Tiger Woods facts
While investigating facts about Tiger Woods Girlfriend and Tiger Woods Net Worth, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1999 EA had to recall 100,000 copies of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 99 as an EA employee hid an uncensored copy of South Park's Jesus vs Santa episode on the PlayStation disc
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Tiger Woods, despite being worth $500 million dollars, once pulled a "mulligan" by taking back a $5 tip to a waitress after realizing he had tipped her earlier in the day. By the way, he was playing a $10,000 hand of blackjack at the time.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's tiger woods worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tiger Woods Ex Wife and Tiger Woods Wife I managed to collect.
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Tiger Woods does not own the rights to the name Tiger Woods. Nike does.
EA had to do a mass recall of the video game 'Tiger Woods 99', because somebody hid an entire episode of South Park inside it
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '99 was recalled because the entire South Park pilot was used as dummy data on the disc and players discovered they could watch the episode by simply putting the game disc into a PC.
Lumber Liquidators illegally imports wood harvested from Siberian Tiger habitat via China.
When Tiger Woods father passed away, a Green Beret, Tiger became so obsessed with Navy Seals he regularly trained with them at their facilities. His team staged an intervention to avoid him quitting Golf and enlisting.
The Power of Sleep particularly for elite athletes. Roger Federer sleeps 12 hours a day. Usain Bolt 9-10 hrs a day. Le Bron James also sleeps 12 hours. For a long time, while he was struggling with his form, Tiger Woods had a sleep disorder.
In 1999, EA recalled 100k copies of Tiger Woods Pro Tour 99 for PlayStation because somebody snuck the South Park 'Jesus vs Santa' episode into the game's files.
Jesus vs. Santa, the short film that led to the creation of South Park, was included at the end of Tiger Woods '99 for the Playstation
Tiger Woods is only 1/16th African-American and 75% Asian.
Tiger Woods, one of the world's most famous golfers, was only eight years old when he snagged his first ace.
Tiger Woods data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tiger Woods figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The highest-paid sports star in New Zealand was once Steve Williams, Tiger Woods' caddie.
Jennifer Aniston, Tiger Woods and Norwegian Prince and Princess are proud owners of Labradoodle.
Tiger Wood's parents believed he was sent by God to unite humanity. "He is the Chosen One....he will do more than any other man in history to change the course of humanity." - source
Dead Space was built on a modified Tiger Woods PGA Tour engine.
Tiger Woods holds 17 Guinness World Records, behind only Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps for the most of any athlete within one discipline. Truly one of the most dominant athletes ever. - source
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The Tiger woods 99 disc on Playstation had a file that when opened on a pc played the original South Park short Santa vs. Jesus
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Many athletes rely on chiropractors to keep them healthy and performing at their best. Michael Phelps, Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Arnold Schwarzenegger have been known to go to see chiropractors.
Steve Williams, Tiger Woods' Caddie until 2011, once wrestled a $7,000 camera from a fan who clicked a picture of Woods during his backswing and threw it into a pond
Nike had never produced a golf club or golf ball until they signed Tiger Woods in 1995
NBA coach Doc Rivers tried to get ejected from a game so he could watch Tiger Woods play The Masters.
On his birth Tiger Woods was named Eldrick Tont Woods. His father gave him the nickname Tiger as a honor to a fellow soldier whom he met during the Vietnam war.