Social Network facts
While investigating facts about Social Networking Sites and Social Network Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Okinawa, Japan, a place where the average life expectancy for women is around 90, the oldest in the world, people form a kind of social network called a moai — a group of five friends who offer social, logistic, emotional and even financial support for a lifetime.
how social networks have changed the world?
In 2006, Mark Zuckerberg turned down a $1 billion deal with Yahoo at the age of 22 saying:"I don't know what I could do with the money. I'd just start another social networking site. I kind of like the one I already have."
What social networking sites?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what social networking sites are the most popular. Here are 50 of the best facts about Social Network Analysis and Social Network Definition I managed to collect.
what's social networking?
There is a "troll factory" in Russia where people are paid to spread pro-Russian posts in social networks
The actor, (The Social Network, Now You See Me) Jesse Eisenberg suffers from OCD, separation anxiety, social anxiety and depression.
In 2008, Bebo the popular social network was bought from its creators by AOL for $850 million dollars. It was then run into the ground and after 5 years the site filed for bankruptcy and was sold back to the original creators for $1 million dollars.
Social network Bebo was bought by AOL for US$850 million. 5 years later, the original owners bought it back for US$1 million.
Having rejected the name Twitch for their social network, Jack Dorsey looked in the dictionary for words around it and we came across the word 'twitter' he thought the definition, 'a short burst of inconsequential information', was perfect.
The entire main cast of Zombieland (2009) have been nominated for at least one Oscar: Jesse Eisenberg for the Social Network (2010), Emma Stone for Birdman (2014), Woody Harrelson for The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) and The Messenger (2009), and Abigail Breslin for Little Miss Sunshine (2006).
Officers from Task Force Argos were able to catch the head administrator of the world's biggest paedophile online network by searching social media for his standard greeting on the dark web, as well as photographs of a distinct freckle on his finger.
Photos posted on social networks using your cell phone contain latitude and longitude details called 'exif header data' and used to track you.
NASA's Opportunity Rover has been in operation on Mars since January, 2004...a few weeks before Mark Zuckerberg launched the social networking site Facebook.
Facebook conducted secret psychological experiments on users by tweaking with the content of their news feeds. The 'government-sponsored' study resulted in 'emotional contagion' across the social network.
Social Network data charts
For your convenience take a look at Social Network figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why social networking sites are popular?
You can easily fact check why social networking is good for society by examining the linked well-known sources.
The work that administrative professionals do can include preparing documents, coordinating meetings, maintaining files, planning meetings, planning special events, office supply purchasing, leading projects teams, conducting research, training employees, and managing websites and social networking.
Small towns used to run telephone calls down barbed wire fences. Every phone on the line would ring at once and the system became a 'proto-social network' - source
The government of Singapore established a department called "the Social Development Network" for the express purpose of setting up single citizens on dates with each other to increase Singapore's declining birth rate - source
Mark Zuckerberg was not a fan of the movie The Social Network and claimed that many unimportant details were correct while many important details were incorrect.
Trent Reznor frontman of Nine Inch Nails composed the soundtrack of many David Fincher films including Gone Girl and the Social Network. He also has a computer engineering degree and was integral in the launch of Beats/Apple Music. - source
What is not a concern when using social networks?
Eugene Kaspersky of the antivirus company is a former KGB agent, works closely with Russia's FSB, thinks social networks are dangerously anti-government, and advocates completely locking down the internet and doing away with online anonymity.
How social networking is good or bad?
Study shows that despite mobile technologies and social networking sites making it easy to stay in touch with large numbers of acquaintances, a new study has shown that people still mostly put their efforts into communicating with small numbers of close friends or relatives
Cute girl with the dimples from the 90's Pepsi commercials is actress Hallie Kate Eisenberg. Her older brother is actor Jesse Eisenberg, from Zombieland and The Social Network fame.
A cyber security analyst named Robin Sage befriended nearly 300 military personnel, intelligence agencies staff and defense contractors through social networks despite being a completely fictitious profile with no real life information
Families in urban apartments today generally have far weaker networks of neighbors than their suburban counterparts, a generally more stressful home life, and significantly less social support
Ethiopia once blocked social networking sites in the whole country to prevent exam answers from leaking
Social network infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Social Network numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Social network analysis of the most popular Saturday Night Live Impressions