recognizing the signals sent.

Blind people who use echo location can literally see much like sighted people can. We all form images in the visual cortex of our brains to "see." Blind folk form these images from sound; sighted people form them from light.

The little bumps you see on the ground at crosswalks are called tactile paving and are there to assist the blind and visually impaired.

We spend roughly 40 minutes of each day blind due to Saccadic Masking. Your brain pauses visual processing whilst your eyes are in use

"Motion Blindness" or Akinetopsia is a neuropsychological disorder in which a patient cannot perceive motion in their visual field, despite being able to see stationary objects without issue. A person who moves will suddenly be in one place and suddenly appear elsewhere.

When to check blind spots?

Only 4 in 24 radiologists were able to see an image of a gorilla hidden in a brain scan because of a phenomenon called Inattentional Blindness that affects everyone. It means we miss apparently obvious visual clues if we're asked to focus on looking for something else.

Tactile blister or corrugated paving is used at street crossings, train stations etc to warn blind and visually impaired people of different situations in front of them.

Blind people, who have suffered damage to the visual processing region in their brain, can still detect facial expressions. This is because conscious sight and visual perception work independently.

Kenyan Runner Henry Wanyoike was blinded by a stroke in 1995 and 10 years later set the world record for visually impaired athletes with a 2:32:51 London Marathon Time

Visual field of hammerhead sharks is 360 degrees because their eyes are located on the end sides of the wide head. They can see above and below their bodies, but they are almost blind in front of their nose.

Experiments in cats indicate the brain can be blind to visual input it did not experience during development.

In 2009 7 veterans went blind and 87 were at high risk of vision loss after VA optometrists did not follow treatment procedures. An investigation began after a veteran who was in optometry treatment since 2005 had "significant visual loss in one eye as a result of poorly controlled glaucoma"

About about "Charles Bonnet Syndrome", a type of medical disorder, which causes blind people to hallucinate, letting them see vivid colours and visuals.

Blind or visually-impaired contestants on Jeopardy! are accommodated by being provided the category names in Braille and by playing a special tone when it is safe for contestants to buzz in after a clue is read.

In Singapore, there are only eight guide dogs for the visually impaired, despite there being about 60,000 legally blind people in the nation.

Masterpieces Turned into 3D Printed Sculptures for Blind and Visually Impaired People to Enjoy

Louis Braille, inventor of the system of reading and writing for the blind or visually impaired, created the raised-dot system by using an awl, the same kind of implement which had blinded him at the age of three.

Congenitally blind dreamers and those who became blind in infancy do not have visual imagery in their dreams.

The occipital (visual) cortex in the blind can be recruited by sensory substitution training (training to recognise vibrations) and hence can help the blind visualize the world around them through vibrations!

Deadly nightshade is also known as belladonna, "beautiful lady" in Italian, because women in medieval times would use it to dilate their pupils, even though this meant an inability to focus, visual distortions and eventually blindness

Mini horses are used as guide animals for the blind and visually impaired.

Pedestrian crossing boxes have hidden knobs which rotate, to aid blind and visually impaired people when crossing the road.

There is a version of chess for the visually impaired and blind.

Blind people can learn to use echolocation, and it creates activity in their visual cortices.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Blind Visually. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Blind Visually so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor