Social Media facts
While investigating facts about Social Media Marketing and Social Media Apps, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Pornhub displayed a message that said it automatically shared the video you were watching on social media for April Fools
how social media affects mental health?
The Hathaway Effect: When actress Anne Hathaway is trending on social media, Wall Street algorithms buy Berkshire Hathaway stock, causing the price to spike.
What social media is most popular?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what social media marketing. Here are 50 of the best facts about Social Media Icons and Social Media Sites I managed to collect.
what social media is used the most?
A Dutch student once 'faked' a gap year as part of a university project to show how social media is not reflective of real life. Using edited/staged pictures, she created an illusion on Facebook she was travelling around South East Asia for over a month. In reality, she never left her apartment.
Italian author Umberto Eco said that social media "gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community...but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots."
BuzzFeed writer Benny Johnson was found guilty of plagiarizing over 40 different times before he was fired. He was subsequently hired by National Review as a social media editor.
Payless set up a fake luxury store called "Palessi" to prank social media influencers.
Obsessive taking of selfies and posting to social media has been found to be linked to many symptoms common to mental disorders to include narcissism, low self-esteem, loneliness, self-centeredness, and attention-seeking behaviors
Rich kids bragging on social media, such as Instagram, are unwittingly providing incriminating evidence for prosecutors about their parents' fraud schemes. Cybersecurity firms say they have been using social media evidence to nail fraud and assets in up to 75 percent of their cases.
Hannibal Buress found a lookalike on social media, and sent him to the premiere of Spider-man: Homecoming in his place.
Rich kids bragging on social media, such as Instagram, are unwittingly providing incriminating evidence for prosecutors about their parents' fraud schemes. Cybersecurity firms say they have been using social media evidence to nail fraud and assets in up to 75 percent of their cases.
House of Cards" is extremely popular in China, especially among Communist Party leaders, with one fan on social media writing about the show, “I’m just amazed that their propaganda ministry isn’t mad about this”
Social Media Has Overtaken Porn As The #1 Online Activity
Social Media data charts
For your convenience take a look at Social Media figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why social media marketing?
You can easily fact check why social media is down by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2008, a 4chan user made a prank about how Steve Jobs "died of a heart attack", after the prank went around social media, Apple's stock dropped around $5,000,000,000 because of the joke.
About Dana Lewis, who has diabetes built her own artificial pancreas, she used social media, computer skills and mail-ordered parts to invent an artificial pancreas for people with diabetes and she is giving away the plans for free - source
There are companies with fake first class plane, yacht, sports car interiors etc so you can fake an upscale lifestyle for your social media. - source
In the 1950’s the CIA began Operation Mockingbird. The operation was to influence and manipulate the media towards their political and social views. They recruited thousands of American journalists and funded student organizations and magazine fronts to channel their views through.
Police are now using an app that allows them to monitor your "Threat Score," an algorithm that determines through public records and social media how much of a risk you are before any interaction takes place. - source
When social media was invented?
US teenagers aren't into driving as much now and one theory is that social media may be taking the place of motorized transportation as virtual contact, through electronic means, reduces the need for actual contact
How social media is good?
An Ebola outbreak in Atlanta, a toxic explosion in Louisiana and a police shooting were all faked by armies of Russian social media accounts and knockoffs of US news sites posting fake eyewitness stories, screenshots, photos and videos of fake American crises.
After the 2012 earthquake in Italy damaged €110,000,000 worth of Parmigiano cheese, world-renowned chef Massimo Bottura spread the word on social media how to easily make Risotto. As a result, almost all the cheese was utilized and the company didn't have to lay off a single employee.
A study found that people who like randomly generated 'pseudo-inspirational' quotes (quotes that don't mean anything, e.g. “A wet person does not fear the rain”) on social media websites are also more likely to believe in conspiracy theories, alternative medicine and the paranormal.
The British army created a special force of "Facebook warriors," skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age.
In China, a crayfish detached its own claw over a boiling pot of soup in order to escape being cooked. It sacrificed its limb to save its own life. It was later adopted as a pet by a user of the Chinese social media site Weibo.
Social media infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Social Media numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Sentiment analysis of social media comments from viewers of the last three Star Wars movies