Twitter Accounts facts
While investigating facts about Twitter Accounts To Follow and Twitter Accounts Blocking You, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A railroad in Britain with a bad public image hired a 15 year-old to run it's twitter account, with great results.
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Porn accounts for 30% of total internet content, and around 10% of all internet use. For perspective, porn sites attract more visitors each month than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter combined.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what twitter accounts follow back. Here are 50 of the best facts about Twitter Accounts With Most Followers and Twitter Accounts That Follow Back I managed to collect.
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Tennessee Aquarium in the United States is home to an electric eel that uses its electrical discharges to post from its own Twitter account when it emits electricity at a high enough threshold.
There is an electric eel in a tennessee aquarium and the aquarium is hooked up to a computer that sends out a tweet from the electric eels twitter account whenever it discharges a high enough amount of electricity.
The parody Twitter account DPRK_News has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek, and Fox News as if speaking for the real North Korean state news agency.
The official Twitter page of North Korea only follows three other accounts, one of which belongs to a random accountant from Texas named Jimmy Duschku. No one knows why.
Donald Glover's twitter account used to be @donglover
Hackers broke into Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter account. They say his password was 'dadada'.
The nation of Sweden’s official “@Sweden” Twitter account is given to a different citizen every week to manage
Pope Francis has never used the internet, despite having nine different twitter accounts and more than 20 million followers
A Japanese twitter user had his account permanently suspended for making a death threat against a mosquito
8000 people follow a twitter account called "Cologne Cathedral" that tweets "DONG" every hour. The amount of "DONGs" shows the time.
Twitter Accounts data charts
For your convenience take a look at Twitter Accounts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Reasons why twitter accounts get suspended?
You can easily fact check why does twitter suspend accounts by examining the linked well-known sources.
A poultry company in Australia uses a live chicken to run its Twitter account
A Japanese user's Twitter account was banned after posting a death threat to a mosquito. - source
The fog that covers San Fransisco has a name, Karl. It has Twitter and Instagram accounts, each with a couple hundred thousand followers. - source
The EU caused a backlash by tweeting that they were the real winners of the Rio Olympics. While the United States had the most medals and China the second most, the EU's twitter account combined the medals of all winning EU nations and claimed themselves the true victor. There was no EU team.
In 2013, a false tweet from a compromised Associated Press Twitter account briefly wiped out $136.5 billion of the S&P 500 index's value - source
When will twitter delete inactive accounts?
A man had his Twitter account suspended in 2017 after making a death threat towards a mosquito.
How twitter accounts are verified?
The official Twitter account of Sweden is given to a random Swedish citizen every week to manage.
The official twitter account of Sweden is given to a random citizen every week to manage because "No one owns the brand of Sweden more than its people".
Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, and Warren Buffet are three of the richest people in the world. They all have Twitter accounts.
The Pope speaks nine languages and has a different Twitter account for each. His Spanish account has the most followers.
The Tennessee Aquarium has an electric eel named Miguel Wattson that posts from its own Twitter account. Its exhibit is wired to a small computer that sends out a prewritten tweet when it discharges enough electricity.
Twitter accounts infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Twitter Accounts numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Top Twitter accounts followed by members of 116th U.S. Congress