Time Dilation facts
While investigating facts about Time Dilation Equation and Time Dilation Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Three physicists flew around the world twice in 1971 with synced atomic clocks to test out the time dilation theory. Upon meeting up, they found that all 3 of the clocks disagreed with each other.
how time dilation works?
If you watched an object slip into a black hole, no matter how long you watched, you would never actually see the object enter it due to time dilation.
What's time dilation?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time dilation means. Here are 50 of the best facts about Time Dilation Formula and Time Dilation Explained I managed to collect.
what happens at time dilation?
The earth's core is 2.5 years younger than the crust. Time dilation.
The earth's center is 2.5 years younger than the outside as a result of gravitational time dilation
Due to time dilation its possible to travel anywhere in the galaxy within a human lifetime. A ship accelerating constantly at 1g (earth gravity) could travel to the center of the milky way and back in 40 years.
Two scientists proved time dilation by each flying around the world carrying a synchronized atomic clock. Upon landing, the clocks were no longer in sync.
The core of the Earth is about 2.5 years younger than the crust. This is due to gravitational time dilation, a consequence of General Relativity
It has been calculated that due to time dilation, the core of the Earth is 2.5 years younger than the crust.
In an effort to demonstrate time dilation, a father and his kids drove three atomic clocks up Mt. Rainier. The measured effect was just over 20 nanoseconds, matching Einstein's theory of relativity.
The Oh My God Particle, an ultra high energy particle (a billion times more energy than the LHC's output) that travels so absurdly fast, time dilation dictates that it would have experienced 16 days of time since the beginning of the universe
Due to time dilation one could travel thousands of light years in a human lifespan without exceeding the speed of light
Time Dilation data charts
For your convenience take a look at Time Dilation figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why time dilation happens?
You can easily fact check why time dilation is wrong by examining the linked well-known sources.
A watch strapped to your ankle will eventually fall behind one strapped to your wrist due to time dilation
Ancient Indians had concepts that revolved around time dilation and the idea that time flows at different rates in different "universes" - source
Due to their high speed and position in orbit, GPS satellites must take into account Einstein's theories of general relativity and special relativity, which together determine that a time dilation of +38 microseconds occurs. This needs to be corrected for in order to maintain GPS accuracy.
Due to time dilation, a spaceship traveling at a constant acceleration of 1g (Earth gravity) would reach the edge of the observable Universe in almost a single human lifetime (100 years). - source
When does time dilation occur?
In a 1904 paper Lorentz wrote a detailed discussion of the phenomenon of time dilation and its effect of the mass of rapidly moving objects.
How time dilation affect aging?
Because astronaut Scott Kelly has spent so much time orbiting the Earth at incredible speeds, time dilation now makes him 5 milliseconds younger than the twin brother he was born 6 minutes before.
Queens song 39, while at first seeming about soldiers going to war, is actually about astronauts on an Interstellar Voyage returning to a far future Earth due to relativistic time-dilation
Not only does Brian May from Queen have a PhD in Astrophysics, but in 1975 he also wrote a folk song about the effects of time dilation in Einsteinian physics.
Due to time-dilation and Einstein's theory of relativity GPS satellites in orbits high above the Earth, where the curvature of spacetime due to the Earth's mass is less than it is at the Earth's surface require the internal clocks to tick at a faster rate than those on the ground.
That, because of time dilation, the surface of the Earth is 2.5 years older than the center